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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9096 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (5301 - 5400 of 9096)

1.5.6 (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#4102 Fallback logic in bp_get_the_profile_field_options() is broken Extended Profile closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 03/29/2012
#3406 Group Member ajax pagination broken Groups closed fixed defect (bug) normal 04/09/2012
#3971 Private messaging sends to multiple users automatically Messages closed fixed 1.5.3 defect (bug) normal DJPaul 06/28/2012

1.5.7 (1 match)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#4311 Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_get_settings_slug() Groups closed fixed 1.5.5 defect (bug) normal 06/29/2012

1.6 (96 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#4358 Activity Akismet query doesn't handle service failure Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal 03/20/2024
#3660 Add Akismet to activity stream Activity closed fixed enhancement normal DJPaul 06/18/2016
#4284 Blacklisted key handling doesn't mark activity as spam Activity closed fixed 1.6 enhancement normal 02/02/2015
#4134 bug in activity filtering for join group Activity closed fixed 1.5.5 defect (bug) normal 06/14/2012
#4051 using shortcodes in activity stream always result in [Read more] links if shortcode filter priority is wrong Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal 06/14/2012
#4164 Deleting a Comment by Registered User Doesn't Remove it from the Activity Stream Activity closed fixed 1.5.5 enhancement normal DJPaul 04/27/2012
#4137 filter bp_activity_recurse_comments Activity closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal 04/10/2012
#4118 `primary_link` column in wp_bp_activity allows too few characters Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 04/06/2012
#4115 bp_activity_action_remove_favorite is broken - unfavourite links don't work Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal DJPaul 04/06/2012
#4104 wp_bp_activity stores item_id and secondary_item_id as VARCHAR; breaks indexes Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal 04/02/2012
#4082 Repeated content in RSS feeds Activity closed fixed 1.2 enhancement normal 03/29/2012
#4058 Updating bp_latest_update uses wp_filter_kses hard coded Activity closed fixed 1.5.4 enhancement normal 03/11/2012
#3921 Notice: Undefined property in bp-activity-template.php on line 1559 if xprofile is disabled Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal DJPaul 01/18/2012
#3906 Update Activity Akismet to clear old meta Activity closed fixed enhancement normal DJPaul 01/07/2012
#3904 Filter Akismet user agent string Activity closed fixed enhancement normal DJPaul 01/07/2012
#3872 bp_activity_get_meta() should cache all results Activity closed fixed enhancement major 12/30/2011
#3880 bp_activity_setup_akismet doesn't check the bp_activity_use_akismet filter Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal DJPaul 12/22/2011
#3871 Unable to view "spammed" activity Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal 12/20/2011
#3722 [READ MORE] link on comments not working Activity closed no action required 1.5 defect (bug) normal 12/17/2011
#3697 bp_blogs_record_post() not stripping caption shortcode correctly Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal 12/15/2011
#3409 Posting PHP code into activity update creates a blank update Activity closed wontfix 1.5 defect (bug) minor 12/14/2011
#2101 User status can be very very long Activity closed no action required enhancement minor 12/14/2011
#3721 Mentions do not work if there is a period after the username. Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal 12/13/2011
#3834 Cannot empty out activity item data when editing Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal DJPaul 12/11/2011
#3814 Collect activity meta at the beginning of an activity loop, using new cache functions Activity closed fixed enhancement normal boonebgorges 12/11/2011
#3832 When editing an activity item, wp_editor() have no titles or descriptions Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal 12/11/2011
#3833 Editing an activity stream item bumps time with GMT offset Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal 12/10/2011
#3831 Cannot edit activity items with 'activity_comment' type Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal 12/10/2011
#2675 Activity Class: New method to display activity items with no comment/replies Activity closed wontfix enhancement normal 12/05/2011
#3754 Drop support for 'afilter' Activity closed fixed 1.2.10 defect (bug) normal 12/05/2011
#3728 Improve i18n in RSS feeds Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal 11/27/2011
#3576 Problem with HTML code on Activity updates Activity closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) minor 11/24/2011
#3574 Deleting comment from update - too much spacing Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal 11/24/2011
#3733 bp_activity_action_mark_favorite() logic problem Activity closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 11/07/2011
#3702 Maintain query string when redirecting URLs in the activity permalink router Activity closed fixed enhancement normal 10/23/2011
#4279 BP 1.6beta1 : activity_type in WordPress Backend (unset updated_profile) Administration closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 02/02/2015
#4287 Activity admin edit screen 'number of columns' screen option broken Administration closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 02/02/2015
#4288 Activity admin screen in multisite Administration closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 02/02/2015
#4301 “Allow activity stream commenting on blog and forum posts” checkbox in the settings panel is backwards Administration closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 02/02/2015
#4363 Display options in edit xprofile field Administration closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 02/02/2015
#4366 Configure Sitewide Forums Button Loads Dashboard Administration closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 02/02/2015
#4390 Align input boxes with icons and text in Settings > BP > Components panel Administration closed fixed 1.6 enhancement normal 02/02/2015
#4008 default settings are incorrect Administration closed fixed defect (bug) normal 06/26/2012
