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{3} Active Tickets by Milestone (357 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by milestone.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Results (201 - 300 of 357)

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Milestone Awaiting Contributions (93 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Priority Severity Created
#5373 Removing requirement of Name profile field during registration Core 1.9.1 enhancement new normal normal 02/05/2014
#5644 Activity Favorites: alternative management & new features Activity 2.0 enhancement assigned normal normal 05/15/2014
#5715 Profile image placeholders Extended Profile enhancement new normal normal 06/18/2014
#5799 Bring profile fields back into template parts Extended Profile 2.0 enhancement new normal normal 08/07/2014
#6071 XProfile superfield Extended Profile enhancement reopened normal normal 12/15/2014
#6094 Support custom group statuses Groups 2.1 enhancement new normal normal 01/08/2015
#6095 Define behavior for group status Groups 2.1 enhancement new normal normal 01/08/2015
#6148 Default "Profile" page Core enhancement reopened normal normal 01/21/2015
#6161 Group Bulk Edit Groups enhancement dcavins accepted normal normal 01/24/2015
#6179 notification count doesn't match on admin bar Toolbar & Notifications enhancement johnjamesjacoby accepted normal normal 02/01/2015
#6642 BP Template Versioning Templates enhancement reopened normal minor 10/02/2015
#6677 Groups: Draft, Locked or Suspended status Groups enhancement dcavins assigned normal normal 10/21/2015
#6783 Groups: Add Profile Fields and Profile Field Groups Groups enhancement reopened normal normal 12/17/2015
#6789 XProfile: do not store serialized arrays for multi-value profile field data Extended Profile enhancement new normal normal 12/22/2015
#6806 Activity Bump for marked favorite and new replies Activity enhancement new normal normal 01/05/2016
#6890 Remove usage of deprecated bp_activity_delete_by_item_id() from various functions. Core enhancement new normal normal 02/09/2016
#6921 Maybe introduce PHP Mustache parser for email templates Emails 2.5.0 enhancement reopened normal normal 02/18/2016
#6957 Too specific "nothing found" message for activity loop Activity enhancement new normal normal 03/13/2016
#6959 Use is_default_field() everywhere instead of comparing to 1 Extended Profile enhancement slaFFik assigned normal normal 03/13/2016
#6965 "emails in the wrong language" notice should be dismissable Emails enhancement DJPaul assigned normal normal 03/17/2016
#6998 Strip new posts text in activity feed using words counters, not chars Activity enhancement new normal normal 04/05/2016
#7176 Implement user capabilities for Activity component Activity enhancement new normal normal 07/08/2016
#7195 Throw a notice when activating BP on a site that doesn't meet system requirements Core enhancement new normal normal 07/21/2016
#7201 Support member types hierarchy Members 2.2 enhancement new normal normal 07/25/2016
#7268 Feature Request: Introduce 'Add Members' into front-end Group Manage Core enhancement new normal normal 09/26/2016
#7312 Don't show the sorting box and the meta information Groups enhancement new normal normal 10/30/2016
#7332 Use `WHERE 1=1` instead of eliminating `WHERE` clause Core enhancement new normal normal 11/07/2016
#7343 Add the_group filter to allow group object modification Groups enhancement dcavins accepted normal normal 11/12/2016
#7408 Only link to Sign-ups on primary site admin of primary network Members 2.0 enhancement new normal normal 12/27/2016
#7451 Adding comments from non-registered users into activity stream. Activity enhancement new normal normal 02/27/2017
#7547 Change error message "The user is already active." New User Experience enhancement new normal normal 06/21/2017
#7624 Nouveau - Replace font icons with SVGs Templates enhancement new normal minor 11/15/2017
#7633 Activity stream comments and reply display order. Activity 2.9.0 enhancement reopened normal normal 11/30/2017
#7648 Autolinking Checkboxes Extended Profile 2.9.2 enhancement new normal normal 12/21/2017
#7672 Moved shared template pack assets into new folder Templates enhancement djpaul reopened normal normal 01/29/2018
#7743 Add crop feature for profile and group cover images Media enhancement new normal normal 04/08/2018
#7746 Update bp_get_group_join_button() to use new capabilities. Groups 2.9.4 enhancement assigned normal normal 04/11/2018
#7841 Integrate Xprofile Custom Fields into core Extended Profile enhancement new normal normal 05/19/2018
#7874 BP Pages hidden from menu options once selected as BP pages Administration enhancement slaFFik new normal normal 05/28/2018
#7891 Need a filter for restricting activity comment/replies query Activity 3.0.0 enhancement new normal normal 06/02/2018
#7898 Allow site admin to use the registration page Registration enhancement new normal normal 06/08/2018
#7912 Add the email Lost Your Password and Password Change Notice in Admin Email List Emails 3.0.0 enhancement DJPaul new normal normal 07/02/2018
#7914 Possibilities of duplicate activation_key. Registration 3.0.0 enhancement new normal normal 07/04/2018
#7948 HTML sanitization for user-generated content in notification emails Emails enhancement DJPaul new normal normal 08/20/2018
#7964 The ability to add a BuddyPress avatar and drop down menu via WordPress menus New User Experience enhancement new normal normal 09/07/2018
#7987 Buttons are not aligned Core 3.0.0 enhancement new normal normal 10/07/2018
#8074 User data exports should include information about xprofile field group Extended Profile 4.0.0 enhancement new normal normal 03/24/2019
#8104 add filter in bp_send_email to allow html email in wp_mail call Emails 4.3.0 enhancement DJPaul new normal normal 06/17/2019
#8186 xprofile field type display_filter method should provide more data Core 5.0.0 enhancement new normal normal 12/26/2019
