{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9108 matches)
A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.
Results (4401 - 4500 of 9108)
1.5 (100 matches)
Ticket | Summary | Component | Status | Resolution | Version | Type | Priority | Owner | Modified |
#2281 | Missing Tags input field in Edit Forum Topic Page | Groups | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 04/21/2011 | ||
#3162 | Alphabetical list doesn't sort properly if user enters spaces | Extended Profile | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 04/20/2011 | ||
#3066 | Redirect to forum page after deleting a topic | Forums | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | DJPaul | 04/19/2011 |
#3148 | BP_Core_User constructor not 5.3.3 >= friendly | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 04/19/2011 | ||
#3138 | Character Causing Non Sync (between wp_posts and wp_bp_activity) | Core | closed | fixed | 1.2.8 | defect (bug) | normal | rbaccaro | 04/15/2011 |
#3131 | Avatars Upload don't work when the picture filename ends by -bpfull.jpg | Core | closed | duplicate | 1.2.8 | defect (bug) | normal | 04/15/2011 | |
#3078 | Forums - creating a topic | Forums | closed | worksforme | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | gunju2221 | 04/14/2011 |
#3015 | BP crashes when upgrading to MS | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | critical | 04/14/2011 | ||
#3086 | group member list like user list | Groups | closed | wontfix | 1.2.8 | enhancement | minor | DJPaul | 04/13/2011 |
#2990 | can edit xprofile base group name & fullname field in xprofile admin | Extended Profile | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 04/13/2011 | ||
#3042 | BuddyPress should save active components rather than inactive components | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | enhancement | normal | johnjamesjacoby | 04/13/2011 |
#3120 | The word [Home] should have translation option | Groups | closed | fixed | 1.5 | enhancement | minor | DJPaul | 04/13/2011 |
#3149 | International Date format for XProfile fields | Extended Profile | closed | duplicate | 1.5 | enhancement | normal | 04/12/2011 | |
#2443 | Make sure that make_clickable is run before wptexturize | Activity | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | major | boonebgorges | 04/11/2011 | |
#2450 | BP_ENABLE_ROOT_PROFILES not working properly on WP 3.0 | Core | closed | worksforme | defect (bug) | normal | 04/10/2011 | ||
#2674 | bp-activity-classes.php: add a sql statements filter | Activity | closed | fixed | enhancement | trivial | 04/10/2011 | ||
#2555 | Texts are not (properly) translated (bp-core-templatetags.php) | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | sorich87 | 04/10/2011 | |
#2066 | Wrong non-latin slugs (in activity stream, group names etc.) | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | major | 04/09/2011 | ||
#3025 | Deactivating components/deleting corresponding WP page should run an uninstaller | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | critical | 04/09/2011 | ||
#3026 | Activating components after setup needs to create a WP page | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | critical | 04/09/2011 | ||
#2544 | [patch] Activity Stream filtering $hidden_sql | Activity | closed | wontfix | enhancement | normal | DJPaul | 04/08/2011 | |
#3137 | Combine admin notices into a single Uber Notice | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | enhancement | normal | 04/08/2011 | |
#3132 | Wrapper function for BP_ROOT_BLOG checks | Core | closed | fixed | 1.2.8 | enhancement | minor | boonebgorges | 04/07/2011 |
#2255 | merging wp search and buddypress search on same form | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | sorich87 | 04/07/2011 | |
#1699 | add filters to the queries of function get_users() | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | minor | 04/07/2011 | ||
#3134 | Components location hardcoded | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | enhancement | normal | 04/07/2011 | |
#3133 | Required components aren't included | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 04/07/2011 | |
#3087 | avatars cant use CAPITAL fileext like JPG | Core | closed | fixed | 1.2.8 | defect (bug) | normal | 04/06/2011 | |
#3088 | hooks near SQL creation | Groups | closed | no action required | 1.2.8 | enhancement | normal | 04/06/2011 | |
#3097 | undefined class variable in groups | Groups | closed | fixed | 1.2.8 | defect (bug) | normal | 04/06/2011 | |
#3106 | bp_members_illegal_names() bug? | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 04/06/2011 | |
#3136 | Undefined variable: recipient_ids | Messages | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 04/06/2011 | |
