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{3} Active Tickets by Milestone (355 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by milestone.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Results (201 - 300 of 355)

1 2 3 4

Milestone Awaiting Contributions (95 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Priority Severity Created
#7898 Allow site admin to use the registration page Registration enhancement new normal normal 06/08/2018
#7912 Add the email Lost Your Password and Password Change Notice in Admin Email List Emails 3.0.0 enhancement DJPaul new normal normal 07/02/2018
#7914 Possibilities of duplicate activation_key. Registration 3.0.0 enhancement new normal normal 07/04/2018
#7948 HTML sanitization for user-generated content in notification emails Emails enhancement DJPaul new normal normal 08/20/2018
#7964 The ability to add a BuddyPress avatar and drop down menu via WordPress menus New User Experience enhancement new normal normal 09/07/2018
#7987 Buttons are not aligned Core 3.0.0 enhancement new normal normal 10/07/2018
#8074 User data exports should include information about xprofile field group Extended Profile 4.0.0 enhancement new normal normal 03/24/2019
#8104 add filter in bp_send_email to allow html email in wp_mail call Emails 4.3.0 enhancement DJPaul new normal normal 06/17/2019
#8186 xprofile field type display_filter method should provide more data Core 5.0.0 enhancement new normal normal 12/26/2019
#8301 Nouveau: Twenty Twenty Theme Compatibility Templates enhancement new normal normal 05/20/2020
#8319 Block based Activity post form Activity enhancement imath reopened normal normal 06/17/2020
#8349 Add appropriate buddypress objects to the wp sitemap Core enhancement new normal normal 08/17/2020
#8445 BP Invitations: Add some joins to the user table to improve searching/reordering of invitations. Core 7.2.0 enhancement assigned normal normal 03/18/2021
#8460 Online interval should be filterable Core enhancement new normal normal 04/21/2021
#8487 Add visibility and required controls to the WordPress profile fields Core 8.0.0 enhancement reopened normal normal 06/10/2021
#8559 Mutual Groups & friends Status Notification Feature Groups 9.1.1 enhancement new normal normal 08/30/2021
#8568 The xProfile "Name" Field Extended Profile 1.0 enhancement imath reopened normal normal 09/14/2021
#8584 Admin: add Member Type column to Network Users List Table Members 7.0.0 enhancement new normal normal 10/08/2021
#8670 Block or widget arguments should be filterable Core enhancement new normal normal 03/26/2022
#8690 Add a new apply filter for default value for bp_parse_args Activity enhancement new normal normal 04/27/2022
#8722 Introduce a new specific template pack "BP reNouveau" Templates enhancement imath assigned normal normal 07/19/2022
#9031 bp_has_groups has missing parameter to fetch groups based on the group's creator or admin Groups 11.4.0 enhancement new normal normal 12/01/2023
#9061 Rewrite Rules Built Even When Not Needed Core 12.0.0 enhancement new normal normal 01/08/2024
#9117 Directory type "guid" link should be redirected to their BP URLs Core enhancement new normal normal 03/04/2024
#9239 Sharing debounce functionality between components (PR #350) Core 3.0.0 enhancement new normal normal 09/28/2024
#6603 Allow xprofile field values to be ran through oembed Extended Profile feature request reopened normal normal 08/29/2015
#7133 Merge BuddyPress Followers into BuddyPress Core (not sure) feature request assigned normal normal 06/20/2016
#7183 Widget for logged-in user Notifications used in wp-toolbar Core feature request new normal normal 07/11/2016
#7246 Add group limit in BuddyPress Groups Module Groups feature request new normal normal 09/05/2016
#7251 Allow admin to filter Activity directory stream Activity feature request new normal normal 09/10/2016
#7282 Read receipt for private messages Messages feature request new normal normal 10/10/2016
