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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9104 matches)

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Results (2701 - 2800 of 9104)

(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#4580 Refactoring messages autocomplete to use jQuery UI Autocomplete Messages closed maybelater enhancement normal travel-junkie 02/08/2018
#4774 Autocomplete for Messages 'Send to' searches all xprofile fields Messages closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#5984 Let Group Admins send Private Messages to everyone in a Group Messages closed maybelater 1.0 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6032 Implement Akismet integration with Messages Messages closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6979 Messages: Add caching to BP_Messages_Message class Messages closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7527 add an action "bp_messages_thread_created" Messages closed wontfix feature request normal 05/22/2017
#4543 Remove titles Messages closed wontfix 1.7 enhancement normal 12/13/2016
#6980 Message being send to all users with identical name Messages closed no action required defect (bug) high DJPaul 11/02/2016
#7276 Members can't dismiss sitewide notices Messages closed no action required defect (bug) normal 10/11/2016
#4815 unnecessary cookies Messages closed fixed 1.6.2 defect (bug) low 09/16/2016
#4324 Private message sent durations are incorrect after first sending. Messages closed 1.5.6 defect (bug) normal LukeJJones 08/10/2016
#3764 File attachments in private messages Messages closed wontfix 1.5.1 enhancement normal 07/31/2016
#795 Private Messages and Forum Replies could have a 'save as draft' option. Messages closed no action required enhancement normal 07/30/2016
#1211 feature request: FORWARDING a message to a friend Messages closed no action required enhancement major 07/30/2016
#7170 Ajaxify private messaging Messages closed feature request normal 07/05/2016
#5194 Improve Messages component - add different inboxes (other boxes) Messages closed enhancement normal 06/25/2016
#6493 Messages links & actions assume logged-in user ID Messages closed 1.0 defect (bug) normal 05/28/2016
#6967 Notifications not marked read when multiple new messages Messages closed worksforme 2.0 defect (bug) normal 03/22/2016
#6212 messages_add_autocomplete_js() uses deprecated scripts Messages closed 2.1 defect (bug) normal 01/12/2016
#6601 BP calls update_meta_cache() 5997 times per page load Messages closed no action required 2.3.2 defect (bug) high r-a-y 08/27/2015
#6288 Missing javascript files when composing private messages Messages closed no action required 2.2.1 defect (bug) high 03/10/2015
#6250 Last new message from same user marked read Messages closed no action required 2.2.1 defect (bug) normal 02/24/2015
#4338 Deleting user, messages still exists Messages closed duplicate 1.6 defect (bug) normal 02/02/2015
#5852 sitewide notices UI clash between displayed notice and all notice screen rendering Messages closed worksforme defect (bug) low 10/29/2014
#5849 Private messaging sends to multiple users automatically Messages closed no action required 2.0 defect (bug) normal 10/28/2014
#5514 Messages to other users get cut off Messages closed no action required 1.9.1 defect (bug) highest 07/20/2014
#5712 Message marked as "read" just after being sent Messages closed fixed 2.0 defect (bug) normal 06/30/2014
#5541 Notifications on new message Messages closed no action required enhancement normal 05/19/2014
#3519 Messaging buttons (no spinners) Messages closed wontfix enhancement normal 05/06/2014
#1214 Maximum pm's with statusbar Messages closed wontfix enhancement major 04/18/2014
#5165 Sending messages to some users fails Messages closed no action required 1.8.1 defect (bug) normal 12/09/2013
#5043 Current page is single message check Messages closed no action required enhancement normal 06/24/2013
#4801 Message Send To Autocomplete not working - 1.6.4 Messages closed no action required 1.6.2 defect (bug) normal 02/23/2013
#3902 Settings and Messages Messages closed no action required enhancement normal chrisclayton 02/15/2013
#4454 Filtering tabs names causes counter to disappear Messages closed no action required 1.6 defect (bug) normal 11/16/2012
#4471 Users can't reply to private messages Messages closed no action required 1.6 defect (bug) normal 08/26/2012
#4097 Error sending private message Messages closed duplicate 1.5.4 defect (bug) normal 03/26/2012
#4088 Reply to message thread is sent twice Messages closed worksforme 1.5.4 defect (bug) normal 03/21/2012
#3896 Message Broken from Compose Tab 1.5.2 Messages closed no action required 1.5.2 defect (bug) normal 01/15/2012
#7552 Introduce 'visibility' parameter for registering BP nav items Navigation closed no action required enhancement normal 01/20/2018
#5026 bp_get_loggedin_user_nav() - marked as @deprecated, but used in themes Navigation closed wontfix 1.7 enhancement lowest 11/13/2016
#6827 Add BP top level menu and Admin Page to Improve User Experience New User Experience closed maybelater enhancement normal mercime 02/08/2018
#5569 failure to update to 2.0 caused by using get_users in bp_update_to_2_0() New User Experience closed duplicate 2.0 defect (bug) normal 04/28/2014
#4594 Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #2 New User Experience closed no action required 1.6 defect (bug) normal 11/05/2012
#4006 Double Numbers in the update wizard New User Experience closed worksforme defect (bug) normal 02/21/2012
#6643 Incrementor-based caching for ID queries Performance closed maybelater enhancement normal 06/03/2021
#4041 Use SELECT FOUND_ROWS() for 'total' queries instead of a second query Performance closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6341 'bp' cache group cleanup Performance closed maybelater 1.0 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#2738 FOAF support / RDFa REST API closed maybelater enhancement normal boonebgorges 02/08/2018
#5775 Registration: email, password strength, username JS validation Registration closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6204 Move bp_loggedin_register_page_redirect_to into helper function Registration closed maybelater 1.5 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6782 User Still Appears in 'Pending' after Confirmation Registration closed worksforme 2.4.0 defect (bug) high 06/22/2016
