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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9104 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (1501 - 1600 of 9104)

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#5034 Member search results Core closed no action required 1.7 defect (bug) normal 06/10/2013
#5011 BuddyPress Next - frontend UI Appearance - Template Pack closed duplicate 1.7 enhancement normal 05/27/2013
#5009 Change "Favorite" to "Like" Activity closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 05/27/2013
#5012 bp_nav_menu() function problems Core closed no action required 1.7 defect (bug) normal 05/23/2013
#4956 BP_Group_Extension::display no longer displays page content Groups closed no action required 1.7 defect (bug) normal 05/22/2013
#5010 @grouphandle Groups closed duplicate enhancement normal 05/17/2013
#5000 Groups dashboard: Cannot view certain members past the pagination limit Administration closed duplicate 1.7 defect (bug) normal 05/14/2013
#4976 Discussions in private group forum appear in the activity stream Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 05/05/2013
#4970 Notification settings table markup moved from core into notifications.php Core closed wontfix 1.7 enhancement normal 05/01/2013
#4961 Overriding CSS in plugin doesn't seem to work Core closed no action required enhancement normal 04/30/2013
#4941 Upload and insert images from visual editor Core closed no action required 1.7 enhancement normal 04/22/2013
#4944 Friend requests bug Core closed duplicate 1.7 defect (bug) normal 04/22/2013
#4942 Base profile group visibility settings in BuddyPress Extended Profile closed no action required 1.7 defect (bug) normal 04/18/2013
#197 Error When Deleting Message closed fixed defect (bug) minor 05/29/2024
#1327 Bring back "Add Prebuilt Field" in "Profile Field Setup" Extended Profile closed no action required enhancement major 04/30/2024
#290 Site Wide Activity - Icon Overlapps if on blog-sidebar closed fixed defect (bug) minor 03/22/2024
#330 Pagination in Blogs resulting in 404 closed fixed defect (bug) minor 03/21/2024
#4369 Buddy Press Functions returning blank Core closed no action required 1.5.6 defect (bug) normal 03/20/2024
#4317 image space in default css Core closed worksforme 1.5.6 enhancement low 03/20/2024
#4283 Pagination broken in plugin search Sites closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 03/20/2024
#668 Group activity function for BP_Activity_Activity class closed fixed 1.0 enhancement minor 07/28/2022
#1216 RTL css files of defaulth theme Core closed no action required enhancement major 07/04/2022
#292 "reject" button has muxed CSS closed fixed defect (bug) minor 07/04/2022
#240 bp_sitewide_activity_feed_link function must be checked in theme file closed fixed defect (bug) critical 07/04/2022
#173 Namespace issues with filter naming convention closed no action required 1.0 defect (bug) major 07/04/2022
#140 not configured with www prefix closed worksforme defect (bug) major 07/04/2022
#3962 Address field type for extended profile Extended Profile closed wontfix 1.2 enhancement normal 11/02/2021
#3775 Provide fill-in-the-blank options for xprofile checkboxes and radio buttons Extended Profile closed maybelater enhancement normal 11/02/2021
#4153 wp-login "No input file specified" Sites closed fixed defect (bug) normal 06/07/2021
#2199 All Pages Redirect to Root Activity closed no action required defect (bug) major 06/07/2021
#637 bp_get_optionsbar & bp_get_userbar swapped templates closed fixed defect (bug) major 06/03/2021
#639 admin bar error closed fixed defect (bug) major 06/03/2021
#640 group issue closed fixed defect (bug) major 06/03/2021
#3693 BuddyPress Extended Profiles Don't Show Up in Registration.... Core closed no action required 1.2.9 defect (bug) normal 06/03/2021
#2327 Making AJAX Applications Crawlable on BuddyPress Core closed wontfix enhancement major 06/03/2021
#1433 Creating groups results in 404 error Core closed no action required 1.2.6 defect (bug) major 06/03/2021
#4126 Allow admin to select fields to display in user "excerps" on Groups' user list page Templates closed wontfix 1.5.4 enhancement normal 06/03/2021
#3903 js for showing #whats-new-options on textarea focus has wrong value Templates closed wontfix 1.5.2 defect (bug) normal 06/03/2021
#5655 Translation Problem I18N closed no action required defect (bug) normal 06/03/2021
#1426 BP_ENABLE_ROOT_PROFILES conflicts with multisite subdirectory slugs Core closed wontfix defect (bug) major 06/03/2021
#3797 Refactor database methods to accept array-style arguments Core closed maybelater enhancement normal 07/27/2020
#4787 Defining BP_XPROFILE_SLUG throws page not found Core closed wontfix 1.7 defect (bug) normal 01/10/2020
#861 æøå in forum activity streams closed worksforme defect (bug) major 04/23/2019
#4130 Grab component page title from the WordPress page title. Core closed no action required 1.5.4 enhancement normal 05/16/2018
#579 Add conditional profile field support Core closed maybelater enhancement major 02/08/2018
#582 Relationship Mapping Activity closed maybelater enhancement major 02/08/2018
#1826 Admin: General Settings: Options to change per_page settings Administration closed maybelater enhancement minor 02/08/2018
#2036 Making your user- and display name the same unique identifier? Core closed maybelater enhancement major 02/08/2018
#2062 Group Invites should show all members when friends is disabled Groups closed maybelater enhancement major 02/08/2018
#2225 Expand Name field to a first and last name field Extended Profile closed maybelater enhancement major 02/08/2018
#2227 Private Messaging off = no notices to all users in sidebar Toolbar & Notifications closed maybelater enhancement minor 02/08/2018
