Ticket #8518: 8518.patch
File 8518.patch, 24.7 KB (added by , 4 years ago) |
diff --git Gruntfile.js Gruntfile.js index 8841c2358..16635088d 100644
module.exports = function( grunt ) { 33 33 '!bp-templates/bp-legacy/css/twenty*.css', 34 34 '!bp-templates/bp-nouveau/css/buddypress.css', 35 35 '!bp-templates/bp-nouveau/css/twenty*.css', 36 '!bp-templates/bp-nouveau/css/primary-nav.css', 36 37 '!bp-core/admin/css/hello.css', 37 38 '!bp-members/css/blocks/member.css', 38 39 '!bp-groups/css/blocks/group.css', … … module.exports = function( grunt ) { 119 120 expand: true, 120 121 ext: '.css', 121 122 flatten: true, 122 src: ['bp-templates/bp-nouveau/sass/buddypress.scss', 'bp-templates/bp-nouveau/sass/twenty*.scss' ],123 src: ['bp-templates/bp-nouveau/sass/buddypress.scss', 'bp-templates/bp-nouveau/sass/twenty*.scss', 'bp-templates/bp-nouveau/sass/primary-nav.scss'], 123 124 dest: SOURCE_DIR + 'bp-templates/bp-nouveau/css/' 124 125 }, 125 126 admin: { -
diff --git src/bp-core/classes/class-bp-core.php src/bp-core/classes/class-bp-core.php index c8b1e924b..0a010c2a9 100644
class BP_Core extends BP_Component { 295 295 array( 296 296 'block_globals' => array( 297 297 'bp/login-form' => array( 298 'widget_classnames' => array 298 'widget_classnames' => array( 'widget_bp_core_login_widget', 'buddypress' ), 299 299 ) 300 300 ) 301 301 ) -
new file src/bp-core/js/blocks/primary-nav.js
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- + 1 // modules are defined as an array 2 // [ module function, map of requires ] 3 // 4 // map of requires is short require name -> numeric require 5 // 6 // anything defined in a previous bundle is accessed via the 7 // orig method which is the require for previous bundles 8 parcelRequire = (function (modules, cache, entry, globalName) { 9 // Save the require from previous bundle to this closure if any 10 var previousRequire = typeof parcelRequire === 'function' && parcelRequire; 11 var nodeRequire = typeof require === 'function' && require; 12 13 function newRequire(name, jumped) { 14 if (!cache[name]) { 15 if (!modules[name]) { 16 // if we cannot find the module within our internal map or 17 // cache jump to the current global require ie. the last bundle 18 // that was added to the page. 19 var currentRequire = typeof parcelRequire === 'function' && parcelRequire; 20 if (!jumped && currentRequire) { 21 return currentRequire(name, true); 22 } 23 24 // If there are other bundles on this page the require from the 25 // previous one is saved to 'previousRequire'. Repeat this as 26 // many times as there are bundles until the module is found or 27 // we exhaust the require chain. 28 if (previousRequire) { 29 return previousRequire(name, true); 30 } 31 32 // Try the node require function if it exists. 33 if (nodeRequire && typeof name === 'string') { 34 return nodeRequire(name); 35 } 36 37 var err = new Error('Cannot find module \'' + name + '\''); 38 err.code = 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'; 39 throw err; 40 } 41 42 localRequire.resolve = resolve; 43 localRequire.cache = {}; 44 45 var module = cache[name] = new newRequire.Module(name); 46 47 modules[name][0].call(module.exports, localRequire, module, module.exports, this); 48 } 49 50 return cache[name].exports; 51 52 function localRequire(x){ 53 return newRequire(localRequire.resolve(x)); 54 } 55 56 function resolve(x){ 57 return modules[name][1][x] || x; 58 } 59 } 60 61 function Module(moduleName) { 62 this.id = moduleName; 63 this.bundle = newRequire; 64 this.exports = {}; 65 } 66 67 newRequire.isParcelRequire = true; 68 newRequire.Module = Module; 69 newRequire.modules = modules; 70 newRequire.cache = cache; 71 newRequire.parent = previousRequire; 72 newRequire.register = function (id, exports) { 73 modules[id] = [function (require, module) { 74 module.exports = exports; 75 }, {}]; 76 }; 77 78 var error; 79 for (var i = 0; i < entry.length; i++) { 80 try { 81 newRequire(entry[i]); 82 } catch (e) { 83 // Save first error but execute all entries 84 if (!error) { 85 error = e; 86 } 87 } 88 } 89 90 if (entry.length) { 91 // Expose entry point to Node, AMD or browser globals 92 // Based on https://github.com/ForbesLindesay/umd/blob/master/template.js 93 var mainExports = newRequire(entry[entry.length - 1]); 94 95 // CommonJS 96 if (typeof exports === "object" && typeof module !== "undefined") { 97 module.exports = mainExports; 98 99 // RequireJS 100 } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { 101 define(function () { 102 return mainExports; 103 }); 104 105 // <script> 106 } else if (globalName) { 107 this[globalName] = mainExports; 108 } 109 } 110 111 // Override the current require with this new one 112 parcelRequire = newRequire; 113 114 if (error) { 115 // throw error from earlier, _after updating parcelRequire_ 116 throw error; 117 } 118 119 return newRequire; 120 })({"Sw79":[function(require,module,exports) { 121 "use strict"; 122 123 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { 124 value: true 125 }); 126 exports.default = void 0; 127 128 /** 129 * WordPress dependencies. 130 */ 131 var _wp = wp, 132 InspectorControls = _wp.blockEditor.InspectorControls, 133 _wp$components = _wp.components, 134 Disabled = _wp$components.Disabled, 135 Notice = _wp$components.Notice, 136 PanelBody = _wp$components.PanelBody, 137 ToggleControl = _wp$components.ToggleControl, 138 _wp$element = _wp.element, 139 Fragment = _wp$element.Fragment, 140 createElement = _wp$element.createElement, 141 __ = _wp.i18n.__; 142 /** 143 * BuddyPress dependencies. 144 */ 145 146 var _bp = bp, 147 ServerSideRender = _bp.blockComponents.ServerSideRender, 148 getCurrentWidgetsSidebar = _bp.blockData.getCurrentWidgetsSidebar; 149 150 var editPrimaryNavBlock = function editPrimaryNavBlock(_ref) { 151 var attributes = _ref.attributes, 152 setAttributes = _ref.setAttributes, 153 clientId = _ref.clientId; 154 var displayTitle = attributes.displayTitle; 155 var currentSidebar = getCurrentWidgetsSidebar(clientId); 156 var disabledSidebars = ['sidebar-buddypress-members', 'sidebar-buddypress-groups']; 157 158 if (currentSidebar && currentSidebar.id && -1 !== disabledSidebars.indexOf(currentSidebar.id)) { 159 return createElement(Notice, { 160 status: "error", 161 isDismissible: false 162 }, createElement("p", null, __('The BuddyPress Primary Navigation block shouldn\'t be used into this widget area. Please remove it.', 'buddypress'))); 163 } 164 165 return createElement(Fragment, null, createElement(InspectorControls, null, createElement(PanelBody, { 166 title: __('Settings', 'buddypress'), 167 initialOpen: true 168 }, createElement(ToggleControl, { 169 label: __('Include navigation title', 'buddypress'), 170 checked: !!displayTitle, 171 onChange: function onChange() { 172 setAttributes({ 173 displayTitle: !displayTitle 174 }); 175 } 176 }))), createElement(Disabled, null, createElement(ServerSideRender, { 177 block: "bp/primary-nav", 178 attributes: attributes 179 }))); 180 }; 181 182 var _default = editPrimaryNavBlock; 183 exports.default = _default; 184 },{}],"uKqo":[function(require,module,exports) { 185 "use strict"; 186 187 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { 188 value: true 189 }); 190 exports.default = void 0; 191 192 /** 193 * WordPress dependencies. 