#6641 How to Modify/Change a Buddypress/Wordpress Account Activation Process Registration closed no action required 2.3.3 enhancement normal 12/14/2015
#6481 Hopefully we can report a bug here...Users are not showing correctly. Registration closed worksforme defect (bug) highest 07/27/2015
#6512 test_activate_user_accounts is failing on WP Trunk Registration closed fixed defect (bug) normal 06/18/2015
#2086 Some slugs need to be changeable, add language strings. Route Parser closed maybelater enhancement normal johnjamesjacoby 02/08/2018
#3998 Root component pages do not need to be published Route Parser closed maybelater 1.5.3 enhancement minor johnjamesjacoby 02/08/2018
#7075 URI: Ensure `/members/me/` shortlink supports internationalization Route Parser closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7475 Component directory sub pages / slugs Route Parser closed maybelater 2.8.2 enhancement low 07/27/2017
#7341 404 instead of login screen Route Parser closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 11/10/2016
#4793 page not found when loggin out from a member's profile page Route Parser closed no action required defect (bug) normal 07/23/2016
#4882 Updating Permalinks Breaks Navigation Route Parser closed duplicate 1.7 defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 02/02/2015
#5883 bp_core_new_nav_item does not work with a hyphen in the slug Route Parser closed worksforme 2.0.3 defect (bug) normal 12/24/2014
#4726 Bad titles on directories pages (issue in bp_get_name_from_root_slug) Route Parser closed duplicate 1.6.1 defect (bug) normal 03/09/2014
#5095 Registration & Activation doesn't show on 3rd-level sub-page Route Parser closed worksforme 1.7 defect (bug) normal 03/08/2014
#5178 Certain custom permalinks with enabled root profiles results in a blank page Route Parser closed duplicate 1.8.1 defect (bug) normal johnjamesjacoby 01/21/2014
#4497 Registration/Signup Button Not Working Route Parser closed no action required defect (bug) normal 02/22/2013
#4270 WordPress › Support » How-To and Troubleshooting Seeing "Page Not Found" on Activity, Members, Groups in Wp with Buddypress Route Parser closed no action required defect (bug) normal ganesh 06/18/2012
#4813 Serialize Notification Settings Settings closed maybelater enhancement low 02/08/2018
#6308 bp_settings_action_general() could be broken down into smaller functions Settings closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6654 Settings/Verification email improvements Settings closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#6787 User setting to pick plain text or HTML emails Settings closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7369 Add hooks to perform addional checks when a user resets password Settings closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7356 BP Repair Tools - Recalculate user latest bbPress activity Settings closed wontfix 2.7.2 enhancement normal 11/28/2016
#5582 Default sort criteria filters for group lists Settings closed duplicate feature request normal 11/09/2016
#5526 Default sort criteria filters for member lists Settings closed duplicate enhancement normal 11/09/2016
#6320 pending_email_change user-meta touches cached user data Settings closed no action required defect (bug) normal 06/22/2016
#5412 Ex-spammers absent from members directory Settings closed wontfix 1.9.1 defect (bug) normal 03/30/2014
#3586 Settings fallback 'members/single/settings.php' is never used Settings closed wontfix 1.5 defect (bug) normal 03/12/2013
#4169 Language Switcher in Profile Settings Settings closed no action required 1.5.5 enhancement normal 05/11/2012
#3892 404 - File or directory not found Settings closed no action required defect (bug) normal 01/15/2012
#6563 index-action-change-avatar.php will not help to customize change avatar page. JS not working. Templates reopened 2.8.2 defect (bug) normal 05/08/2017
#4126 Allow admin to select fields to display in user "excerps" on Groups' user list page Templates closed wontfix 1.5.4 enhancement normal 06/03/2021
#3903 js for showing #whats-new-options on textarea focus has wrong value Templates closed wontfix 1.5.2 defect (bug) normal 06/03/2021
#1269 Create a BP_Loop_Template base class that all template classes can inherit from Templates closed maybelater enhancement normal johnjamesjacoby 02/08/2018
#4678 Avatar and thumbnail sizes Templates closed maybelater 1.0 enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#4742 Widgets filters: make tab links work with no-js Templates closed maybelater enhancement normal 02/08/2018
#7116 Move asset template parts away from bp-legacy Templates closed wontfix enhancement normal 01/29/2018
#4449 Move to custom AJAX handler Templates closed wontfix 1.6 enhancement normal 07/27/2017
#4500 Ajax loading doesn't refresh JS onload Templates closed wontfix enhancement normal 07/27/2017
#4585 Hardcoded width/height on avatar images cause problems with responsive image techniques Templates closed wontfix enhancement normal 07/27/2017
#4665 Activity comment reply not working for no-js in BP-Default/Legacy Templates closed wontfix defect (bug) normal 07/27/2017
#4855 Method to override a plugins use of plugins.php or add filters to bp_template_title and bp_template_content Templates closed wontfix 1.7 defect (bug) normal 07/27/2017
#4950 Theme compat should clear LI :before:after 'content' selectors Templates closed wontfix 1.7 enhancement low 07/27/2017
#4951 Style changes for AJAX loading spinners Templates closed wontfix 1.7 enhancement normal 07/27/2017
#4966 Activity Post Form ajax submit enhancement Templates closed wontfix 1.2 enhancement normal 07/27/2017
#4968 Returned button after ajax action , addremove_friend & joinleave_group Templates closed wontfix enhancement normal 07/27/2017
#5153 Add hooks to modify display of entire comment Templates closed wontfix enhancement normal 07/27/2017
#5564 Member search / Directory filters Templates closed wontfix enhancement normal 07/27/2017
#5566 Responsive member directory layouts Templates closed wontfix enhancement normal 07/27/2017
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.