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Changeset 13853

05/06/2024 05:56:56 PM (10 months ago)

Documentation: migrate the codex page about BuddyPress Email tokens


1 edited


  • trunk/docs/user/administration/emails/

    r13852 r13853  
    11# BuddyPress Email Tokens
    3 TBD
     3As introduced in the [BuddyPress Emails documentation page](, **Tokens** are variable strings surrounded with double or triple braces that will get replaced with dynamic content when the email gets sent. When a token is surrounded with double braces (eg: `{{}}`), it means the corresponding dynamic data will be escaped during the Email merge. When it's surrounded with triple braces (eg: `{{{profile.url}}}`), it means dynamic data is not escaped during the Email merge.
     5## Global tokens available for all BuddyPress Email situations
     7| Tokens | Description |
     8| ------ | ----------- |
     9| `{{site.admin-email}}` | Email address of the site administrator |
     10| `{{{site.url}}}` | Your WordPress site’s landing page (value of `home_url()`) |
     11| `{{site.description}}` | Your WordPress site’s tagline (value of `get_bloginfo( 'description' )`) |
     12| `{{}}` | Your WordPress site’s title (value of `get_bloginfo( 'name' )`) |
     13| `{{}}` | Email address of recipient |
     14| `{{}}` | Display name of recipient |
     15| `{{recipient.username}}` | Username (login) of recipient |
     16| `{{{unsubscribe}}}` | Link to the recipient’s email notifications settings screen in their user profile |
     17| `{{email.subject}}` | The subject line of the email |
     19## Tokens specific to a BuddyPress Email situation
     21### Core situations
     23#### Recipient has registered for an account.
     25| Tokens | Description |
     26| ------ | ----------- |
     27| `{{{activate.url}}}` | Link to the site’s membership activation page, including the user’s activation key |
     28| `{{key}}` | Activation key |
     29| `{{}}` | The new user’s email address |
     30| `{{}}` | The new user’s ID |
     32#### Recipient has registered for an account and site.
     34> [!NOTE]
     35> This situation is only available & used in WordPress Multisite configs.
     37| Tokens | Description |
     38| ------ | ----------- |
     39| `{{{activate-site.url}}}` | Link to the site’s membership and new blog activation page |
     40| `{{{user-site.url}}}` | The link to the new blog created by the user |
     41| `{{title}}` | The new blog’s title |
     42| `{{domain}}` | The new blog’s domain |
     43| `{{path}}` | The new blog’s path |
     44| `{{key_blog}}` | Activation key |
     46#### Recipient has successfully activated an account.
     48| Tokens | Description |
     49| ------ | ----------- |
     50| `{{displayname}}` | Display name of the user |
     51| `{{{profile.url}}}` | Link to the recipient’s user profile |
     52| `{{{lostpassword.url}}}` | Link to the WordPress login screen to reset recipient's password |
     54### Members situations
     56#### A site member has sent a site invitation to the recipient.
     58> [!NOTE]
     59> This situation is only used if the option to let members to send invitations to join a site is active.
     61| Tokens | Description |
     62| ------ | ----------- |
     63| `{{}}` | The name of the user who sent the invitations to join the site (wrapped in a link to that user’s profile) |
     64| `{{{inviter.url}}}` | The link to the profile page of the user who sent the invitations to join the site |
     65| `{{}}` | The ID of the user who sent the invitations to join the site |
     66| `{{{invite.accept_url}}}` | The URL to use to accept the invitation |
     67| `{{usermessage}}` | The invitation text |
     69#### Someone has requested membership on this site.
     71> [!NOTE]
     72> This situation is only used if the option to request site membership is active.
     74| Tokens | Description |
     75| ------ | ----------- |
     76| `{{}}`| The ID of the admin user to inform about this new site membership request |
     77| `{{{manage.url}}}` | The URL to use to manage site membership requests |
     78| `{{requesting-user.user_login}}` | The login name of the user who sent the membership request |
     80#### A site membership request has been rejected.
     82> [!NOTE]
     83> This situation is only used if the option to request site membership is active.
     84> This situation do not use specific tokens.
     86### Activity situations
     88> [!NOTE]
     89> The following situations are only used if Activity component is active.
     91#### A member has replied to an activity update that the recipient posted.
     93| Tokens | Description |
     94| ------ | ----------- |
     95| `{{usermessage}}` | The content of the Activity comment |
     96| `{{}}` | Display name of Activity comment author |
     97| `{{{thread.url}}}` | Permalink to the original activity item thread |
     98| `{{}}` | The Activity comment ID |
     99| `{{}}` | The ID of the user who posted the Activity comment. |
     100| `{{original_activity.user_id}}` | The ID of the user who wrote the original activity update |
     102#### A member has replied to a comment on an activity update that the recipient posted.
     104| Tokens | Description |
     105| ------ | ----------- |
     106| `{{usermessage}}` | The content of the Activity comment reply |
     107| `{{}}` | Display name of Activity comment reply author |
     108| `{{{thread.url}}}` | Permalink to the original activity item thread |
     109| `{{}}` | The Activity comment reply ID |
     110| `{{}}` | The ID of the user who wrote the immediate parent Activity comment |
     111| `{{}}` | The ID of the user who posted the Activity comment reply |
     113#### Recipient was mentioned in an activity update.
     115| Tokens | Description |
     116| ------ | ----------- |
     117| `{{usermessage}}` | The content of the activity update |
     118| `{{{mentioned.url}}}` | Permalink to the activity item |
     119| `{{}}` | Display name of activity item author |
     120| `{{}}` | The ID of the user who was mentioned in the update |
     122#### Recipient was mentioned in a group activity update.
     124> [!NOTE]
