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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9107 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (4201 - 4300 of 9107)

1.2.8 (14 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#3338 Major Login Bug & date selector broken Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#3287 Activity Post/Reply To Not Working Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#3284 Sorry no members were found Friends closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#3223 Ability to create a specific acivity form during a group establishment Groups closed no action required enhancement normal 09/14/2011
#3218 patch for removing a few call-time pass-by-reference warnings Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#3198 Menu bar dropdown menu lacks fluidity Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal momotombopuro@… 09/14/2011
#3151 Bug Install BuddyPress Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#3130 error appears to occur, but doesn't Activity closed no action required defect (bug) normal darksminky 09/14/2011
#3128 Fatal error: Buddypress 1.2.8 and WP 3.1 Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#3102 BuddyPress Forum Topic color overlay problem Forums closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#3101 Spammed blog removes all blog entries and spams user. Unspamming doesn't reverse table row deletes. Blogs closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#3082 Warning: Cannot modify header information... bp-core-cssjs.php:39 Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#3017 Network Admin panel for 3.1 on 1.2 branch Core closed fixed defect (bug) blocker 01/20/2011
#3016 Support WP 3.1 adminbar on 1.2 branch Core closed fixed defect (bug) blocker 01/20/2011

1.2.9 (15 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#3321 BP admin bar display problem Toolbar & Notifications closed no action required defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#2958 wp 3.03 login redirect Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#2948 Change profile pictures on Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#1245 I18n issues: language setting should follow user, not blog Core closed wontfix enhancement minor johnjamesjacoby 09/14/2011
#3405 bp_core_fetch_avatar() not getting most recently uploaded avatar Core closed wontfix enhancement normal 09/14/2011
#3052 function bp_adminbar_account_menu file bp-core-adminbar.php Core closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#3080 primary_link varchar to short in bp_activity table Core closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#3089 broken RSS feed Activity closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#3006 Missing "Create Group" Button Groups closed worksforme defect (bug) normal melanies.reed@… 09/14/2011
#3193 theme install failed Appearance - Template Pack closed no action required defect (bug) normal Jason Essex 09/14/2011
#3504 BuddyPress register not working Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#3323 delete_usermeta Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#3320 r3420 comments out the "edit_comment" action Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal 09/14/2011
#3295 Backport [4403] to 1.2 branch Core closed fixed 1.2.8 enhancement normal 06/21/2011
#3293 Forums use wpdb::wpdb() constructor, which has been dropped in WP 3.2 Forums closed fixed 1.2.8 defect (bug) blocker 06/20/2011

