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{2} Active Tickets by Version (357 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by version.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Results (101 - 200 of 357)

1 2 3 4

(empty) (96 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#4769 Favourite button for activity comments Activity enhancement new 01/14/2013
#6806 Activity Bump for marked favorite and new replies Activity enhancement new 01/05/2016
#6957 Too specific "nothing found" message for activity loop Activity enhancement new 03/13/2016
#6998 Strip new posts text in activity feed using words counters, not chars Activity enhancement new 04/05/2016
#7176 Implement user capabilities for Activity component Activity enhancement new 07/08/2016
#7451 Adding comments from non-registered users into activity stream. Activity enhancement new 02/27/2017
#7251 Allow admin to filter Activity directory stream Activity feature request new 09/10/2016
#7121 Wrong position of @mention autosuggest on tinyMce editor When scrolled down Administration defect (bug) new 06/14/2016
#5367 WP Admin BuddyPress profile when BuddyPress is not network activated Administration defect (bug) new 02/01/2014
#5443 wp-admin xprofile new/edit field screen doesn't work on mobile Administration defect (bug) new 03/03/2014
#7160 Admin UI options for all template features Administration feature request new 07/01/2016
#7161 More granular Component activation choices Administration feature request new 07/01/2016
#4359 Un-spamming a user doesn't reinstate blog record Blogs defect (bug) new 07/18/2012
#4360 Spamming a user doesn't remove blog metadata Blogs defect (bug) new 07/18/2012
#4831 BP bases site data/activity entries on WP search engine instructions Blogs defect (bug) new 02/15/2013
#7163 Display blog posts on author's BP profile, and redirect author permalinks. Blogs feature request new 07/01/2016
#5525 Move bpdevel to Sites enhancement espellcaste assigned 04/09/2014
#2776 Most content is double-escaped in the database Core defect (bug) new 12/04/2010
#2147 Ability to set the default filter for components Core enhancement new 03/07/2010
#4599 Changes to bp_core_load_template (by hackday) Core defect (bug) new 10/15/2012
#4627 bp_core_fetch_avatar html pref checking should use !empty (again) Core defect (bug) new 10/25/2012
#4926 Inconsistent handling of username between Toolbar and BP URLs Core defect (bug) new 04/10/2013
#5722 Theme compat does not recognize single member page if no subnav item is registered Core defect (bug) new 06/20/2014
#5865 URI parsing fails for encoded url slugs. Core defect (bug) assigned 09/08/2014
#6130 Default (Last active) sorting doesn't show some members Core defect (bug) new 01/17/2015
#6167 Activity stream commenting on WP post appears to bypass WP comment settings Core defect (bug) new 01/28/2015
#6448 Unconditional set of $wp_rewrite->use_verbose_page_rules = false breaks flush_rewrite_rules() Core defect (bug) new 05/21/2015
#6555 Avatar upload dir filters set 'basedir' and 'baseurl' incorrectly Core defect (bug) new 07/14/2015
#6559 nav implode() error when using BUDDYPRESS_LATE_LOAD Core defect (bug) new 07/17/2015
#6754 `widget()` methods should be self-sufficient Core defect (bug) new 11/28/2015
#7003 "Full name" field setting doesn't work on non-primary blog admin in multiblog mode Core defect (bug) new 04/08/2016
#5360 Template hierarchy file names Codex guide? Core enhancement new 01/30/2014
#6148 Default "Profile" page Core enhancement reopened 01/21/2015
#6890 Remove usage of deprecated bp_activity_delete_by_item_id() from various functions. Core enhancement new 02/09/2016
#7195 Throw a notice when activating BP on a site that doesn't meet system requirements Core enhancement new 07/21/2016
#7268 Feature Request: Introduce 'Add Members' into front-end Group Manage Core enhancement new 09/26/2016
#7332 Use `WHERE 1=1` instead of eliminating `WHERE` clause Core enhancement new 11/07/2016
#7183 Widget for logged-in user Notifications used in wp-toolbar Core feature request new 07/11/2016
#5468 Removing user on multisite site still shows user Core defect (bug) new 03/17/2014
#6832 Error Posting comments Core defect (bug) reopened 01/18/2016
#6885 bp_has_custom_signup_page() & bp_has_custom_activation_page() are always true Core defect (bug) new 02/08/2016
#6938 Add email token for recipient? avatars. Emails enhancement reopened 03/03/2016
#6965 "emails in the wrong language" notice should be dismissable Emails enhancement DJPaul assigned 03/17/2016
#5630 Enable BP_XProfile_Field_Type classes to register display filter Extended Profile defect (bug) boonebgorges reopened 05/09/2014
#6413 xprofile fielddata visibility should be stored in xprofilemeta Extended Profile defect (bug) boonebgorges assigned 05/02/2015
#7287 xProfile multi select box output: Include option IDs Extended Profile defect (bug) new 10/14/2016
#7355 Accessibility: Improve Focus Management and Markup of Edit Profile Photo Link and Modal Extended Profile defect (bug) new 11/19/2016
#7631 Values in autolinked profile fields have characters improperly encoded for display Extended Profile defect (bug) new 11/28/2017