194 */ 195 var _wp = wp, 196 createBlock = _wp.blocks.createBlock; 197 /** 198 * Transforms Legacy Widget to Primary Nav Block. 199 * 200 * @type {Object} 201 */ 202 203 var transforms = { 204 from: [{ 205 type: 'block', 206 blocks: ['core/legacy-widget'], 207 isMatch: function isMatch(_ref) { 208 var idBase = _ref.idBase, 209 instance = _ref.instance; 210 211 if (!(instance !== null && instance !== void 0 && instance.raw)) { 212 return false; 213 } 214 215 return idBase === 'bp_nouveau_sidebar_object_nav_widget'; 216 }, 217 transform: function transform(_ref2) { 218 var instance = _ref2.instance; 219 return createBlock('bp/primary-nav', { 220 displayTitle: instance.raw.bp_nouveau_widget_title 221 }); 222 } 223 }] 224 }; 225 var _default = transforms; 226 exports.default = _default; 227 },{}],"ygAa":[function(require,module,exports) { 228 "use strict"; 229 230 var _edit = _interopRequireDefault(require("./primary-nav/edit")); 231 232 var _transforms = _interopRequireDefault(require("./primary-nav/transforms")); 233 234 function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } 235 236 /** 237 * WordPress dependencies. 238 */ 239 var _wp = wp, 240 registerBlockType = _wp.blocks.registerBlockType, 241 __ = _wp.i18n.__; 242 /** 243 * Internal dependencies. 244 */ 245 246 registerBlockType('bp/primary-nav', { 247 title: __('Primary navigation', 'buddypress'), 248 description: __('Displays BuddyPress primary nav in the sidebar of your site. Make sure to use it as the first widget of the sidebar and only once.', 'buddypress'), 249 icon: { 250 background: '#fff', 251 foreground: '#d84800', 252 src: 'buddicons-community' 253 }, 254 category: 'buddypress', 255 attributes: { 256 displayTitle: { 257 type: 'boolean', 258 default: true 259 } 260 }, 261 edit: _edit.default, 262 transforms: _transforms.default 263 }); 264 },{"./primary-nav/edit":"Sw79","./primary-nav/transforms":"uKqo"}]},{},["ygAa"], null) 265 No newline at end of file -
new file src/bp-templates/bp-nouveau/css/primary-nav-rtl.css
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- + 1 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs { 2 background: transparent; 3 clear: both; 4 overflow: hidden; 5 } 6 7 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul { 8 margin: 0; 9 padding: 0; 10 } 11 12 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li { 13 list-style: none; 14 margin: 0; 15 } 16 17 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li.last select { 18 max-width: 185px; 19 } 20 21 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li a, 22 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li span { 23 border: 0; 24 display: block; 25 padding: 5px 10px; 26 text-decoration: none; 27 } 28 29 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li .count { 30 background: #eaeaea; 31 border: 1px solid #ccc; 32 border-radius: 50%; 33 color: #555; 34 display: inline-block; 35 font-size: 12px; 36 margin-right: 2px; 37 padding: 3px 6px; 38 text-align: center; 39 vertical-align: middle; 40 } 41 42 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li.selected a, 43 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li.current a { 44 color: #333; 45 opacity: 1; 46 } 47 48 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li.selected a .count, 49 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li.current a .count { 50 background-color: #fff; 51 } 52 53 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li.dynamic a .count, 54 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li.dynamic.selected a .count, 55 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li.dynamic.current