1.5 (71 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#2735 Properly append group id to cache in BP_Groups_Template::the_group() Groups closed fixed 1.2.6 defect (bug) normal 02/17/2025
#2734 groups_update_last_activity() add_action typo Groups closed fixed 1.2.6 defect (bug) normal 02/15/2025
#2665 Error in Wordpress 3.01 Core closed worksforme defect (bug) normal 07/08/2024
#2739 Add template_notices to theme files Templates closed wontfix enhancement normal travel-junkie 06/07/2024
#3355 Remove unused template tag - bp_log_out_link() Core closed fixed 1.2 enhancement normal 12/15/2023
#2112 i18ning post date in message-loop.php Core closed duplicate defect (bug) minor 12/15/2023
#3333 Vertical alignment Core closed no action required defect (bug) normal 12/15/2023
#3044 bp-xprofile Add Hook before saving xprofile field data Extended Profile closed fixed enhancement lowest 02/10/2022
#1532 Editing username in DB breaks profile pages. Core closed wontfix defect (bug) minor 06/03/2021
#3316 What's new textarea & FireFox resize implementation Templates closed fixed defect (bug) normal 06/03/2021
#3389 Enqueueing CSS of bp-default breaks child theme layouts Templates closed fixed defect (bug) normal 06/03/2021
#2467 View / Permalink on Activity when no comment or thread ? Activity closed duplicate enhancement minor 01/07/2020
#1721 Filter Hooks needed for plugins to custom filter activity streams Activity closed fixed enhancement normal mrmaz 09/30/2016
#1419 Activity commenting: Forum post and blog comment activity permalinks Core closed fixed enhancement normal 09/12/2016
#1479 Universal Component Class Concept Core closed fixed 1.5 enhancement minor johnjamesjacoby 06/18/2016
#2216 bp-default needs to be a better parent Templates closed no action required enhancement major ptahdunbar 06/18/2016
#2345 PHP documentation needed through-out BP Core closed fixed enhancement minor cnorris23 06/18/2016
#2490 make default buddypress theme work for a users blog Core closed fixed enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#2519 can't add image to my buddypress blog. Core closed no action required enhancement major 06/18/2016
#2716 Arabic translation ready! Core closed no action required 1.2.6 enhancement normal letsfx 06/18/2016
#3314 Global constant reduction initiative Core closed fixed enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#3367 1.5 beta code clean-up master ticket Core closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#3347 Missing padding Core closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#3349 Post Update spinner Core closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#3360 "Post update" button disabled status doesn't show Core closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal DJPaul 06/18/2016
#3382 Comments and Favorites on Arbitrary Activities. Core closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#3580 BuddyPress 1.5 Upgrade "Repair" message has conflicting (or potentially confusing) terms Core closed fixed 1.5 enhancement trivial 06/18/2016
#3294 WP Admin Bar - Master Ticket Toolbar & Notifications closed fixed defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#3302 Several buddybar admin links don't do anything Toolbar & Notifications closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) critical 06/18/2016
#3493 buddybar.css loads for logged out user despite admin choice Toolbar & Notifications closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#3551 Don't load buddybar css if all admin bars are enabled Toolbar & Notifications closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#3560 "Hide admin bar for logged out users" not working using define('BP_USE_WP_ADMIN_BAR', true); Toolbar & Notifications closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) minor 06/18/2016
#1557 Comment field - click away to close textfield needed Templates closed wontfix enhancement minor 06/18/2016
#1684 wording at my own profile-page Templates closed wontfix enhancement minor 06/18/2016
#2000 Duplicate cookie of bp-activity-oldest-page leads to duplicate posts in activity stream Templates closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) major kunalb 06/18/2016
#2016 activity comment markup & ajax loading Templates closed fixed defect (bug) normal DJPaul 06/18/2016
#2029 WP gallery page is broken in BP 1.2 Templates closed fixed defect (bug) minor 06/18/2016
#2045 Cannot disable meta for an activity item Templates closed fixed enhancement minor 06/18/2016
#2096 Admin bar overlap with default theme Templates closed fixed defect (bug) major 06/18/2016
#2201 Domain Forward with Masking makes incorrect header & title Templates closed fixed defect (bug) major 06/18/2016
#2320 Plugins.php missing a div Templates closed worksforme defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#2347 Mini activity comment gap between post box Templates closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) trivial sushkov 06/18/2016
#2427 Plugin: expanding bp_nav_items for WP 3.0 Templates closed no action required enhancement major 06/18/2016
#2547 Saving any setting in "Super Admin > Blogs > Edit" breaks activity as frontpage Templates closed duplicate defect (bug) minor 06/18/2016
#2553 Group Creation - Blank Page at Step 3 Templates closed worksforme defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#2562 Missing StyleSheet when Uploading to HostMonster WordPress Install Templates closed no action required defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#2601 Add DateStamp to BuddyPress Default-Theme Blog Postings Templates closed fixed enhancement minor 06/18/2016
#2643 [patch] Modify theme to use get_sidebar() and get_search_form() Templates closed fixed enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#2648 BuddyPress disables the "swing" easing in JQuery animations Templates closed fixed defect (bug) normal DJPaul 06/18/2016
#2653 In bp-default, header link should use home_url not blog_url Templates closed fixed defect (bug) normal DJPaul 06/18/2016
#2691 Default Theme - menu support Templates closed fixed enhancement normal DJPaul 06/18/2016
#2729 change WP page/post comment styling to match activity stream Templates closed duplicate enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#2737 Default theme default.css clean up and tidy Templates closed fixed enhancement normal DJPaul 06/18/2016
#2740 Add add_action(template_notices) to BP-default WP files Templates closed duplicate 1.5 enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#2741 Remove avatar upload before account activation Templates closed fixed 1.2.6 enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#2748 Add .bypostauthor class CSS Templates closed fixed enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#2749 Add custom background function to theme Templates closed fixed enhancement normal DJPaul 06/18/2016
#2751 Add function around widgets in functions.php Templates closed fixed enhancement normal DJPaul 06/18/2016
#2752 Add id and description to default widget block Templates closed fixed enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#2753 Suggested CSS styles to add to default theme: del, big, ins, sup, sub, sticky and gallery-caption Templates closed fixed enhancement normal DJPaul 06/18/2016
#2754 Add post_thumbnails function Templates closed fixed enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#2763 get_xxx() replacement Templates closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#2954 "Home" link in bp_dtheme_main_nav() needs to be changed to home_url() Templates closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#2956 Use get_template_part instead of locate_template in BP Default Templates closed duplicate enhancement normal sorich87 06/18/2016
#2971 Default theme custom background doesn't fully display Templates closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#2972 BP-Default custom header graphic should be 125px tall Templates closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#2974 Respect BP_DTHEME_DISABLE_CUSTOM_HEADER in BP 1.3 Templates closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#2975 Clean up bp-default header.php Templates closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#2978 comments.php is not using comment_form() Templates closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal DJPaul 06/18/2016
#2979 footer on activity permalink page has extra margin Templates closed fixed defect (bug) minor 06/18/2016
#2982 single.php has wrong function and format to show next and/or previous post link. Templates closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal DJPaul 06/18/2016
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.