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{2} Active Tickets by Version (354 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by version.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Results (301 - 354 of 354)

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(empty) (54 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#9022 Link to user's send invites page New User Experience defect (bug) new 11/10/2023
#9038 Improve BP Logged in Member's WP Menu to support Block Themes Members defect (bug) imath assigned 12/16/2023
#9207 Improve WP Playground compatibility Build/Test Tools defect (bug) new 07/06/2024
#9218 Do we need to edit activity visibility when a user is marked as spam? Activity defect (bug) emaralive assigned 07/24/2024
#9231 Using BP REST API it's possible to retrieve information about a spammed user REST API defect (bug) espellcaste new 09/04/2024
#7743 Add crop feature for profile and group cover images Media enhancement new 04/08/2018
#7841 Integrate Xprofile Custom Fields into core Extended Profile enhancement new 05/19/2018
#7874 BP Pages hidden from menu options once selected as BP pages Administration enhancement slaFFik new 05/28/2018
#7898 Allow site admin to use the registration page Registration enhancement new 06/08/2018
#7948 HTML sanitization for user-generated content in notification emails Emails enhancement DJPaul new 08/20/2018
#7964 The ability to add a BuddyPress avatar and drop down menu via WordPress menus New User Experience enhancement new 09/07/2018
#8301 Nouveau: Twenty Twenty Theme Compatibility Templates enhancement new 05/20/2020
#8319 Block based Activity post form Activity enhancement imath reopened 06/17/2020
#8349 Add appropriate buddypress objects to the wp sitemap Core enhancement new 08/17/2020
#8371 A function to get pieces of data specific to BuddyPress for a member Members enhancement new 09/27/2020
#8413 Better optimize queries searching for @mentions Performance enhancement espellcaste assigned 12/11/2020
#8460 Online interval should be filterable Core enhancement new 04/21/2021
#8670 Block or widget arguments should be filterable Core enhancement new 03/26/2022
#8690 Add a new apply filter for default value for bp_parse_args Activity enhancement new 04/27/2022
#8722 Introduce a new specific template pack "BP reNouveau" Templates enhancement imath assigned 07/19/2022
#8980 Components settings, directory pages & visibility Core enhancement new 08/21/2023
#9113 BP CLI API - Reference Site Sites enhancement espellcaste assigned 02/25/2024
#9117 Directory type "guid" link should be redirected to their BP URLs Core enhancement new 03/04/2024
#9201 Add End-To-End (E2E) tests for BuddyPress Build/Test Tools enhancement espellcaste assigned 06/24/2024
#9227 Fatal error due to bp_get_object_terms function Members enhancement new 08/19/2024
#9228 Blogs: `blog_id` is accepted in the `bp_get_blog_avatar`, regardless if there is a blog in the current loop Blogs enhancement espellcaste assigned 09/04/2024
#7877 Tax query support for group queries Groups feature request espellcaste assigned 05/29/2018
#7953 Activity Scheduling Activity feature request new 08/27/2018
#8279 What about introducing BP Friends Types in 7.0.0 ? Friends feature request new 04/17/2020
#8323 Show activity comments on button click only Activity feature request new 07/02/2020
#8612 Add ability for group admins to create new pages unique to that group Messages feature request new 01/04/2022
#8613 Allow admins in groups to add/remove menu items Core feature request new 01/04/2022
#8737 Put avatars in the database Core feature request new 09/13/2022
#8738 Disable group details change email functionality via a filter Core feature request new 09/15/2022
#8931 Integrating BuddyPress with the indieweb and fediverse Core feature request new 07/05/2023
#9190 Preview BuddyPress Pull Requests Core feature request espellcaste assigned 06/18/2024
#9202 Github Action: confirms that installing BuddyPress using WP-CLI works successfully Build/Test Tools feature request espellcaste assigned 06/24/2024
#8001 Review at.js integration for updates and/or swapout Core task new 11/15/2018
#8836 Create a wrapper function for sprintf to prevent potential fatal errors. I18N task imath assigned 02/15/2023
#9173 Docblock improvements for 15.0 Core task espellcaste assigned 06/06/2024
#9174 WPCS improvements for 15.0 Core task espellcaste assigned 06/06/2024
#9199 Stub declarations for BuddyPress core functions, classes and interfaces Build/Test Tools task espellcaste assigned 06/24/2024
#9200 BuddyPress core actions and filters as JSON Build/Test Tools task espellcaste assigned 06/24/2024
#9065 PHP 8 Fatal error: Malformed inputs can cause fatals. Core defect (bug) imath assigned 01/10/2024
#1058 Import/Export of all BuddyPress user data (roadmap BP v1.4) Core enhancement vapvarun assigned 09/22/2009
#8467 Plugin buddypress is not compatibalbe Elemontor Core enhancement new 05/06/2021
#8053 Rotation of Profile Picture Functionality Core feature request new 02/23/2019
#9193 New BuddyPress Standalone theme for Sites task espellcaste assigned 06/18/2024
#9175 Unable to send "0" in messages through REST API REST API defect (bug) espellcaste new 06/06/2024
#9137 REST API related issues for signups and pending accounts REST API enhancement espellcaste new 04/20/2024
#9157 Messages: check if a member already messaged another member REST API enhancement espellcaste assigned 05/16/2024
#9214 Unit tests: Flaky membership controller test: `test_get_paginated_items` REST API enhancement espellcaste assigned 07/17/2024
#9145 BP REST API - V2 REST API task espellcaste assigned 05/04/2024
#9229 Apply BP REST API - V2 internally REST API task espellcaste assigned 09/04/2024
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