a .count { 56 background-color: #5087e5; 57 border: 0; 58 color: #fafafa; 59 } 60 61 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li.dynamic a:hover .count { 62 background-color: #5087e5; 63 border: 0; 64 color: #fff; 65 } 66 67 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li a .count:empty { 68 display: none; 69 } 70 71 .buddypress_object_nav .main-navs.dir-navs { 72 margin-bottom: 20px; 73 } 74 75 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs.group-create-links ul li:not(.current) { 76 color: #767676; 77 } 78 79 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs.group-create-links ul li:not(.current) a { 80 color: #767676; 81 } 82 83 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs.group-create-links ul li:not(.current) a:focus, .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs.group-create-links ul li:not(.current) a:hover { 84 background: none; 85 color: #555; 86 } 87 88 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs.group-create-links ul li:not(.current) a[disabled]:focus, .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs.group-create-links ul li:not(.current) a[disabled]:hover { 89 color: #767676; 90 } 91 92 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs.group-create-links ul li.current a { 93 text-align: center; 94 } -
new file src/bp-templates/bp-nouveau/css/primary-nav.css
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- + 1 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs { 2 background: transparent; 3 clear: both; 4 overflow: hidden; 5 } 6 7 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul { 8 margin: 0; 9 padding: 0; 10 } 11 12 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li { 13 list-style: none; 14 margin: 0; 15 } 16 17 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li.last select { 18 max-width: 185px; 19 } 20 21 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li a, 22 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li span { 23 border: 0; 24 display: block; 25 padding: 5px 10px; 26 text-decoration: none; 27 } 28 29 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li .count { 30 background: #eaeaea; 31 border: 1px solid #ccc; 32 border-radius: 50%; 33 color: #555; 34 display: inline-block; 35 font-size: 12px; 36 margin-left: 2px; 37 padding: 3px 6px; 38 text-align: center; 39 vertical-align: middle; 40 } 41 42 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li.selected a, 43 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li.current a { 44 color: #333; 45 opacity: 1; 46 } 47 48 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li.selected a .count, 49 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li.current a .count { 50 background-color: #fff; 51 } 52 53 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li.dynamic a .count, 54 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li.dynamic.selected a .count, 55 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li.dynamic.current a .count { 56 background-color: #5087e5; 57 border: 0; 58 color: #fafafa; 59 } 60 61 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li.dynamic a:hover .count { 62 background-color: #5087e5; 63 border: 0; 64 color: #fff; 65 } 66 67 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs ul li a .count:empty { 68 display: none; 69 } 70 71 .buddypress_object_nav .main-navs.dir-navs { 72 margin-bottom: 20px; 73 } 74 75 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs.group-create-links ul li:not(.current) { 76 color: #767676; 77 } 78 79 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs.group-create-links ul li:not(.current) a { 80 color: #767676; 81 } 82 83 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs.group-create-links ul li:not(.current) a:focus, .