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05/03/2015 10:51:31 PM (10 years ago)

Punctuation is a key element to complete sentences.

See #6396.

1 edited


  • trunk/src/bp-activity/bp-activity-functions.php

    r9833 r9834  
    2929 * The Mentions feature does a number of things, all of which will be turned
    3030 * off if you disable mentions:
    31  *   - Detecting and auto-linking @username in all BP/WP content
     31 *   - Detecting and auto-linking @username in all BP/WP content.
    3232 *   - Sending BP notifications and emails to users when they are mentioned
    33  *     using the @username syntax
    34  *   - The Public Message button on user profiles
     33 *     using the @username syntax.
     34 *   - The Public Message button on user profiles.
    3535 *
    3636 * Mentions are enabled by default. To disable, put the following line in
    269269 *
    270270 * @since BuddyPress (1.9.0)
     271 *
     272 * @param string $mentionname Username of user in @-mentions.
    271273 *
    272274 * @return int|bool ID of the user, if one is found. Otherwise false.
    329331 * @param  string|bool   $label           String to describe this action in the activity stream filter dropdown.
    330332 * @param  array         $context         Optional. Activity stream contexts where the filter should appear.
    331  *                                        Values: 'activity', 'member', 'member_groups', 'group'
     333 *                                        Values: 'activity', 'member', 'member_groups', 'group'.
    332334 * @param  int           $position        Optional. The position of the action when listed in dropdowns.
    333335 *
    407409 *                                              Default: 'bp_activity_format_activity_action_custom_post_type_post'.
    408410 *     @type array    $contexts                 The directory contexts in which the filter will show.
    409  *                                              Default: array( 'activity' ),
     411 *                                              Default: array( 'activity' ).
    410412 *     @type array    $position                 Position of the item in filter dropdowns.
    411413 *     @type string   $singular                 Singular, translatable name of the post type item. If no value is
    544546 * @since BuddyPress (2.2.0)
    545547 *
    546  * @return object actions ordered by their position
     548 * @return object Actions ordered by their position.
    547549 */
    548550function bp_activity_get_actions() {
    1235  * Register the activity stream actions for updates
     1237 * Register the activity stream actions for updates.
    12361238 *
    12371239 * @since BuddyPress (1.6.0)
    15451547 * @since BuddyPress (1.2.0)
    15461548 *
    1547  * @see BP_Activity_Activity::get() For more information on accepted arguments
     1549 * @see BP_Activity_Activity::get() For more information on accepted arguments.
    15481550 * @uses wp_parse_args()
    1549  * @uses apply_filters() To call the 'bp_activity_get_specific' hook
     1551 * @uses apply_filters() To call the 'bp_activity_get_specific' hook.
    15501552 * @uses BP_Activity_Activity::get() {@link BP_Activity_Activity}
    15511553 *
    16051607 * @uses BP_Activity_Activity::rebuild_activity_comment_tree() {@link BP_Activity_Activity}
    16061608 * @uses wp_cache_delete()
    1607  * @uses do_action() To call the 'bp_activity_add' hook
     1609 * @uses do_action() To call the 'bp_activity_add' hook.
    16081610 *
    16091611 * @param array|string $args {
    17281730 *     @type int    $user_id Optional. Defaults to the logged-in user.
    17291731 * }
    1730  * @return int $activity_id The activity id
     1732 * @return int $activity_id The activity id.
    17311733 */
    17321734function bp_activity_post_update( $args = '' ) {
    24472449 * @param int $comment_id  The ID of the comment to be deleted.
    24482450 *
    2449  * @return bool True on success, false on failure
     2451 * @return bool True on success, false on failure.
    24502452 */
    24512453function bp_activity_delete_comment( $activity_id, $comment_id ) {
    26182620 *
    26192621 * @uses esc_attr()
    2620  * @uses apply_filters() To call the 'bp_activity_thumbnail_content_images' hook
     2622 * @uses apply_filters() To call the 'bp_activity_thumbnail_content_images' hook.
    26212623 *
    26222624 * @param string      $content The content of the activity item.
    26272629 *
    26282630 * @return string $content The content with images stripped and replaced with a
    2629  *         single thumb.
     2631 *                         single thumb.
    26302632 */
    26312633function bp_activity_thumbnail_content_images( $content, $link = false, $args = false ) {
    29792981 * @see bp_embed_activity_cache()
    29802982 * @see bp_embed_activity_save_cache()
     2983 *
    29812984 * @uses add_filter() To attach 'bp_get_activity_id' to 'embed_post_id'.
    29822985 * @uses add_filter() To attach 'bp_embed_activity_cache' to 'bp_embed_get_cache'.
    30033006 * @see bp_embed_activity_cache()
    30043007 * @see bp_embed_activity_save_cache()
     3008 *
    30053009 * @uses add_filter() To attach 'bp_get_activity_comment_id' to 'embed_post_id'.
    30063010 * @uses add_filter() To attach 'bp_embed_activity_cache' to 'bp_embed_get_cache'.
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