     125> This situation is only used if Groups component is active.
     127| Tokens | Description |
     128| ------ | ----------- |
     129| `{{usermessage}}` | The content of the activity update |
     130| `{{{mentioned.url}}}` | Permalink to the activity item |
     131| `{{}}` | Display name of activity item author |
     132| `{{}}` | The ID of the user who was mentioned in the update |
     133| `{{}}` | Name of the group housing the activity update |
     135### Friends situations
     137> [!NOTE]
     138> The following situations are only used if Friends component is active.
     140#### A member has sent a friend request to the recipient.
     142| Tokens | Description |
     143| ------ | ----------- |
     144| `{{{friend-requests.url}}}` | The URL to the user’s friendship request management screen |
     145| `{{{initiator.url}}}` | The URL of the initiator’s user profile |
     146| `{{}}` | Display name of the friendship initiator |
     147| `{{}}` | ID of the friendship object |
     148| `{{}}` | User ID of the friendship request recipient |
     149| `{{}}` | User ID of the user who initiated the friendship request |
     151#### Recipient has had a friend request accepted by a member.
     153| Tokens | Description |
     154| ------ | ----------- |
     155| `{{{friendship.url}}}` |  The URL to the user’s friendship request management screen |
     156| `{{}}` | Display name of the friendship request recipient |
     157| `{{}}` | ID of the friendship object |
     158| `{{}}` | User ID of the friendship request recipient |
     159| `{{}}` | User ID of the user who initiated the request |
     161### Groups situations
     163> [!NOTE]
     164> The following situations are only used if Groups component is active.
     166#### A group’s details were updated.
     168| Tokens | Description |
     169| ------ | ----------- |
     170| `{{changed_text}}` |  Text describing the details of the change |
     171| `{{{group.url}}}` | The URL of the group’s landing page |
     172| `{{}}` | The name of the group |
     173| `{{}}` | The ID of the group |
     175#### A member has sent a group invitation to the recipient.
     177| Tokens | Description |
     178| ------ | ----------- |
     179| `{{}}` | The name of the group |
     180| `{{{group.url}}}` | The URL of the group’s landing page |
     181| `{{}}` | Group Inviter’s display name wrapped in a link to that user’s profile |
     182| `{{{inviter.url}}}` | The URL of the profile of the user who extended the invitation |
     183| `{{{invites.url}}}` | The URL of the recipient’s group invitations management screen |
     185#### A member has requested permission to join a group.
     187| Tokens | Description |
     188| ------ | ----------- |
     189| `{{}}` | The name of the group |
     190| `{{{group-requests.url}}}` | The URL of the group’s membership requests management screen |
     191| `{{}}` | Display name of the user who is requesting membership |
     192| `{{{profile.url}}}` | The URL of the user’s profile of the one who is requesting membership |
     193| `{{}}` | User ID of the group admin who is receiving this email |
     194| `{{}}` | ID of the group |
     195| `{{}}` | ID of the Group membership object |
     196| `{{}}` | ID of the user who is requesting membership |
     198#### Recipient had requested to join a group, which was accepted.
     200| Tokens | Description |
     201| ------ | ----------- |
     202| `{{}}` | The name of the group |
     203| `{{{group.url}}}` | The URL of the group’s landing page |
     204| `{{}}` | ID of the group |
     205| `{{}}` | User ID of the user who is requesting membership |
     207#### Recipient had requested to join a group, which was rejected.
     209| Tokens | Description |
     210| ------ | ----------- |
     211| `{{}}` | The name of the group |
     212| `{{{group.url}}}` | The URL of the group’s landing page |
     213| `{{}}` | ID of the group |
     214| `{{}}` | User ID of the user who is requesting membership |
     216#### Recipient had requested to join a group, which was accepted by admin.
     218| Tokens | Description |
     219| ------ | ----------- |
     220| `{{}}` | The name of the group |
     221| `{{{group.url}}}` | The URL of the group’s landing page |
     222| `{{}}` | ID of the group |
     223| `{{{leave-group.url}}}` | The URL of the page to leave a group |
     225#### Recipient had requested to join a group, which was rejected by admin.
     227| Tokens | Description |
     228| ------ | ----------- |
     229| `{{}}` | The name of the group |
     230| `{{{group.url}}}` | The URL of the group’s landing page |
     231| `{{}}` | ID of the group |
     233#### Recipient’s status within a group has changed.
     235| Tokens | Description |
     236| ------ | ----------- |
     237| `{{}}` | The name of the group |
     238| `{{{group.url}}}` | The URL of the group’s landing page |
     239| `{{promoted_to}}` | The description of the new group role. Possible values: "an administrator" or "a moderator" |
     240| `{{}}` | ID of the group |
     241| `{{}}` | User ID of the promoted user |
     243### Messages situations
     245> [!NOTE]
     246> The following situations are only used if Messages component is active.
     248#### Recipient has received a private message.
     250| Tokens | Description |
     251| ------ | ----------- |
     252| `{{usersubject}}` | The subject of the message |
     253| `{{usermessage}}` | The content of the message |
     254| `{{{message.url}}}` | The URL of the message thread |
     255| `{{}}` | Display name of the message sender |
     257### Settings situations
     259> [!NOTE]
     260> The following situations are only used if Settings component is active.
     262#### Recipient has changed their email address.
     264| Tokens | Description |
     265| ------ | ----------- |
     266| `{{{verify.url}}}` | The URL of the page used to verify the new email address |
     267| `{{displayname}}` | Display name of the recipient |
     268| `{{}}` | The user’s previous email address |
     269| `{{}}` | The user’s new email address |
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.