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs.group-create-links ul li:not(.current) a:hover { 84 background: none; 85 color: #555; 86 } 87 88 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs.group-create-links ul li:not(.current) a[disabled]:focus, .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs.group-create-links ul li:not(.current) a[disabled]:hover { 89 color: #767676; 90 } 91 92 .buddypress_object_nav .bp-navs.group-create-links ul li.current a { 93 text-align: center; 94 } -
diff --git src/bp-templates/bp-nouveau/includes/functions.php src/bp-templates/bp-nouveau/includes/functions.php index 77c1f93ef..105a65bc2 100644
3 3 * Common functions 4 4 * 5 5 * @since 3.0.0 6 * @version 8.0.06 * @version 9.0.0 7 7 */ 8 8 9 9 // Exit if accessed directly. … … function bp_nouveau_get_component_slug( $component_id = '' ) { 1489 1489 */ 1490 1490 return apply_filters( 'bp_nouveau_get_component_slug', $slug, $component_id ); 1491 1491 } 1492 1493 /** 1494 * Registers the 'bp/primary-nav' Widget Block. 1495 * 1496 * @since 9.0.0 1497 * 1498 * @param array $blocks The Core Blocks list. 1499 * @return array The Core Blocks list. 1500 */ 1501 function bp_nouveau_register_primary_nav_widget_block( $blocks = array() ) { 1502 $editor_style = bp_locate_template_asset( 'css/primary-nav.css' ); 1503 1504 $blocks['bp/primary-nav'] = array( 1505 'name' => 'bp/primary-nav', 1506 'editor_script' => 'bp-primary-nav-block', 1507 'editor_script_url' => trailingslashit( buddypress()->plugin_url . 'bp-core' ) . 'js/blocks/primary-nav.js', 1508 'editor_script_deps' => array( 1509 'wp-blocks', 1510 'wp-element', 1511 'wp-components', 1512 'wp-i18n', 1513 'wp-block-editor', 1514 'bp-block-data', 1515 'bp-block-components', 1516 ), 1517 'editor_style' => 'bp-primary-nav-block', 1518 'editor_style_url' => $editor_style['uri'], 1519 'attributes' => array( 1520 'displayTitle' => array( 1521 'type' => 'boolean', 1522 'default' => true, 1523 ), 1524 ), 1525 'render_callback' => 'bp_nouveau_render_primary_nav_block', 1526 ); 1527 1528 return $blocks; 1529 } 1530 add_filter( 'bp_core_register_blocks', 'bp_nouveau_register_primary_nav_widget_block', 20, 1 ); 1531 1532 /** 1533 * Registers the 'bp/primary-nav' Widget Block classnames. 1534 * 1535 * @since 9.0.0 1536 * 1537 * @param array $block_globals The list of global properties for Core blocks. 1538 * @return array The list of global properties for Core blocks. 1539 */ 1540 function bp_nouveau_register_core_block_globals( $block_globals = array() ) { 1541 $block_globals['bp/primary-nav'] = array( 1542 'widget_classnames' => array( 'widget_nav_menu', 'buddypress_object_nav', 'buddypress' ), 1543 ); 1544 1545 return $block_globals; 1546 } 1547 add_filter( 'bp_core_block_globals', 'bp_nouveau_register_core_block_globals', 10, 1 ); 1548 1549 /** 1550 * Unregister the 'bp/primary-nav' Block from the post context. 1551 * 1552 * @since 9.0.0 1553 */ 1554 function bp_nouveau_unregister_blocks_for_post_context() { 1555 unregister_block_type( 'bp/primary-nav' ); 1556 } 1557 add_action( 'load-post.php', 'bp_nouveau_unregister_blocks_for_post_context' ); 1558 add_action( 'load-post-new.php', 'bp_nouveau_unregister_blocks_for_post_context' ); 1559 1560 /** 1561 * Callback function to render the BP Primary Nav Block. 1562 * 1563 * @since 9.0.0 1564 * 1565 * @param array $attributes The block attributes. 1566 * @return string HTML output. 