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{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (9076 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (2801 - 2900 of 9076)

12.0.0 (46 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#4954 Migrate BP's custom URI parser to use WP's Rewrite API Route Parser closed fixed enhancement high imath 07/26/2023
#8954 Activity Heartbeat feature fails with 'rewrites' query parser Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 07/26/2023
#8953 Make sure to display a 404 if a Group’s URL has no match in registered screens Groups closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 07/26/2023
#8943 Group Extension using a function to set their tab visibility & the BP Rewrites API Groups closed fixed task normal imath 07/24/2023
#8942 Completely remove BP bundled moment.js Core closed fixed task normal imath 07/22/2023
#8620 User profile picture Blogs closed fixed enhancement low 07/21/2023
#8939 Improve BP Rewrites API & components on front page Core closed fixed defect (bug) high imath 07/20/2023
#8940 Make sure the way the single group canonical stack is set is right Groups closed fixed defect (bug) high imath 07/20/2023
#8937 Some BP links set using `home_url()` were missed during the BP Rewrites migration tasks Core closed fixed defect (bug) high imath 07/17/2023
#8936 Warning: Attempt to read property in bp-core-buddybar.php Core closed fixed 1.1 defect (bug) high imath 07/16/2023
#8938 The rewrite rules for directories are not strict enough Core closed fixed defect (bug) high imath 07/16/2023
#8890 Docs: Improve various globals documentation, as per docblock standards. (not sure) closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 07/15/2023
#8934 Improve the tool to reset all BP URL slugs Core closed fixed enhancement normal imath 07/12/2023
#8918 Automate component's directory `buddypress` post type association Core closed fixed enhancement normal imath 07/12/2023
#8933 Including third party components to active components Core closed fixed enhancement normal imath 07/10/2023
#8930 Improve inline documentation for the `BP_Component::setup_globals()` method Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 07/06/2023
#8928 Emoji's being stripped from message subject in REST API REST API closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 07/02/2023
#8927 Fully deprecate `bp_nav` & `bp_options_nav` BP globals Core closed fixed task normal imath 06/29/2023
#8925 Blogs: some rewrites rules are missing & the create action is not implemented Blogs closed fixed task normal imath 06/22/2023
#8892 Need to removed unused variable. Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 06/19/2023
#5358 Add $add_root as property of $bp Core closed fixed 1.9.1 defect (bug) normal 06/11/2023
#8864 Deleted field data are not removed from bp_xprofile_data Extended Profile closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 06/07/2023
#8910 Prevent screen and action files to be loaded more than once into Components class Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 06/02/2023
#8862 Deprecated notice when creating a new group of profile fields Extended Profile closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 06/01/2023
#8909 Do some `@todo` ! Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 05/30/2023
#8908 Do not neutralize `BP_Component::parse_query()` when BP Rewrites are not in use Route Parser closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 05/29/2023
#8904 Move the BP Default theme into the BP Classic plugin Templates closed fixed 1.2 defect (bug) normal imath 05/26/2023
#8905 Need for Strings context Core closed fixed enhancement normal imath 05/25/2023
#8887 String Inconsistencyusage between "Visit" and "View" in BP Groups admin page help overview and list table link I18N closed fixed defect (bug) low slaFFik 05/18/2023
#8895 Only deprecate some functions if BP Classic is not active Core closed fixed task normal imath 05/13/2023
#8884 The Array Argument of `bp_displayed_user_url()` needs to include specific keys Members closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 05/07/2023
#8883 Inline PHP statement must end with a semicolon. Templates closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 05/06/2023
#8882 Need to removed unused global variable. Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 05/06/2023
#8866 Improve unregistered Group Type management Groups closed fixed 2.6.0 defect (bug) normal imath 04/07/2023
#8865 Filtering nouveau members buttons causing notice Templates closed fixed 3.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 04/04/2023
#8863 Update GH PHPunit tests action so that WP matrix includes WP 6.2 Build/Test Tools closed fixed task normal imath 04/02/2023
#8860 PHP 8.1.17 - PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: int - string in bp-core/bp-core-functions.php:1349 Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 04/01/2023
#8855 Use block.json metadata file and adapt BP Block API to WP Block API v2 Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 03/21/2023
#8849 Sitewide Notices REST API Endpoint is not initialised REST API closed fixed 9.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 03/09/2023
#8848 Friends count on is always 0 in WP-Admin extended profile Friends closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 03/08/2023
#8797 WP 5.7 PHPUnit job is failing Build/Test Tools closed fixed defect (bug) normal netweb 01/20/2023
#8697 BP REST API Messages endpoint - total messages per thread REST API closed fixed enhancement normal espellcaste 01/08/2023
#8696 BP REST API Messages endpoint does not return latest message in excerpt field REST API closed fixed defect (bug) normal espellcaste 01/08/2023
#8462 bp_core_clear_cache should be filterable Performance closed fixed enhancement normal espellcaste 01/07/2023
#8556 BP_Notifications_Notification::get - error for meta_query Toolbar & Notifications closed fixed defect (bug) normal espellcaste 01/07/2023
#8786 Improving the implementation of the `@global` Core closed fixed enhancement normal espellcaste 01/07/2023