#4125 BP update nag not appearing on Network Admin Administration closed fixed defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 04/06/2012
#3751 Jetpack can't be registered to when BP is enabled Administration closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) minor 02/18/2012
#3641 Revise "Forums" instructions Administration closed duplicate 1.5 enhancement normal 02/13/2012
#3884 bp-core-options.php wrapper function should use bp_get_option() Administration closed fixed defect (bug) normal 02/13/2012
#3964 Two BP top-level Dashboard menus appearing before install wizard is run Administration closed fixed defect (bug) normal 02/13/2012
#3995 Page ID's are visible in wizard Administration closed fixed 1.5.3 defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 02/11/2012
#3882 Cannot update Setting on the Settings page. Administration closed fixed defect (bug) normal 12/23/2011
#3840 Can't visit Forums Dashboard tab on Network Admin Administration closed fixed defect (bug) major 12/20/2011
#3866 Admin - "BuddyPress > Forums" - You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page Administration closed duplicate defect (bug) normal 12/20/2011
#3822 Improve activity admin status messages Administration closed fixed enhancement normal DJPaul 12/14/2011
#3845 Handle errors better with activity admin Administration closed fixed enhancement normal 12/12/2011
#3784 Duplicate "Settings Saved" messages. Administration closed fixed defect (bug) normal 11/30/2011
#3781 "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page" when marking spam. Administration closed fixed defect (bug) normal 11/30/2011
#3774 Child theme support Appearance - Template Pack closed fixed defect (bug) normal 02/13/2012
#3746 On Multisite Editing Blog Posts Bumps Original Activity To Top Blogs closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 11/15/2013
#3916 Blog not properly added when accepting invitation sent via Dashboard Blogs closed fixed 1.5.2 defect (bug) normal 04/14/2012
#4068 bp_blogs_record_comment throws PHP warning when moderating comment Blogs closed fixed 1.5.4 defect (bug) normal 03/11/2012
#3941 "Create a new site" link at wp-admin/my-sites.php redirects to network homepage Blogs closed fixed 1.5.3 defect (bug) normal 02/13/2012
#2380 Blog posts don't recognize @username Blogs closed fixed enhancement normal 12/30/2011
#3890 Fatal error upon posting new blog post when activity component is disabled Blogs closed fixed defect (bug) normal 12/27/2011
#3875 New install thinks it's an upgrade Core closed fixed defect (bug) critical 11/27/2021
#4292 1.6-beta1 - page=bb-forums-setup Core closed fixed enhancement normal 07/25/2016
#3989 $bp global clean-up Core closed fixed 1.5.3 enhancement normal johnjamesjacoby 06/18/2016
#3994 Use functions instead of $bp global when referencing user data Core closed duplicate 1.5.3 enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#4256 svn properties are all over the place Core closed fixed 1.5.5 enhancement normal johnjamesjacoby 06/18/2016
#3581 In WordPress admin BuddyPress tabs across top is missing 'Profile Fields' Core closed no action required 1.5 enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#3689 Spacing - Profile Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#3701 Drop down menus do not work on touch devices Core closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#3853 Add a little space between title and fields Core closed fixed defect (bug) minor 06/18/2016
#4297 Inconsistent quotes around latest update in member header Core closed fixed enhancement normal 06/18/2016
#4376 Translation does not load in Wizard/BuddyPress Update Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#4159 Some classes missing field declarations Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#4191 PHP 5.4: Warnings after BuddyPress activation Core closed fixed 1.5.5 defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#4207 bp_core_add_admin_menu_styles removed in trunk, causing warnings in plugins Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#4249 Delete Account functions improperly removed from 1.5 Core closed fixed 1.5 defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#4274 Error bp-group-hierarchy-classes.php on line 345 Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#4294 func_get_args() can’t be used as a function parameter Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#4056 Rename mentions of "admin bar" to "toolbar" Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal 06/18/2016
#4273 Activity (Screen Options) Admin Page - 1.6 Beta 1 Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 02/02/2015
#4281 Add additional body class for user/account/profile screens Core closed fixed 1.6 enhancement normal 02/02/2015
#4295 BP_VERSION constant set to 1.6-alpha-6041 instead of 1.6-beta1 Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 02/02/2015
#4296 Base xprofile field Name(primary) and visibility when logged in as superadmin Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 02/02/2015
#4300 "Permissions Not Found" when clicking on active/inactive/must-have filters on initial setup Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 02/02/2015
#4335 Activity stream "everything" filter assumes Groups component is active Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 02/02/2015
#4348 data being updated but not appearing on front end Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 02/02/2015
#4354 bust member count cache on delete member Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 02/02/2015
#4355 Delete Account as admin Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 02/02/2015
#4375 custom-background body class stripped out of body classes Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal 02/02/2015
#4379 bp_core_get_active_member_count() not network-aware Core closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal boonebgorges 02/02/2015
#3698 Required Profile Fields in BP 1.5+ no longer give an option for a null value in the drop down, but become pre filled with the first option. Core closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal Ross Grant 11/24/2013
#4057 Usernames required to be without space without notice. Core closed fixed 1.5.4 defect (bug) normal 04/15/2013
#3972 Database query needs optimization - BP_Core_User->get_users Core closed fixed 1.5.3 enhancement normal 03/11/2013
#4392 email Profile fields not formatting correctly Core closed fixed 1.5.7 defect (bug) normal zkwc 08/05/2012
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.