1567 */ 1568 function bp_nouveau_render_primary_nav_block( $attributes = array() ) { 1569 $widget_content = ''; 1570 $widget_title = ''; 1571 $block_args = bp_parse_args( 1572 $attributes, 1573 array( 1574 'displayTitle' => true, 1575 ), 1576 'widget_object_nav' 1577 ); 1578 1579 // Previewing the Block inside the editor. 1580 if ( defined( 'REST_REQUEST' ) && REST_REQUEST ) { 1581 $widget_title = bp_get_loggedin_user_fullname(); 1582 1583 ob_start(); 1584 1585 // Temporary override the displayed user by the logged in one. 1586 add_filter( 'bp_displayed_user_id', 'bp_loggedin_user_id' ); 1587 1588 bp_get_template_part( 'members/single/parts/item-nav' ); 1589 $widget_content = ob_get_clean(); 1590 1591 // Remove the temporary override. 1592 remove_filter( 'bp_displayed_user_id', 'bp_loggedin_user_id' ); 1593 } else { 1594 ob_start(); 1595 1596 if ( bp_is_user() ) { 1597 $widget_title = bp_get_displayed_user_fullname(); 1598 bp_get_template_part( 'members/single/parts/item-nav' ); 1599 } elseif ( bp_is_group() ) { 1600 $widget_title = bp_get_current_group_name(); 1601 bp_get_template_part( 'groups/single/parts/item-nav' ); 1602 } elseif ( bp_is_directory() ) { 1603 $widget_title = bp_get_directory_title( bp_current_component() ); 1604 bp_get_template_part( 'common/nav/directory-nav' ); 1605 } 1606 1607 $widget_content = ob_get_clean(); 1608 } 1609 1610 if ( ! $widget_content ) { 1611 return ''; 1612 } 1613 1614 // Set the Block's title. 1615 if ( true === $block_args['displayTitle'] ) { 1616 $widget_content = sprintf( 1617 '<h2 class="widget-title">%1$s</h2> 1618 %2$s', 1619 esc_html( $widget_title ), 1620 $widget_content 1621 ); 1622 } 1623 1624 // Only add a block wrapper if not loaded into a Widgets sidebar. 1625 if ( ! did_action( 'dynamic_sidebar_before' ) ) { 1626 $classnames = 'widget_nav_menu buddypress_object_nav buddypress widget'; 1627 $wrapper_attributes = get_block_wrapper_attributes( array( 'class' => $classnames ) ); 1628 1629 return sprintf( 1630 '<div %1$s>%2$s</div>', 1631 $wrapper_attributes, 1632 $widget_content 1633 ); 1634 } 1635 1636 return $widget_content; 1637 } -
new file src/bp-templates/bp-nouveau/sass/primary-nav.scss
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- + 1 // BP primary navigation - directory and single screens 2 3 // all devices & generic styles sitewide 4 .buddypress_object_nav { 5 6 .bp-navs { 7 background: transparent; 8 clear: both; 9 overflow: hidden; 10 11 ul { 12 margin: 0; 13 padding: 0; 14 15 li { 16 list-style: none; 17 margin: 0; 18 } 19 20 li.last { 21 22 select { 23 max-width: 185px; 24 } 25 } 26 27 li { 28 29 a, 30 span { 31 border: 0; 32 display: block; 33 padding: 5px 10px; 34 text-decoration: none; 35 } 36 37 .count { 38 background: #eaeaea; 39 border: 1px solid #ccc; 40 border-radius: 50%; 41 color: #555; 42 display: inline-block; 43 44 font-size: 12px; 45 margin-left: 2px; 46 padding: 3px 6px; 47 text-align: center; 48 vertical-align: middle; 49 } 50 } 51 52 li.selected, 53 li.current { 54 55 a { 56 color: #333; 57 opacity: 1; 58 59 .count { 60 background-color: #fff; 61 } 62 } 63 } 64 65 li.dynamic, 66 li.dynamic.selected, 67 li.dynamic.current { 68 69 a { 70 71 .count { 72 background-color: #5087e5; 73 border: 0; 74 color: #fafafa; 75 } 76 } 77 } 78 79 li.dynamic { 80 81 a:hover { 82 83 .count { 84 background-color: #5087e5; 85 border: 0; 86 color: #fff; 87 } 88 } 89 } 90 91 li { 92 93 a { 94 95 .count:empty { 96 display: none; 97 } 98 } 99 } 100 } 101 } 102 103 .main-navs.dir-navs { 104 margin-bottom: 20px; 105 } 106 107 .bp-navs.group-create-links { 108 109 ul { 110 111 li:not(.current) { 112 color: #767676; 113 114 a { 115 color: #767676; 116 117 &:focus, 118 &:hover { 119 background: none; 120 color: #555; 121 } 122 } 123 124 a[disabled] { 125 126 &:focus, 127 &:hover { 128 color: #767676; 129 } 130 } 131 } 132 133 li.current { 134 135 a { 136 text-align: center; 137 } 138 } 139 } 140 } 141 } -