11.4.0 (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#9012 Bump WordPress tested up to plugin's header tag to 6.4 Core closed fixed task normal imath 06/20/2024
#9007 Introduce Admin Notifications to inform Admins about important changes Administration closed fixed enhancement normal imath 10/19/2023
#8985 missing admin.js map file inside current & 12.0.0-beta1 Members closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 08/30/2023

11.3.0 (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#8962 The latest Activities block generates a fatal in BP Default Activity closed fixed defect (bug) high imath 08/21/2023
#8973 BP Member WP Nav Menu: the All tab remains empty Administration closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 08/15/2023
#8967 Bump WordPress' `tested up to` header tag in readme.txt Core closed fixed task normal imath 08/03/2023
#8921 extract_audio can cause depreciation notice in PHP 8.1 Core closed fixed 11.2.0 defect (bug) normal imath 07/01/2023
#8916 group invitation joining Groups closed fixed 11.2.0 defect (bug) normal dcavins 06/10/2023
#8896 BP Widget Block transforms.js files are generating errors on grunt build Build/Test Tools closed fixed 11.2.0 defect (bug) normal netweb 05/18/2023

11.2.0 (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#8858 Settings: Export Data page shows wrong information on successful export Settings closed fixed 6.4.0 defect (bug) normal imath 05/08/2023
#8873 Fatal error when the Activity Akismet history is empty (Single Activity WP Admin screen) Activity closed fixed 1.6 defect (bug) normal imath 04/30/2023
#8871 Unable to send message after fixing missing fields Messages closed fixed 11.1.0 defect (bug) normal imath 04/22/2023
#8870 Unable to reply to messages via links in email notifications Messages closed fixed 11.1.0 defect (bug) normal imath 04/22/2023
#8854 Bump Plugin's header "tested up to" header tag to 6.2 Core closed fixed task normal imath 03/19/2023
#8847 Fix a notice error in the Components controller REST API closed fixed 9.0.0 defect (bug) normal 03/08/2023
#8844 BP_Friends_Friendship::get_random_friends() reports incorrect results Friends closed fixed 11.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 02/23/2023

11.1.0 (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#8821 Preventing ArgumentCountError when using sprintf/printf functions I18N closed fixed defect (bug) normal slaFFik 02/15/2023
#8800 Avoid potential PHP errors when using BuddyPress buttons on front end Templates closed fixed 11.0.0 defect (bug) high imath 02/13/2023
#8825 Message reply bug in v11.0.0 Messages closed fixed 11.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 02/13/2023
#8823 Remove 11.0.0 hello screen's happy new year greeting Administration closed fixed 11.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 02/04/2023
#8799 Update the BP REST API version to use with 11.0 REST API closed fixed 11.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 01/21/2023