#2706 | Support WP 3.1 adminbar | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | major | 03/29/2011 | ||
#3121 | activity RSS feeds broken on trunk | Activity | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | major | boonebgorges | 03/23/2011 |
#3113 | Add $settings_link variable to the various email notification filters. | Messages | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 03/15/2011 | ||
#2109 | Buddypress on secondary blog, logout not working properly | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | minor | 03/13/2011 | |
#2552 | BP needs to handle PATHINFO "almost pretty links" | Core | closed | duplicate | defect (bug) | major | 03/13/2011 | ||
#2718 | Swap function_exists() calls to bp_is_active() | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 03/12/2011 | ||
#1635 | Friends - Accept recording | Activity | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | minor | 03/12/2011 | ||
#2349 | Activity Permalinks (#) on activity page are broken for long post titles | Activity | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 03/12/2011 | ||
#3027 | Inform admins when a WP page is associated with a BP component | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | major | 03/11/2011 | ||
#3028 | Meta box for single page edit screen to associate with a BP component | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 03/11/2011 | ||
#1024 | xprofile_insert_field() should return the field_id | Extended Profile | closed | fixed | enhancement | minor | johnjamesjacoby | 03/11/2011 | |
#2644 | bp_core_remove_nav_item(‘groups’) removes access to groups, not just navigation | Core | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | major | 03/11/2011 | ||
#2049 | Member Profile: Username with same name as installed folder fails | Core | closed | duplicate | defect (bug) | major | 03/11/2011 | ||
#2447 | activity: change strings to constants in a few places | Activity | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 03/11/2011 | ||
#2057 | '@' in username makes mentions not work... | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | minor | 03/11/2011 | ||
#1536 | Separate BP blog visibility from WPMU blog visibility (privacy) | Activity | closed | fixed | enhancement | minor | 03/11/2011 | ||
#2678 | Hidden/private group activity displaying on public streams | Activity | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | critical | 03/11/2011 | ||
#2790 | BP_ENABLE_ROOT_PROFILES broken in BP 1.3 | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | major | 03/11/2011 | |
#2984 | $current_blog is not updated during switch_to_blog() | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | major | 03/11/2011 | ||
#3094 | Fix Components Options Saving page for WordPress Multisite 3.1 | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | major | 03/11/2011 | |
#3084 | BP_DISABLE_ADMIN_BAR does not disable WP admin bar | Core | closed | wontfix | 1.2.8 | defect (bug) | minor | boonebgorges | 03/11/2011 |
#3096 | Cannot Edit bp-default Child Theme Files Other Than style.css | Core | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 03/04/2011 | ||
#2703 | [Translations] Cannot translate strings when actual new line breaks are used instead of \n | Core | closed | wontfix | defect (bug) | major | sorich87 | 03/01/2011 | |
#2563 | Profile field default supercedes current value | Extended Profile | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 02/13/2011 | ||
#3065 | Cannot set 'reading' to static pages | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | major | 02/12/2011 | |
#2008 | Default blog when changing Posts Page location | Core | closed | wontfix | defect (bug) | major | 02/12/2011 | ||
#1983 | i18n title in Activity RSS feed is broken | Core | closed | wontfix | defect (bug) | minor | 02/12/2011 | ||
#2694 | Default xprofile radio element interferes with setting value in profile editor | Extended Profile | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | minor | 02/12/2011 | ||
#2766 | Filter the output of bp_get_signup_allowed() | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | minor | 02/12/2011 | ||
#2999 | 'bp-wizard-step' cookie in setup/upgrader not cleared | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | minor | 02/12/2011 | ||
#2496 | What if members name is same as post title/slug | Core | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | trivial | 02/12/2011 | ||
#1490 | Activity: Profile details | Core | closed | wontfix | enhancement | minor | 02/12/2011 | ||
#3029 | in bp_core_update_nag use network_admin_url if multisite | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 02/12/2011 | |
#3045 | Activity replies not showing -activity permalink failing | Core | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 02/12/2011 | ||