#7368 Allow activity stream to be sorted by most recently commented Activity 2.7.2 feature request new normal normal 11/30/2016
#7701 Add archive functionality to Private Messages Messages feature request new normal normal 02/22/2018
#7953 Activity Scheduling Activity feature request new normal normal 08/27/2018
#8279 What about introducing BP Friends Types in 7.0.0 ? Friends feature request new normal normal 04/17/2020
#8323 Show activity comments on button click only Activity feature request new normal normal 07/02/2020
#8348 Enhance the bp_activity table design by adding site_id Activity 6.2.0 feature request new normal normal 08/14/2020
#8602 Avatar uploads on smartphones/small mobile devices issue Core 9.1.1 feature request new normal normal 11/30/2021
#8612 Add ability for group admins to create new pages unique to that group Messages feature request new normal normal 01/04/2022
#8613 Allow admins in groups to add/remove menu items Core feature request new normal normal 01/04/2022
#8737 Put avatars in the database Core feature request new normal normal 09/13/2022
#8738 Disable group details change email functionality via a filter Core feature request new normal normal 09/15/2022
#8931 Integrating BuddyPress with the indieweb and fediverse Core feature request new normal normal 07/05/2023
#8989 Date Selector Profile Field Type with a Relative Range works in whole years only Extended Profile 11.3.1 feature request new normal normal 09/06/2023
#9044 Sorting Order Presets, and First and Last Name Sorting Options Templates 12.0.0 feature request new normal normal 12/18/2023
#8836 Create a wrapper function for sprintf to prevent potential fatal errors. I18N task imath assigned normal normal 02/15/2023
#5468 Removing user on multisite site still shows user Core defect (bug) new high normal 03/17/2014
#6156 bp_is_user_deleted() incorrectly checks user_status === 2 Members defect (bug) new high normal 01/22/2015
#6668 Better compatibility when using 'BP_ENABLE_USERNAME_COMPATIBILITY_MODE' and UTF-8 Core 1.1 defect (bug) reopened high normal 10/17/2015
#6731 search as page/post slug redirects to home Core 2.2 defect (bug) new high normal 11/12/2015
#6808 Group Invites Option persists even though disabled friending removes invites tab Friends 2.4.0 defect (bug) new high normal 01/05/2016
#6885 bp_has_custom_signup_page() & bp_has_custom_activation_page() are always true Core defect (bug) new high normal 02/08/2016
#6984 Change Avatar – Image is “cut off” on the right side Media 2.5.0 defect (bug) new high normal 03/27/2016
#7278 No content when defining another default tab for profile settings Members defect (bug) new high normal 10/07/2016
#3732 Moderation, blacklisting, and flooding Activity 1.6 enhancement johnjamesjacoby reopened high normal 11/05/2011
#6841 Framework for bulk data handling after updates New User Experience enhancement new high normal 01/22/2016
#8467 Plugin buddypress is not compatibalbe Elemontor Core enhancement new high normal 05/06/2021
#9043 Birthday Email Situation Trigger Core 12.0.0 feature request new high normal 12/18/2023
#5608 Improve "Blog Comments" activity filter Activity 2.0 defect (bug) new highest normal 05/03/2014
#8275 Notification don't go away Extended Profile 5.0.0 defect (bug) assigned highest normal 04/13/2020
#7159 Add shortcode rendering of template parts Templates feature request new strategic normal 07/01/2016
#7160 Admin UI options for all template features Administration feature request new strategic normal 07/01/2016
#7161 More granular Component activation choices Administration feature request new strategic normal 07/01/2016
#7163 Display blog posts on author's BP profile, and redirect author permalinks. Blogs feature request new strategic normal 07/01/2016
#7164 Add @mentions notifications for Groups. Toolbar & Notifications feature request new strategic normal 07/01/2016
#7165 Add #hashtag auto-suggest Toolbar & Notifications feature request new strategic normal 07/01/2016