11.0.0 (33 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#8611 Rename `$this` when used in `@param` tags Core closed fixed enhancement low espellcaste 05/31/2024
#8649 Improves PHP 8.1 compatibility Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 04/12/2024
#7126 [BP Nouveau Request] create functions to get the component's button args Templates closed fixed 1.2 enhancement normal imath 02/03/2023
#8771 Update the hello screen to inform about 11.0.0 changelog & credits Administration closed fixed task normal 01/05/2023
#8590 Various object cache groups are called upon, but were never actually created Performance closed fixed 9.1.1 defect (bug) normal dcavins 12/31/2022
#8780 Fix the WP CLI pot command warning about inconsistent translator comments Build/Test Tools closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 12/13/2022
#8776 Test the BP Default theme Core closed fixed task highest 12/08/2022
#8052 Suggestion for Activity Stream - link to Post Blogs closed fixed 4.1.0 enhancement normal imath 12/06/2022
#8758 Ability to delete user account through REST API REST API closed fixed 10.6.0 defect (bug) high 12/01/2022
#8772 Introduce a filter to allow BP directory pages status to be different than `publish` Core closed fixed 1.5 enhancement normal imath 12/01/2022
#8773 Improve activity list display in TT2 for regular content width Templates closed fixed 10.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 11/30/2022
#8746 Include a TT3 companion stylesheet in Nouveau Templates closed fixed enhancement normal 11/30/2022
#8766 moment.js is outdated and has CVEs Core closed fixed 10.6.0 task high imath 11/24/2022
#8769 Rename wrongly spelled `bp_attachments_get_mime_type()` function Core closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 11/23/2022
#8765 Early Introduce Activity Block filters and functions Activity closed fixed task high imath 11/19/2022
#8768 Improve BP Messages/BP Nouveau Messages UI extensibility Messages closed fixed 3.0.0 task normal imath 11/18/2022
#8767 Improve WP update notices display in BuddyPress WP Admin screens Administration closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 11/16/2022
#8764 Improve Activity/Group Activity function to post updates Activity closed fixed task high imath 11/13/2022
#8763 BP Nouveau: an event should be triggered to custom buttons to inform the Activity Post form has been reset Templates closed fixed 3.0.0 task normal imath 11/12/2022
#8762 BP Nouveau: improve extendable action buttons layout Templates closed fixed 3.0.0 task normal imath 11/12/2022
#8761 Single member's cover header is not great when activity mentions are disabled Templates closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 11/11/2022
#8687 Deprecated code is never loaded Core closed fixed 2.7 defect (bug) high imath 11/11/2022
#4075 bp_has_profile() should accept multiple values of profile_group_id Extended Profile closed fixed enhancement normal espellcaste 11/09/2022
#4184 Exclude specific user_id’s when querying for activities Activity closed fixed enhancement normal espellcaste 11/09/2022
#8643 Support .webp images for profile photos or cover images Media closed fixed enhancement normal imath 11/09/2022
#8698 BP REST API Messages endpoint - additional recipient data REST API closed fixed enhancement normal espellcaste 11/08/2022
#7614 Group member count routine is bad Groups closed fixed 1.2.3 enhancement normal imath 11/07/2022
#8759 Update GH phpunit tests action and some node modules Build/Test Tools closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 11/05/2022
#8693 Site Members Invitations & configs using signups only Members closed fixed 8.0.0 enhancement normal dcavins 10/26/2022
#4535 Load More Button loads duplicates Activity closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 10/25/2022
#8756 Creating a new public site from Administration does not generate a `new_blog` activity Blogs closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 10/23/2022
#8627 BP Nouveau: Members directory filter dont remember options user selected Templates closed fixed defect (bug) normal imath 10/19/2022
#8716 bp_nouveau_get_activity_entry_buttons not targeting given $activity_id Templates closed fixed 3.0.0 defect (bug) normal imath 10/06/2022
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.