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{16} Latest Tickets (355 matches)

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Results (201 - 300 of 355)

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Old Tickets (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Component Priority Severity Milestone Type Workflow Modified
#5608 Improve "Blog Comments" activity filter Activity highest normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) 01/27/2015
#5504 BuddyPress, in some cases, marks some notifications as read without the user has read them imath Toolbar & Notifications normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) 10/27/2015
#5468 Removing user on multisite site still shows user Core high normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) 04/28/2014
#5443 wp-admin xprofile new/edit field screen doesn't work on mobile Administration normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) 11/22/2014
#5338 Loading of more activity items by the activity stream's 'Load More' button Activity normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) 04/28/2014
#5161 Can't upload an Avatar - getting a "Can't find editor" error Media normal minor Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) 06/18/2016
#5055 BP_Messages_Message::send(): Avoid new thread_id via SELECT MAX()/INSERT Messages normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) 06/26/2013
#4965 Deprecate usage of BP_AVATAR_URL and BP_AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH constants Core normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) 06/24/2016
#4926 Inconsistent handling of username between Toolbar and BP URLs Core normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) 12/12/2023
#4875 @mention notifications NOT being sent if @mention falls out of excerpt limit in forum posts. Toolbar & Notifications normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) 01/21/2014
#4831 BP bases site data/activity entries on WP search engine instructions Blogs normal minor Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) 05/06/2023
#4784 Site Page Comments Don't Reach Activity djpaul Activity normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) 01/05/2018
#4769 Favourite button for activity comments Activity normal normal Awaiting Contributions enhancement 01/25/2017
#4599 Changes to bp_core_load_template (by hackday) Core normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) 12/21/2012
#4590 filter select options out of sync with parent tab Core normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) 06/18/2016
#4407 Nesting a component page produces unexpected results Core normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) 01/25/2017
#4383 Activity Stream doesn't work on sub blogs if bp_enable_multiblog is enabled unless page is "none" Activity normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) 12/01/2012
#4360 Spamming a user doesn't remove blog metadata Blogs normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) 07/18/2012
#4359 Un-spamming a user doesn't reinstate blog record Blogs normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) 08/08/2014
#4017 Group taxonomy boonebgorges Groups normal major Awaiting Contributions enhancement 11/03/2024
#3732 Moderation, blacklisting, and flooding johnjamesjacoby Activity high normal Awaiting Contributions enhancement 06/04/2017
#3727 group extension admin page can't be configured to be accessed by group mods Groups normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) 10/07/2016
#3690 Private Messages Auto Refresh Messages normal normal Awaiting Contributions enhancement 05/16/2023
#3099 Unhide activity for an unmarked spammer Activity normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) 04/29/2013
#2776 Most content is double-escaped in the database Core major normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) 05/17/2023
#2721 All activity streams view link should have similar end points Activity normal normal Awaiting Contributions enhancement 07/27/2017
#2239 if an activity is hidden from sitewide its children (comments) are not hidden as well Activity normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) 07/30/2016
#2147 Ability to set the default filter for components Core major normal Awaiting Contributions enhancement 02/07/2018
#2084 Frontpage tabs - show if content is available boonebgorges Activity lowest trivial Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) 05/05/2023
#1058 Import/Export of all BuddyPress user data (roadmap BP v1.4) vapvarun Core high normal Up Next enhancement 12/02/2024
#9005 PHP Warning: Undefined variable $max Blogs normal normal defect (bug) close 10/13/2023
#8700 In mobile size, the alignment of the image in the content of the page is not perfect. Groups normal normal defect (bug) close 11/27/2023
