{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9104 matches)
A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.
Results (5401 - 5500 of 9104)
1.6 (100 matches)
Ticket | Summary | Component | Status | Resolution | Version | Type | Priority | Owner | Modified |
#4392 | email Profile fields not formatting correctly | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5.7 | defect (bug) | normal | zkwc | 08/05/2012 |
#4258 | Straighten out group forum (bbPress 1.x) integration | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | highest | 06/18/2012 | ||
#4212 | bp_get_button() does not allow a core component button (regression) | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/17/2012 | |
#4263 | Maybe update bp_core_set_uri_globals() for AJAX detection | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 06/15/2012 | ||
#4081 | Failed activity pages due to bad logic in bp_is_current_component | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5.4 | defect (bug) | normal | 06/14/2012 | |
#4098 | WP 3.4 deprecated theme functions | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 06/14/2012 | ||
#4243 | BP_AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH is not set in BP 1.5+ | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 06/08/2012 | ||
#4218 | Disabling activation email with bp_core_signup_send_activation_key breaks the signup | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 06/02/2012 | ||
#4228 | Allow filtering Global tables for the component | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5.5 | enhancement | normal | 06/01/2012 | |
#4227 | Malformed messages metadata when a recipient has been deleted | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 05/31/2012 | ||
#4224 | Basic Profile visibility - markup enhancements | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5.5 | enhancement | normal | 05/31/2012 | |
#3652 | bp_core_new_nav_default() doesn't really work | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | boonebgorges | 05/16/2012 | |
#4199 | Improve the logic of bp_core_login_redirect() | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 05/14/2012 | ||
#4182 | Duplicate group invitations cannot be cleared | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 05/03/2012 | ||
#2599 | bp_core_add_ajax_url_js() generating wrong ajaxurl value | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 04/21/2012 | ||
#3985 | Race condition processing Ajax requests. | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5.3 | defect (bug) | normal | DJPaul | 04/21/2012 |
#4139 | bp_core_get_root_options() overwriting blog options on certain setups | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 04/20/2012 | ||
#4084 | Canonical profile redirect does not allow pretty pagination of default subnav | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | boonebgorges | 04/14/2012 | |
#4141 | Wrapper Function for getting the currently displayed page url. | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | boonebgorges | 04/13/2012 | |
#4086 | Friends, Groups & Co are handled as 404 & nothing gets indexed by search engines | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 04/09/2012 | ||
#4103 | Typo in bp-loader.php | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | lowest | 04/06/2012 | ||
#4110 | Avatar URLs always use http (ignore https) | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | DJPaul | 04/01/2012 | |
#4087 | rel="canonical" is incorrect | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | DJPaul | 03/31/2012 | |
#1741 | Resolve redundant URLs for SEO reasons | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | major | boonebgorges | 03/29/2012 | |
#3695 | Basic profile privacy | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | cnorris23 | 03/17/2012 | |
#4065 | Remove last remaining PHP 4 constructors | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 03/16/2012 | ||
#4066 | Recently Active Members Sidebar Widget Bug | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5.4 | defect (bug) | normal | 03/11/2012 | |
#3679 | Multiple loops and pagination variable collision | Core | closed | fixed | 1.2 | enhancement | normal | 03/06/2012 | |
#4063 | Checking and unchecking add extended profiles causes Profile data bug | Core | closed | duplicate | defect (bug) | normal | 03/06/2012 | ||
#4043 | Border below moderators list when managing members | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 03/04/2012 | ||
#4031 | Hook canonical redirects to template_redirect | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | boonebgorges | 02/29/2012 | |
#2589 | Set Gravatar Rating for User Avatars | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 02/26/2012 | ||
#1307 | Add support for "current_theme_supports" | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | minor | 02/26/2012 | ||
#4032 | bp_get_signup_slug broken in multisite configurations | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 02/21/2012 | ||
#4029 | Template screens and actions are hooked to 'wp' instead of 'template_redirect' | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | highest | johnjamesjacoby | 02/21/2012 | |
#3712 | Fatal Error: function bp_get_settings_slug undefined | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 02/17/2012 | |
#4013 | Replace get/update_user_meta() with BP's own versions | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 02/16/2012 | |
#3992 | Get WP's bumpbot for compressing js/css and incrementing version numbers | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | nacin | 02/14/2012 | |
#4009 | PHP notice when activity set as static front page | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 02/13/2012 | ||
#3950 | 404 Error Logout | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 02/13/2012 | ||
#3976 | function bp_core_no_access redirects incorrectly when WP_SITEURL is defined | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5.3 | defect (bug) | normal | 02/13/2012 | |
#3977 | "Delete Avatar" link should not show up if user did not upload an avatar | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | enhancement | normal | 02/13/2012 | |
#3738 | Plugin dependency and core API usage | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | johnjamesjacoby | 02/13/2012 |
#3967 | php warning when activating BP 1.6/trunk | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 02/13/2012 | ||
#4003 | Update admin icons | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | johnjamesjacoby | 02/12/2012 | |
#3982 | Remove Network: true from loader | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5.3 | enhancement | normal | johnjamesjacoby | 02/06/2012 |
#3973 | trailing slash missing bp_group_creation_form_action | Core | closed | duplicate | 1.5.3 | defect (bug) | normal | 01/31/2012 | |
#3841 | BuddyPress wipes out Wordpress cache | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5.1 | defect (bug) | normal | 01/27/2012 | |
#3682 | fatal error on clean install | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | major | 01/27/2012 | ||