#3023 | BP notifications are not working | Core | closed | worksforme | 1.2.6 | defect (bug) | normal | 02/12/2011 | |
#2946 | Date selector fields in customised profiles need future dates | Extended Profile | closed | fixed | 1.5 | enhancement | normal | 02/11/2011 | |
#2949 | Some users wordpress comments doesn’t show avatar or link to user profile | Core | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 02/11/2011 | ||
#2950 | Upgrading from 1.2.6 to 1.3 disables site | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 02/11/2011 | ||
#2962 | No way to reassociate a page with bp components once the bp setup wizard is complete | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 02/11/2011 | |
#2781 | Buddypress cannot be activated if language is set in wp-config.php to sv_SE | Core | closed | fixed | 1.2.6 | defect (bug) | normal | 02/11/2011 | |
#2492 | Edit lock on forum topics and comments | Core | closed | wontfix | enhancement | normal | 02/11/2011 | ||
#2466 | navigation improvement suggestion | Core | closed | wontfix | enhancement | normal | 02/11/2011 | ||
#3062 | Components page throws error | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | johnpbloch | 02/09/2011 |
#3055 | Unexpected output during activation | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 02/09/2011 | |
#3057 | function bp_group_join_button does not pass $group to bp_get_group_join_button | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 02/09/2011 | ||
#3053 | Component Settings checkboxes selection | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 02/07/2011 | |
#3051 | Changes on Xprofile hook bp_get_the_profile_field_edit_value | Extended Profile | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 02/05/2011 | ||
#3019 | Need a way to manage WP page/BP component connections in Dashboard | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | major | 01/31/2011 | ||
#3030 | BuddyPress messes with user_url usermeta, | Extended Profile | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | anthonycole | 01/28/2011 | |
#2720 | Setup process doesn't activate bp-default theme | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | DJPaul | 01/26/2011 |
#3024 | Filter forum posts before output them | Forums | closed | fixed | 1.5 | enhancement | normal | djpaul | 01/24/2011 |
#2968 | User Avatar won't show up in blogs outside buddypress site. | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 01/23/2011 | |
#2451 | BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG Avatars Missing | Core | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | normal | 01/23/2011 | ||
#2772 | Error message for attempted login when user is not yet activated | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 01/19/2011 | ||
#2736 | bp_blogs_get_blogs_for_user bug? | Core | closed | no action required | defect (bug) | normal | 01/19/2011 | ||
#2943 | Disabling components after BP setup wizard | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | blocker | DJPaul | 01/19/2011 |
#2609 | Latest WordPress 3.1 alpha breaks BuddyPress | Core | closed | fixed | 1.2.6 | defect (bug) | blocker | johnjamesjacoby | 01/19/2011 |
#2789 | bp-default can be activated before upgrade/install process has been completed | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | blocker | 01/18/2011 | |
#2575 | Logging in as a marked spammer does nothing and shows no error message | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | normal | 01/18/2011 | |
#3011 | Documentation Bug in /bp-core/bp-core-templatetags.php | Core | closed | fixed | 1.2.6 | defect (bug) | trivial | 01/18/2011 | |
#2600 | WP pages as component slugs causes redirect problems | Activity | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | critical | boonebgorges | 01/18/2011 | |
#3003 | Add an action to detect first login | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | normal | 01/15/2011 | ||
#3005 | Initial activation dies on single WP | Core | closed | duplicate | defect (bug) | critical | boonebgorges | 01/13/2011 | |
#2522 | default crop avatar selection is not working | Core | closed | fixed | 1.5 | defect (bug) | minor | crop, avatar, selection, default | 01/11/2011 |
#2148 | normal wp group avatar upload | Groups | closed | fixed | defect (bug) | major | 01/11/2011 | ||
#2697 | Make it easier to shut off Gravatar | Core | closed | fixed | enhancement | minor | boonebgorges | 01/11/2011 | |
#2711 | [patch] BP_Button improvements | Core | closed | fixed | 1.2.6 | enhancement | normal | johnjamesjacoby | 01/09/2011 |
#2026 | Who's online widget shows nothing | Core | closed | worksforme | defect (bug) | minor | 01/08/2011 |
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