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  • branches/1.2/readme.txt

    r3569 r4066  
    22Contributors: apeatling, johnjamesjacoby, MrMaz, DJPaul, boonebgorges
    33Tags: buddypress, social networking, activity, profiles, messaging, friends, groups, forums, microblogging, twitter, facebook, mingle, social, community, networks, networking, cms
    4 Requires at least: 3.0
    5 Tested up to: 3.0.3
    6 Stable tag: 1.2.7
     4Requires at least: 3.1
     5Tested up to: 3.1
     6Stable tag: 1.2.8
    88== Description ==
    6262Of course! First install and activate BuddyPress, then download and activate the <a href="">template extension pack</a>. This plugin will run you through the process step-by-step.
    64 Be sure to also try out the default theme bundled with BuddyPress. It provides all the awesome features of a standard WordPress blog, but also integrates the BuddyPress features both seamlessly and beautfully. It's also really easy to modify with custom header support, widget support and via a <a href="">child theme</a>.
     64Be sure to also try out the default theme bundled with BuddyPress. It provides all the awesome features of a standard WordPress blog, but also integrates the BuddyPress features both seamlessly and beautifully. It's also really easy to modify with custom header support, widget support and via a <a href="">child theme</a>.
    6666= Will this work on standard WordPress and WordPress MU? =
    9696== Languages ==
    98 BuddyPress is available in more than 20 languages. For more information about BuddyPress in your language please select a langauge site from the list below. Is your language missing? Please send a message to the <a href="">WP-Polygots</a> mailing list and request for your language to be set up.
     98BuddyPress is available in more than 20 languages. For more information about BuddyPress in your language please select a language site from the list below. Is your language missing? Please send a message to the <a href="">WP-Polygots</a> mailing list and request for your language to be set up.
    100100*   <a href="">Brasil</a>
    118118*   <a href="">正體中文</a>
    120 The <a href="">BuddyPress langauge file repository</a> includes some language that have not yet set up a localization site.
     120The <a href="">BuddyPress language file repository</a> includes some language that have not yet set up a localization site.
    122122== Upgrade Notice ==
    124 = 1.2.7 =
    125 Fixes over 10 bugs.
     124= 1.2.8 =
     125Compatibility with WordPress 3.1
    127127== Changelog ==
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.