#3865 | WSOD after upgrading to BP 1.6-bleeding | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | major | 01/27/2012 | ||
#3802 | php notices during installation wizard | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | major | 01/27/2012 | ||
#3922 | Add filter to bp-core-avatars -> bp_core_fetch_avatar for $class | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5.3 | enhancement | normal | 01/27/2012 | |
#3931 | Error Installing Buddypress Media Component By Kaltura | Core | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 01/17/2012 | ||
#3915 | Cannot delete a member | Core | closed | no action required | 1.5.2 | defect (bug) | normal | 01/16/2012 | |
#3919 | User Group page not associating properly | Core | closed | no action required | 1.5.3 | defect (bug) | normal | 01/16/2012 | |
#3920 | Users can't change password | Core | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 01/16/2012 | ||
#3905 | BP not fully uninstalled after following the codex instructions | Core | closed | duplicate | enhancement | normal | 01/07/2012 | ||
#3763 | Bad login redirect URL | Core | closed | worksforme | 1.5.1 | defect (bug) | normal | 01/05/2012 | |
#3852 | Plugin form submits break if not trailingslashed | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | major | 12/30/2011 | ||
#3873 | XMLRPC error | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 12/23/2011 | ||
#3883 | Setting link in the plugin area leads to a page not found. | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | fanquake | 12/23/2011 | |
#3779 | Audit trailingslash links | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | major | boonebgorges | 12/19/2011 | |
#3862 | Turn Widget titles into directory links | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | trivial | boonebgorges | 12/17/2011 | |
#3804 | bp_core_fetch_avatar() doesn't respect 'alt'; we should be passing 'alt' and 'title' where possible | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | boonebgorges | 12/15/2011 | |
#3847 | New BuddyPress bp-general-settings menu items have bad links | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 12/14/2011 | ||
#3270 | Default 'From' address on mails sent from BuddyPress | Core | closed | fixed | 1.2.8 | defect (bug) | normal | 12/14/2011 | |
#3730 | Use HTML5 'placeholder' attribute for search strings, so AJAX doesn't break | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 12/14/2011 | ||
#3820 | Extra slash appearing in admin-bar CSS URL | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5.1 | defect (bug) | normal | 12/13/2011 | |
#3836 | Loading admin files when not in admin | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5.1 | defect (bug) | normal | johnjamesjacoby | 12/11/2011 |
#2649 | Add template hierarchy support into BuddyPress | Core | closed | duplicate | defect (bug) | normal | DJPaul | 12/11/2011 | |
#3708 | Get rid of top-level BP menu in wp-admin | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | DJPaul | 12/11/2011 | |
#3806 | Deprecate sprintf() in 'alt' param of bp_core_fetch_avatar() | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 12/11/2011 | ||
#3692 | Add field descriptions to registration and base (name) fields | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 12/10/2011 | ||
#3824 | Some components set 'path' twice | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5.1 | defect (bug) | normal | johnjamesjacoby | 12/09/2011 |
#3823 | BP_Component::includes() method missing common paths | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5.1 | defect (bug) | normal | johnjamesjacoby | 12/09/2011 |
#2032 | Blank page after login | Core | closed | fixed | 1.2 | defect (bug) | minor | 12/08/2011 | |
#3812 | Parameter 'include' blocks parameter 'type' in bp_has_members() | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5.1 | defect (bug) | normal | janismo | 12/08/2011 |
#3795 | Some emails don't have i18n argument swapping | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 12/05/2011 | ||
#3790 | bp 1.6 upgrade problem | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5.1 | defect (bug) | normal | 12/05/2011 | |
#3786 | Canonical redirect clears bp_core_add_message() cookie | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | boonebgorges | 11/30/2011 | |
#2681 | Canonicalization of Buddypress URLs | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | boonebgorges | 11/29/2011 | |
#3771 | Limit redirect cascading when canonicalizing URLs | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 11/29/2011 | ||
#3777 | Querystring is stripped when redirection of nav item occurs | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | major | 11/29/2011 | ||
#3584 | bp_core_set_uri_globals() uses VHOST | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 11/27/2011 | |
#1726 | WordPress sub folder installation conflicting with component slugs | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | major | 11/27/2011 | ||
#3723 | Call-time pass-by-reference warning in xprofile | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 11/27/2011 | ||
#3762 | Multisite - Undefined Index when member clicks on Main Site's admin links in Adminbar | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 11/27/2011 | ||
#3707 | BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT breaks other users' profile account URLs | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 11/27/2011 | ||
#2350 | Add user to blog in console | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 11/24/2011 | ||
#3748 | Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_is_deactivation() | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 11/15/2011 | ||
#3724 | Default theme bug | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 11/07/2011 | |
#3734 | bp_is_member() null return value | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 11/07/2011 | |
#3621 | current-menu-item class not being applied on nav menu state | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | DJPaul | 10/09/2011 |
#421 | Widgetize Profile Pages | Core | closed | wontfix | enhancement | minor | apeatling | 10/05/2011 | |
#3467 | When activated on the WordPress multisite, BuddyPress not prevent the WordPress registration page on any non-bp-root-site. | Core | closed | duplicate | 1.2.9 | defect (bug) | normal | 10/05/2011 | |
#3801 | XProfile needs CSS updates for WordPress 3.3 | Extended Profile | closed | fixed | 1.5.1 | enhancement | normal | johnjamesjacoby | 06/18/2016 |
#3725 | Primary extended profile field name change not working | Extended Profile | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 04/08/2016 | |
#4275 | BP 1.6beta1 : xprofile metas default_visibility and allow_custom_visibility not saved when field is created | Extended Profile | closed | fixed | 1.6 | defect (bug) | normal | 02/02/2015 | |
#4322 | allow_custom_visibility defaults are inconsistent | Extended Profile | closed | fixed | 1.6 | defect (bug) | normal | 02/02/2015 | |
#4362 | Registration Page Has Pre-Populated Fields | Extended Profile | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | DJPaul | 11/01/2013 |
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