new file src/js/bp-core/js/blocks/primary-nav.js
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- + 1 /** 2 * WordPress dependencies. 3 */ 4 const { 5 blocks: { 6 registerBlockType, 7 }, 8 i18n: { 9 __, 10 }, 11 } = wp; 12 13 /** 14 * Internal dependencies. 15 */ 16 import editPrimaryNavBlock from './primary-nav/edit'; 17 import transforms from './primary-nav/transforms'; 18 19 registerBlockType( 'bp/primary-nav', { 20 title: __( 'Primary navigation', 'buddypress' ), 21 description: __( 'Displays BuddyPress primary nav in the sidebar of your site. Make sure to use it as the first widget of the sidebar and only once.', 'buddypress' ), 22 icon: { 23 background: '#fff', 24 foreground: '#d84800', 25 src: 'buddicons-community', 26 }, 27 category: 'buddypress', 28 attributes: { 29 displayTitle: { 30 type: 'boolean', 31 default: true, 32 }, 33 }, 34 edit: editPrimaryNavBlock, 35 transforms: transforms, 36 } ); -
new file src/js/bp-core/js/blocks/primary-nav/edit.js
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- + 1 /** 2 * WordPress dependencies. 3 */ 4 const { 5 blockEditor: { 6 InspectorControls, 7 }, 8 components: { 9 Disabled, 10 Notice, 11 PanelBody, 12 ToggleControl, 13 }, 14 element: { 15 Fragment, 16 createElement, 17 }, 18 i18n: { 19 __, 20 }, 21 } = wp; 22 23 /** 24 * BuddyPress dependencies. 25 */ 26 const { 27 blockComponents: { 28 ServerSideRender, 29 }, 30 blockData: { 31 getCurrentWidgetsSidebar, 32 } 33 } = bp; 34 35 const editPrimaryNavBlock = ( { attributes, setAttributes, clientId } ) => { 36 const { displayTitle } = attributes; 37 const currentSidebar = getCurrentWidgetsSidebar( clientId ); 38 const disabledSidebars = ['sidebar-buddypress-members', 'sidebar-buddypress-groups']; 39 40 if ( currentSidebar && currentSidebar.id && -1 !== disabledSidebars.indexOf( currentSidebar.id ) ) { 41 return ( 42 <Notice status="error" isDismissible={ false }> 43 <p> 44 { __( 'The BuddyPress Primary Navigation block shouldn\'t be used into this widget area. Please remove it.', 'buddypress' ) } 45 </p> 46 </Notice> 47 ); 48 } 49 50 return ( 51 <Fragment> 52 <InspectorControls> 53 <PanelBody title={ __( 'Settings', 'buddypress' ) } initialOpen={ true }> 54 <ToggleControl 55 label={ __( 'Include navigation title', 'buddypress' ) } 56 checked={ !! displayTitle } 57 onChange={ () => { 58 setAttributes( { displayTitle: ! displayTitle } ); 59 } } 60 /> 61 </PanelBody> 62 </InspectorControls> 63 <Disabled> 64 <ServerSideRender block="bp/primary-nav" attributes={ attributes } /> 65 </Disabled> 66 </Fragment> 67 ); 68 }; 69 70 export default editPrimaryNavBlock; -
new file src/js/bp-core/js/blocks/primary-nav/transforms.js
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- + 1 /** 2 * WordPress dependencies. 3 */ 4 const { 5 blocks: { 6 createBlock, 7 }, 8 } = wp; 9 10 /** 11 * Transforms Legacy Widget to Primary Nav Block. 12 * 13 * @type {Object} 14 */ 15 const transforms = { 16 from: [ 17 { 18 type: 'block', 19 blocks: [ 'core/legacy-widget' ], 20 isMatch: ( { idBase, instance } ) => { 21 if ( ! instance?.raw ) { 22 return false; 23 } 24 25 return idBase === 'bp_nouveau_sidebar_object_nav_widget'; 26 }, 27 transform: ( { instance } ) => { 28 return createBlock( 'bp/primary-nav', { 29 displayTitle: instance.raw.bp_nouveau_widget_title, 30 } ); 31 }, 32 }, 33 ], 34 }; 35 36 export default transforms;