#7167 Notification auto-matchers Toolbar & Notifications feature request new strategic normal 07/01/2016
#7168 Central place to manage all notifications and delivery preferences Toolbar & Notifications feature request new strategic normal 07/01/2016
#6584 bp_activity_create_summary wrongly extracted <iframe src="....htm"/> as <img src="....htm"/> Activity 2.3.2 defect (bug) new low minor 08/07/2015
#7911 Activity dashboard: Wrong date being displayed Activity 2.9.3 defect (bug) new low minor 07/02/2018
#8702 php 8.0 warnings Emails 10.2.0 defect (bug) dcavins assigned low minor 05/10/2022
#6146 URL xprofile field should have target=_blank Extended Profile 1.0 enhancement new low minor 01/21/2015
#6714 Filtering messages in bp_core_add_message() Core 2.3.3 enhancement tw2113 assigned low minor 11/03/2015
#7412 Update jquery.dimensions Messages enhancement new low minor 01/04/2017
#7673 Group Creation Link On Member Profile Groups 1.0 enhancement DJPaul assigned low minor 01/29/2018
#8062 Get updated General setting posted fields at time of update Core 4.1.0 enhancement new low minor 03/08/2019
#8409 Admin Types should use the same JavaScript's UX as the WP categories Administration 7.0.0 enhancement slaFFik new low minor 12/08/2020
#8410 Admin Type order of field for creation of new type Administration enhancement slaFFik new low minor 12/08/2020
#4831 BP bases site data/activity entries on WP search engine instructions Blogs defect (bug) new normal minor 02/15/2013
#5161 Can't upload an Avatar - getting a "Can't find editor" error Media 1.8.1 defect (bug) new normal minor 09/06/2013
#6059 BP_Activity_Activity:get() doesn't respect 'max' parameter Activity defect (bug) new normal minor 12/08/2014
#6557 Soft hyphen prevents recording of blog post in activity Activity 2.3.2 defect (bug) new normal minor 07/16/2015
#7315 Autocomplete in messages produces bad html Messages 2.7 defect (bug) new normal minor 11/02/2016
#5360 Template hierarchy file names Codex guide? Core enhancement new normal minor 01/30/2014
#6642 BP Template Versioning Templates enhancement reopened normal minor 10/02/2015
#7624 Nouveau - Replace font icons with SVGs Templates enhancement new normal minor 11/15/2017
#7171 JOINs in bp-blogs assume global tables are in the same database as BuddyPress's Blogs 1.5 defect (bug) johnjamesjacoby assigned low major 07/05/2016
#4809 broken logic in bp_core_wpsignup_redirect causes redirect loop to register page Members 1.6.2 defect (bug) new normal major 02/07/2013
#6389 buddypress doesn’t support chinese login name Route Parser 2.2.1 defect (bug) new normal major 04/22/2015
#6565 Sign-ups may show roles in network admin Registration 2.1 defect (bug) new normal major 07/23/2015
#7109 `wp_bp_xprofile_groups` DB table sometimes sets `Base` group to an `id` that is not `1` Extended Profile 1.2 defect (bug) new normal major 06/02/2016
#4017 Group taxonomy Groups enhancement boonebgorges new normal major 02/17/2012
#7473 Extended Profile edit should honour WP's "edit_users" capability Extended Profile enhancement new high major 03/20/2017
#8053 Rotation of Profile Picture Functionality Core feature request new high major 02/23/2019
#8169 Password Reset issue Core 5.0.0 defect (bug) reopened highest critical 11/28/2019

Milestone Awaiting Review (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Priority Severity Created
#9252 Increase the zoom of better appearance Sites enhancement johnjamesjacoby assigned lowest trivial 10/31/2024
#9128 Subnavs slug prefixing Core 12.0.0 defect (bug) imath assigned low normal 03/29/2024
#8650 Trac styling improvements Sites task johnjamesjacoby assigned low normal 03/11/2022
#8343 Custom Post Type activity in groups create duplicates Activity 2.2 defect (bug) imath assigned normal normal 08/06/2020
#8712 Page not found (404) when trying to access a member profile (not sure) 10.3.0 defect (bug) new normal normal 06/21/2022
1 2 3 4
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