#5715 Profile image placeholders Extended Profile enhancement new 06/18/2014
#6071 XProfile superfield Extended Profile enhancement reopened 12/15/2014
#6789 XProfile: do not store serialized arrays for multi-value profile field data Extended Profile enhancement new 12/22/2015
#6959 Use is_default_field() everywhere instead of comparing to 1 Extended Profile enhancement slaFFik assigned 03/13/2016
#6603 Allow xprofile field values to be ran through oembed Extended Profile feature request reopened 08/29/2015
#7473 Extended Profile edit should honour WP's "edit_users" capability Extended Profile enhancement new 03/20/2017
#6703 Installing old fashioned bbPress 1.x from BuddyPress installation Forums defect (bug) new 11/01/2015
#3842 Group and member template functions should check current group/member as well Groups enhancement new 12/12/2011
#3727 group extension admin page can't be configured to be accessed by group mods Groups defect (bug) new 11/03/2011
#5874 BP_Groups_Group::get() returns incorrect results when using meta_query with multiple meta_values and OR relationship Groups defect (bug) new 09/14/2014
#6053 Links in Group Description should be nofollow'd Groups defect (bug) new 12/03/2014
#6441 Missing break statement inside bp_groups_admin_load() function Groups defect (bug) new 05/19/2015
#7070 Unique group names should not use random integer Groups defect (bug) new 05/17/2016
#7320 Group header: warning in admins/mods list Groups defect (bug) reopened 11/03/2016
#7647 Group membership events need "after" actions Groups defect (bug) new 12/20/2017
#4017 Group taxonomy Groups enhancement boonebgorges new 02/17/2012
#6161 Group Bulk Edit Groups enhancement dcavins accepted 01/24/2015
#6783 Groups: Add Profile Fields and Profile Field Groups Groups enhancement reopened 12/17/2015
#7312 Don't show the sorting box and the meta information Groups enhancement new 10/30/2016
#7343 Add the_group filter to allow group object modification Groups enhancement dcavins accepted 11/12/2016
#7246 Add group limit in BuddyPress Groups Module Groups feature request new 09/05/2016
#5923 Can't change size of group thumbnail since 2.1 version Media defect (bug) new 10/02/2014
#6245 bp_get_user_has_avatar() always returns true if default avatar URL is filtered Media defect (bug) new 02/21/2015
#6746 Avatar filename could generate: "There was a problem cropping your avatar" Media defect (bug) new 11/21/2015
#7645 gravatar parameters esc_url() function breaks the html formatting. Media defect (bug) new 12/15/2017
#6156 bp_is_user_deleted() incorrectly checks user_status === 2 Members defect (bug) new 01/22/2015
#7278 No content when defining another default tab for profile settings Members defect (bug) new 10/07/2016
#7412 Update jquery.dimensions Messages enhancement new 01/04/2017
#3690 Private Messages Auto Refresh Messages enhancement new 10/17/2011
#7282 Read receipt for private messages Messages feature request new 10/10/2016
#7701 Add archive functionality to Private Messages Messages feature request new 02/22/2018
#7690 Will need a direct menu for Profile Front page after Nouveau Navigation enhancement new 02/09/2018
#7547 Change error message "The user is already active." New User Experience enhancement new 06/21/2017
#6841 Framework for bulk data handling after updates New User Experience enhancement new 01/22/2016
#7500 Harmful bp_activity indexes Performance enhancement espellcaste assigned 04/11/2017
#6395 is_single_item not set for single member profiles Route Parser defect (bug) new 04/28/2015
#5800 wp_title filter can break BP's pages' titles Templates defect (bug) new 08/08/2014
#6642 BP Template Versioning Templates enhancement reopened 10/02/2015
#7624 Nouveau - Replace font icons with SVGs Templates enhancement new 11/15/2017
#7672 Moved shared template pack assets into new folder Templates enhancement djpaul reopened 01/29/2018
#7159 Add shortcode rendering of template parts Templates feature request new 07/01/2016
#5504 BuddyPress, in some cases, marks some notifications as read without the user has read them Toolbar & Notifications defect (bug) imath assigned 04/01/2014
#6639 Duplicate IDs in Member Settings screens Toolbar & Notifications defect (bug) new 10/01/2015
#6179 notification count doesn't match on admin bar Toolbar & Notifications enhancement johnjamesjacoby accepted 02/01/2015
#7164 Add @mentions notifications for Groups. Toolbar & Notifications feature request new 07/01/2016
#7165 Add #hashtag auto-suggest Toolbar & Notifications feature request new 07/01/2016
#7167 Notification auto-matchers Toolbar & Notifications feature request new 07/01/2016
#7168 Central place to manage all notifications and delivery preferences Toolbar & Notifications feature request new 07/01/2016

1.0 (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#408 User Activity Import/Export Function Activity 1.0 enhancement new 01/28/2009
#6146 URL xprofile field should have target=_blank Extended Profile 1.0 enhancement new 01/21/2015
#8568 The xProfile "Name" Field Extended Profile 1.0 enhancement imath reopened 09/14/2021
#7673 Group Creation Link On Member Profile Groups 1.0 enhancement DJPaul assigned 01/29/2018
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