#8301 Nouveau: Twenty Twenty Theme Compatibility Templates enhancement new normal normal 05/20/2020
#8319 Block based Activity post form Activity enhancement imath reopened normal normal 06/17/2020
#8349 Add appropriate buddypress objects to the wp sitemap Core enhancement new normal normal 08/17/2020
#8445 BP Invitations: Add some joins to the user table to improve searching/reordering of invitations. Core 7.2.0 enhancement assigned normal normal 03/18/2021
#8460 Online interval should be filterable Core enhancement new normal normal 04/21/2021
#8487 Add visibility and required controls to the WordPress profile fields Core 8.0.0 enhancement reopened normal normal 06/10/2021
#8559 Mutual Groups & friends Status Notification Feature Groups 9.1.1 enhancement new normal normal 08/30/2021
#8568 The xProfile "Name" Field Extended Profile 1.0 enhancement imath reopened normal normal 09/14/2021
#8584 Admin: add Member Type column to Network Users List Table Members 7.0.0 enhancement new normal normal 10/08/2021
#8670 Block or widget arguments should be filterable Core enhancement new normal normal 03/26/2022
#8690 Add a new apply filter for default value for bp_parse_args Activity enhancement new normal normal 04/27/2022
#8722 Introduce a new specific template pack "BP reNouveau" Templates enhancement imath assigned normal normal 07/19/2022
#9031 bp_has_groups has missing parameter to fetch groups based on the group's creator or admin Groups 11.4.0 enhancement new normal normal 12/01/2023
#9061 Rewrite Rules Built Even When Not Needed Core 12.0.0 enhancement new normal normal 01/08/2024
#9117 Directory type "guid" link should be redirected to their BP URLs Core enhancement new normal normal 03/04/2024
#6603 Allow xprofile field values to be ran through oembed Extended Profile feature request reopened normal normal 08/29/2015
#7133 Merge BuddyPress Followers into BuddyPress Core (not sure) feature request assigned normal normal 06/20/2016
#7183 Widget for logged-in user Notifications used in wp-toolbar Core feature request new normal normal 07/11/2016
#7246 Add group limit in BuddyPress Groups Module Groups feature request new normal normal 09/05/2016
#7251 Allow admin to filter Activity directory stream Activity feature request new normal normal 09/10/2016
#7282 Read receipt for private messages Messages feature request new normal normal 10/10/2016
#7368 Allow activity stream to be sorted by most recently commented Activity 2.7.2 feature request new normal normal 11/30/2016
#7701 Add archive functionality to Private Messages Messages feature request new normal normal 02/22/2018
#7953 Activity Scheduling Activity feature request new normal normal 08/27/2018
#8279 What about introducing BP Friends Types in 7.0.0 ? Friends feature request new normal normal 04/17/2020
#8323 Show activity comments on button click only Activity feature request new normal normal 07/02/2020
#8348 Enhance the bp_activity table design by adding site_id Activity 6.2.0 feature request new normal normal 08/14/2020
#8602 Avatar uploads on smartphones/small mobile devices issue Core 9.1.1 feature request new normal normal 11/30/2021
#8612 Add ability for group admins to create new pages unique to that group Messages feature request new normal normal 01/04/2022
#8613 Allow admins in groups to add/remove menu items Core feature request new normal normal 01/04/2022
#8737 Put avatars in the database Core feature request new normal normal 09/13/2022
#8738 Disable group details change email functionality via a filter Core feature request new normal normal 09/15/2022
#8931 Integrating BuddyPress with the indieweb and fediverse Core feature request new normal normal 07/05/2023
#8989 Date Selector Profile Field Type with a Relative Range works in whole years only Extended Profile 11.3.1 feature request new normal normal 09/06/2023
#9044 Sorting Order Presets, and First and Last Name Sorting Options Templates 12.0.0 feature request new normal normal 12/18/2023
#8836 Create a wrapper function for sprintf to prevent potential fatal errors. I18N task imath assigned normal normal 02/15/2023
#7159 Add shortcode rendering of template parts Templates feature request new strategic normal 07/01/2016
#7160 Admin UI options for all template features Administration feature request new strategic normal 07/01/2016
#7161 More granular Component activation choices Administration feature request new strategic normal 07/01/2016
#7163 Display blog posts on author's BP profile, and redirect author permalinks. Blogs feature request new strategic normal 07/01/2016
#7164 Add @mentions notifications for Groups. Toolbar & Notifications feature request new strategic normal 07/01/2016
#7165 Add #hashtag auto-suggest Toolbar & Notifications feature request new strategic normal 07/01/2016
#7167 Notification auto-matchers Toolbar & Notifications feature request new strategic normal 07/01/2016
#7168 Central place to manage all notifications and delivery preferences Toolbar & Notifications feature request new strategic normal 07/01/2016

Milestone Awaiting Review (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Priority Severity Created
#9263 Warning: Function bp_use_wp_admin_bar() is deprecated since version 14.0.0 with no alternative available Core defect (bug) new high normal 12/19/2024
#9265 wpforo notifications not redirecting to forums Forums 14.3.2 defect (bug) johnjamesjacoby new high normal 12/26/2024
#8970 Display issue of half truncated letter in BuddyPress Group Activity Page Templates 3.0.0 defect (bug) new low minor 08/09/2023
#9128 Subnavs slug prefixing Core 12.0.0 defect (bug) imath assigned low normal 03/29/2024
#9273 Navigation menu breaks Navigation 14.3.2 defect (bug) new low minor 02/18/2025
#8650 Trac styling improvements Sites task johnjamesjacoby assigned low normal 03/11/2022
#9252 Increase the zoom of better appearance Sites enhancement johnjamesjacoby assigned lowest trivial 10/31/2024
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