#2372 @mention in wordpress post comment Blogs closed maybelater 1.5 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#2432 display multiple messages / notices via bp_core_render_message Toolbar & Notifications closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#2579 Activity permalink router Activity closed maybelater 1.2 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#2673 Plugins Management for Groups Groups closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#2755 Uninstall button and routine Core closed maybelater enhancement major 02/08/2018
#2786 Set activity to trashed rather than deleting it from the database Activity closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#3276 More ways of sorting activities Activity closed maybelater 1.2 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#3330 Improving the error messages UI Core closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#3407 Limit the length of display names Core closed maybelater 1.2 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#3443 A proper way to disable activation e-mails for new sign up? Emails closed maybelater 1.5 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#3590 Who's online widget quick to show me not online. Members closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#3715 [Read more] doesn't appear for long group forum activity posts unlike regular activity updates Activity closed maybelater 1.5 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#3729 Members Extension API Members closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#3819 Create An Activity Lookup Table (better to call it a reference table) Core closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#3912 Messages trash Messages closed maybelater enhancement low 02/08/2018
#3958 Allow return of WP_Error object from bp_core_avatar_handle_crop for better error messages Core closed maybelater 1.5.3 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4018 @mentions (slow query) Activity closed maybelater 1.5.3 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4039 Blog comments link to a user's activity via the same email address, regardless of it being them or not Core closed maybelater 1.5.4 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4041 Use SELECT FOUND_ROWS() for 'total' queries instead of a second query Performance closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4076 Use transients for expensive activity queries Activity closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4132 Account activation revamp Core closed maybelater 1.5 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4140 URI page router Core closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4142 Add xprofile fields in bp_get_users Members closed maybelater 1.5.4 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4200 Better spam-prevention admin settings (password strength, username blacklists, content filters) Core closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4209 bp_get_displayed_user_nav() should have exclusion argument. (code included) Toolbar & Notifications closed maybelater 1.5.5 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4223 Multiple different registration fields Extended Profile closed maybelater 1.5.5 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4237 Adding avatar file names to db Core closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4240 Make "get pagination" filters more conventionalized Core closed maybelater 1.5.5 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4246 Delete a user's data Core closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4276 Delete profile field meta when field is deleted Core closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4278 Feature request - profile fields on registration form Core closed maybelater 1.2 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4303 Updates to Blog posts are not reflected in the Activity Feed Activity closed maybelater 1.6 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4333 Allow User avatar functions to pass through arguments to bp_core_fetch_avatar Core closed maybelater 1.6 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4361 Hardcoded Paragraph Tags Causing Limitation Extended Profile closed maybelater 1.5.6 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4450 Add option to Group Settings to enable/disable Activity Stream support Activity closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4451 Show custom profile fields in WP Users screen Extended Profile closed maybelater 1.0 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4469 Mark as Spammer Members closed maybelater 1.6 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4539 Member photo galleries Members closed maybelater 1.6 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4609 Group count database query needs optimization Groups closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4678 Avatar and thumbnail sizes Templates closed maybelater 1.0 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4728 Visibility API refactoring/restructuring Core closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4742 Widgets filters: make tab links work with no-js Templates closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4767 Does 1.7 make plugins.php defunct? Core closed maybelater 1.7 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4774 Autocomplete for Messages 'Send to' searches all xprofile fields Messages closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4780 Editing activities by user or admin Activity closed maybelater 1.6.1 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4791 Previous activity for private groups not hidden from public stream Groups closed maybelater 1.7 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4813 Serialize Notification Settings Settings closed maybelater enhancement low 02/08/2018
#4819 Save Settings in Components tab on subsite on multisite redirect to main site Core closed maybelater 1.7 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4837 Leaving out the default_subnav_slug param in bp_core_new_nav_item() breaks the new tab display Core closed maybelater 1.7 enhancement low 02/08/2018
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.