#8433 Posting comments to activity failing in new_activity_comment ajax Activity normal normal defect (bug) close 02/15/2021
#8327 BP_SHOW_AVATARS is using non existing option parameter Core normal normal defect (bug) close 06/03/2021
#8169 Password Reset issue Core highest critical Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) close 11/29/2019
#8081 BuddyPress breaks disabling notification for new users Members normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) close 06/30/2019
#8014 Unable to add member from Group backend after BP 4.0.0 Core normal normal defect (bug) close 06/03/2021
#7320 Group header: warning in admins/mods list Groups normal normal defect (bug) close 02/11/2017
#6148 Default "Profile" page Core normal normal Awaiting Contributions enhancement close 02/03/2021
#9145 BP REST API - V2 espellcaste REST API highest normal 15.0.0 task commit 11/22/2024
#9252 Increase the zoom of better appearance johnjamesjacoby Sites lowest trivial Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 11/01/2024
#9235 Compatibility with language subdirectories Members normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 10/23/2024
#9204 Review our release process + enrich release lead's role imath Documentation low normal Under Consideration task dev-feedback 11/03/2024
#9098 Rethink Site (Wide) notices imath Messages normal normal Under Consideration enhancement dev-feedback 11/20/2024
#9019 `bp_is_group()` can return true on the group creation page Core normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 08/17/2024
#8970 Display issue of half truncated letter in BuddyPress Group Activity Page Templates low minor Awaiting Review defect (bug) dev-feedback 08/18/2024
#8951 Mark as duplicate field is not available in tickets. espellcaste Administration low normal Under Consideration defect (bug) dev-feedback 10/29/2024
#8824 Remove current password validation and the field from the member profile page Settings normal normal Awaiting Review enhancement dev-feedback 08/17/2024
#8794 Site membership requests: Create/change capability to approve requests dcavins Members normal normal Up Next feature request dev-feedback 11/04/2024
#8779 Use a default and extendable design for post type activities imath Activity normal normal Under Consideration feature request dev-feedback 11/03/2024
#8371 A function to get pieces of data specific to BuddyPress for a member Members normal normal Under Consideration enhancement dev-feedback 08/17/2024
#8279 What about introducing BP Friends Types in 7.0.0 ? Friends normal normal Awaiting Contributions feature request dev-feedback 06/19/2024
#8103 BP-Legacy needs a companion stylesheet for Twenty Nineteen Templates normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) dev-feedback 09/16/2019
#8093 Field Visibility Not Honored in PHP 7.1 & above Extended Profile normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) dev-feedback 07/22/2021
#7948 HTML sanitization for user-generated content in notification emails DJPaul Emails normal normal Awaiting Contributions enhancement dev-feedback 11/23/2018
#7867 Privacy: Default email notification preferences Core normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) dev-feedback 10/20/2018
#7648 Autolinking Checkboxes Extended Profile normal normal Awaiting Contributions enhancement dev-feedback 12/21/2017
#7523 Messages are not deleted from DB, when user is deleted r-a-y Messages normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) dev-feedback 06/20/2024
#7412 Update jquery.dimensions Messages low minor Awaiting Contributions enhancement dev-feedback 01/25/2017
#7408 Only link to Sign-ups on primary site admin of primary network Members normal normal Awaiting Contributions enhancement dev-feedback 01/25/2017
#7343 Add the_group filter to allow group object modification dcavins* Groups normal normal Awaiting Contributions enhancement dev-feedback 01/02/2018
#7331 display_comments=stream for bp_has_activities() doesn't work Activity normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) dev-feedback 01/25/2017
#7278 No content when defining another default tab for profile settings Members high normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) dev-feedback 08/25/2017
#7268 Feature Request: Introduce 'Add Members' into front-end Group Manage Core normal normal Awaiting Contributions enhancement dev-feedback 07/27/2017
#7201 Support member types hierarchy Members normal normal Awaiting Contributions enhancement dev-feedback 07/27/2017
#7133 Merge BuddyPress Followers into BuddyPress Core (not sure) normal normal Awaiting Contributions feature request dev-feedback 08/19/2024
#7109 `wp_bp_xprofile_groups` DB table sometimes sets `Base` group to an `id` that is not `1` Extended Profile normal major Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) dev-feedback 06/22/2016
