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Changeset 10956

07/24/2016 11:58:14 AM (8 years ago)

Emails: remove HTML entities from plaintext emails.

Fixes #6949

1 edited


  • trunk/src/bp-core/bp-core-functions.php

    r10941 r10956  
    33053305            'post_content' => __( "Group details for the group &quot;<a href=\"{{{group.url}}}\">{{}}</a>&quot; were updated:\n<blockquote>{{changed_text}}</blockquote>", 'buddypress' ),
    33063306            /* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
    3307             'post_excerpt' => __( "Group details for the group &quot;{{}}&quot; were updated:\n\n{{changed_text}}\n\nTo view the group, visit: {{{group.url}}}", 'buddypress' ),
     3307            'post_excerpt' => __( "Group details for the group \"{{}}\" were updated:\n\n{{changed_text}}\n\nTo view the group, visit: {{{group.url}}}", 'buddypress' ),
    33083308        ),
    33093309        'groups-invitation' => array(
    33133313            'post_content' => __( "<a href=\"{{{inviter.url}}}\">{{}}</a> has invited you to join the group: &quot;{{}}&quot;.\n<a href=\"{{{invites.url}}}\">Go here to accept your invitation</a> or <a href=\"{{{group.url}}}\">visit the group</a> to learn more.", 'buddypress' ),
    33143314            /* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
    3315             'post_excerpt' => __( "{{}} has invited you to join the group: &quot;{{}}&quot;.\n\nTo accept your invitation, visit: {{{invites.url}}}\n\nTo learn more about the group, visit {{{group.url}}}.\nTo view {{}}'s profile, visit: {{{inviter.url}}}", 'buddypress' ),
     3315            'post_excerpt' => __( "{{}} has invited you to join the group: \"{{}}\".\n\nTo accept your invitation, visit: {{{invites.url}}}\n\nTo learn more about the group, visit {{{group.url}}}.\nTo view {{}}'s profile, visit: {{{inviter.url}}}", 'buddypress' ),
    33163316        ),
    33173317        'groups-member-promoted' => array(
    33213321            'post_content' => __( "You have been promoted to <b>{{promoted_to}}</b> in the group &quot;<a href=\"{{{group.url}}}\">{{}}</a>&quot;.", 'buddypress' ),
    33223322            /* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
    3323             'post_excerpt' => __( "You have been promoted to {{promoted_to}} in the group: &quot;{{}}&quot;.\n\nTo visit the group, go to: {{{group.url}}}", 'buddypress' ),
     3323            'post_excerpt' => __( "You have been promoted to {{promoted_to}} in the group: \"{{}}\".\n\nTo visit the group, go to: {{{group.url}}}", 'buddypress' ),
    33243324        ),
    33253325        'groups-membership-request' => array(
    33293329            'post_content' => __( "<a href=\"{{{profile.url}}}\">{{}}</a> wants to join the group &quot;{{}}&quot;. As you are an administrator of this group, you must either accept or reject the membership request.\n\n<a href=\"{{{group-requests.url}}}\">Go here to manage this</a> and all other pending requests.", 'buddypress' ),
    33303330            /* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
    3331             'post_excerpt' => __( "{{}} wants to join the group &quot;{{}}&quot;. As you are the administrator of this group, you must either accept or reject the membership request.\n\nTo manage this and all other pending requests, visit: {{{group-requests.url}}}\n\nTo view {{}}'s profile, visit: {{{profile.url}}}", 'buddypress' ),
     3331            'post_excerpt' => __( "{{}} wants to join the group \"{{}}\". As you are the administrator of this group, you must either accept or reject the membership request.\n\nTo manage this and all other pending requests, visit: {{{group-requests.url}}}\n\nTo view {{}}'s profile, visit: {{{profile.url}}}", 'buddypress' ),
    33323332        ),
    33333333        'messages-unread' => array(
    33373337            'post_content' => __( "{{}} sent you a new message: &quot;{{usersubject}}&quot;\n\n<blockquote>&quot;{{usermessage}}&quot;</blockquote>\n\n<a href=\"{{{message.url}}}\">Go to the discussion</a> to reply or catch up on the conversation.", 'buddypress' ),
    33383338            /* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
    3339             'post_excerpt' => __( "{{}} sent you a new message: &quot;{{usersubject}}&quot;\n\n&quot;{{usermessage}}&quot;\n\nGo to the discussion to reply or catch up on the conversation: {{{message.url}}}", 'buddypress' ),
     3339            'post_excerpt' => __( "{{}} sent you a new message: \"{{usersubject}}\"\n\n\"{{usermessage}}\"\n\nGo to the discussion to reply or catch up on the conversation: {{{message.url}}}", 'buddypress' ),
    33403340        ),
    33413341        'settings-verify-email-change' => array(
    33533353            'post_content' => __( "Your membership request for the group &quot;<a href=\"{{{group.url}}}\">{{}}</a>&quot; has been accepted.", 'buddypress' ),
    33543354            /* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
    3355             'post_excerpt' => __( "Your membership request for the group &quot;{{}}&quot; has been accepted.\n\nTo view the group, visit: {{{group.url}}}", 'buddypress' ),
     3355            'post_excerpt' => __( "Your membership request for the group \"{{}}\" has been accepted.\n\nTo view the group, visit: {{{group.url}}}", 'buddypress' ),
    33563356        ),
    33573357        'groups-membership-request-rejected' => array(
    33613361            'post_content' => __( "Your membership request for the group &quot;<a href=\"{{{group.url}}}\">{{}}</a>&quot; has been rejected.", 'buddypress' ),
    33623362            /* translators: do not remove {} brackets or translate its contents. */
    3363             'post_excerpt' => __( "Your membership request for the group &quot;{{}}&quot; has been rejected.\n\nTo request membership again, visit: {{{group.url}}}", 'buddypress' ),
     3363            'post_excerpt' => __( "Your membership request for the group \"{{}}\" has been rejected.\n\nTo request membership again, visit: {{{group.url}}}", 'buddypress' ),
    33643364        ),
    33653365    );
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