#7092 There should be an easy way to disable activity stream posting Activity normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) dev-feedback 05/26/2016
#7068 Enable $multi_format option in bp_get_profile_field_data Extended Profile normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) dev-feedback 05/25/2016
#6931 Cover Image location is incorrect for blogs other than the primary blog Media normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) dev-feedback 01/10/2023
#6712 Screen notifications settings page espellcaste Toolbar & Notifications normal normal Under Consideration enhancement dev-feedback 10/29/2024
#6677 Groups: Draft, Locked or Suspended status dcavins Groups normal normal Awaiting Contributions enhancement dev-feedback 05/14/2020
#6565 Sign-ups may show roles in network admin Registration normal major Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) dev-feedback 10/21/2015
#6413 xprofile fielddata visibility should be stored in xprofilemeta boonebgorges Extended Profile normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) dev-feedback 05/04/2016
#6355 Profile picture approval option for admin imath Media normal minor enhancement dev-feedback 08/03/2021
#6201 Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function on line 1326 of global.js Core normal normal defect (bug) dev-feedback 11/16/2016
#6175 "Profile Fields" admin page requires 'manage_options' capability Core normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) dev-feedback 06/18/2016
#6173 'Members' menu selected when current page user profile page johnjamesjacoby* Core normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) dev-feedback 08/10/2015
#6095 Define behavior for group status Groups normal normal Awaiting Contributions enhancement dev-feedback 05/14/2020
#5856 Activity Stream filters reset when Whats New textbox is clicked Activity low normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) dev-feedback 11/13/2016
#5715 Profile image placeholders Extended Profile normal normal Awaiting Contributions enhancement dev-feedback 01/17/2018
#5525 Move bpdevel to espellcaste Sites normal normal Up Next enhancement dev-feedback 08/07/2024
#5373 Removing requirement of Name profile field during registration Core normal normal Awaiting Contributions enhancement dev-feedback 06/20/2024
#5367 WP Admin BuddyPress profile when BuddyPress is not network activated Administration normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) dev-feedback 09/06/2015
#5021 Shortcode contents don't display in non-standard BP 1.7 themes Core normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) dev-feedback 08/10/2015
#4991 manage_options capability required for non-super admin xprofile editing Extended Profile normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) dev-feedback 08/10/2015
#4740 Activity comments missing from group feed Activity normal normal Awaiting Contributions enhancement dev-feedback 01/25/2017
#4458 Activity update deletion and the "Are you sure" dialog box Activity normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) dev-feedback 06/03/2017
#3842 Group and member template functions should check current group/member as well Groups minor normal Awaiting Contributions enhancement dev-feedback 05/16/2023
#3653 Clicking on "All Members" tab not working after a search. Members normal normal Awaiting Contributions defect (bug) dev-feedback 09/30/2016
#408 User Activity Import/Export Function Activity major normal Awaiting Contributions enhancement dev-feedback 05/30/2020
#9193 New BuddyPress Standalone theme for espellcaste Sites high normal Under Consideration task early 11/15/2024
#9260 CI: test against PHP 8.4 espellcaste Build/Test Tools normal normal 15.0.0 task has-patch 12/07/2024
#9254 Stop using a component for the Members Invitations feature navigation imath Members normal normal Up Next defect (bug) has-patch 11/20/2024
#9253 Node 22 breaks Build/Test Tools normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 11/01/2024
#9243 Improve BP Nouveau to better integrate with WordPress Twenty Twenty-Five theme imath Templates normal normal Up Next task has-patch 11/20/2024
#9229 Apply BP REST API - V2 internally espellcaste REST API highest normal Up Next task has-patch 11/03/2024
#9174 WPCS improvements for 15.0 espellcaste Core normal normal 15.0.0 task has-patch 11/03/2024
#9076 Cache issue when trying to use get_post() with an existing directory page ID Members normal normal Awaiting Review defect (bug) has-patch 08/17/2024
#9065 PHP 8 Fatal error: Malformed inputs can cause fatals. imath Core high normal Under Consideration enhancement has-patch 11/03/2024
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