Ticket #787: x-profile.patch
File x-profile.patch, 27.6 KB (added by , 9 years ago) |
625 625 padding: 10px; 626 626 } 627 627 628 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:focus, 629 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:hover { 628 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:focus, #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:hover { 630 629 background: #f4f4f4; 631 630 border: 1px solid rgba(159, 209, 226, 0.3); 632 631 } 633 632 634 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:focus a, 635 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:hover a { 633 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:focus a, #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:hover a { 636 634 font-style: italic; 637 635 } 638 636 … … 774 772 text-align: center; 775 773 } 776 774 777 #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:focus, 778 #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:hover { 775 #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:focus, #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:hover { 779 776 background: #ededed; 780 777 } 781 778 … … 1515 1512 } 1516 1513 1517 1514 .bp-user #buddypress #message-threads tr td.thread-info a::after { 1518 content: " – 1515 content: " – " attr(title); 1519 1516 font-size: 12px; 1520 1517 font-size: 1.2rem; 1521 1518 } … … 1720 1717 1721 1718 #buddypress div.dir-search, 1722 1719 #buddypress div.message-search, 1723 #buddypress 1724 li.groups-members-search { 1720 #buddypress li.groups-members-search { 1725 1721 float: none; 1726 1722 margin: 10px 0; 1727 1723 } … … 1728 1724 1729 1725 #buddypress div.dir-search form, 1730 1726 #buddypress div.message-search form, 1731 #buddypress 1732 li.groups-members-search form { 1727 #buddypress li.groups-members-search form { 1733 1728 border: 1px solid rgba(153, 153, 153, 0.4); 1734 1729 overflow: hidden; 1735 1730 } … … 1736 1731 1737 1732 #buddypress div.dir-search form label, 1738 1733 #buddypress div.message-search form label, 1739 #buddypress 1740 li.groups-members-search form label { 1734 #buddypress li.groups-members-search form label { 1741 1735 float: right; 1742 1736 width: 80%; 1743 1737 } … … 1744 1738 1745 1739 #buddypress div.dir-search form input[type='text'], 1746 1740 #buddypress div.message-search form input[type='text'], 1747 #buddypress 1748 li.groups-members-search form input[type='text'] { 1741 #buddypress li.groups-members-search form input[type='text'] { 1749 1742 float: right; 1750 1743 margin: 0; 1751 1744 width: 80%; … … 1755 1748 #buddypress div.dir-search form input[type='submit'], 1756 1749 #buddypress div.message-search form input[type='text'], 1757 1750 #buddypress div.message-search form input[type='submit'], 1758 #buddypress 1759 li.groups-members-search form input[type='text'], 1760 #buddypress 1761 li.groups-members-search form input[type='submit'] { 1751 #buddypress li.groups-members-search form input[type='text'], 1752 #buddypress li.groups-members-search form input[type='submit'] { 1762 1753 font-size: 14px; 1763 1754 font-size: 1.4rem; 1764 1755 border: 0; … … 1767 1758 1768 1759 #buddypress div.dir-search form input[type='text'], 1769 1760 #buddypress div.message-search form input[type='text'], 1770 #buddypress 1771 li.groups-members-search form input[type='text'] { 1761 #buddypress li.groups-members-search form input[type='text'] { 1772 1762 border-left: 1px solid rgba(153, 153, 153, 0.4); 1773 1763 padding: 0.2em 0.2em 0.2em 0; 1774 1764 } … … 1775 1765 1776 1766 #buddypress div.dir-search form input[type='submit'], 1777 1767 #buddypress div.message-search form input[type='submit'], 1778 #buddypress 1779 li.groups-members-search form input[type='submit'] { 1768 #buddypress li.groups-members-search form input[type='submit'] { 1780 1769 float: left; 1781 1770 font-weight: normal; 1782 1771 padding: 0.2em 1em; -
625 625 padding: 10px; 626 626 } 627 627 628 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:focus, 629 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:hover { 628 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:focus, #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:hover { 630 629 background: #f4f4f4; 631 630 border: 1px solid rgba(159, 209, 226, 0.3); 632 631 } 633 632 634 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:focus a, 635 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:hover a { 633 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:focus a, #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:hover a { 636 634 font-style: italic; 637 635 } 638 636 … … 774 772 text-align: center; 775 773 } 776 774 777 #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:focus, 778 #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:hover { 775 #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:focus, #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:hover { 779 776 background: #ededed; 780 777 } 781 778 … … 1515 1512 } 1516 1513 1517 1514 .bp-user #buddypress #message-threads tr td.thread-info a::after { 1518 content: " – 1515 content: " – " attr(title); 1519 1516 font-size: 12px; 1520 1517 font-size: 1.2rem; 1521 1518 } … … 1720 1717 1721 1718 #buddypress div.dir-search, 1722 1719 #buddypress div.message-search, 1723 #buddypress 1724 li.groups-members-search { 1720 #buddypress li.groups-members-search { 1725 1721 float: none; 1726 1722 margin: 10px 0; 1727 1723 } … … 1728 1724 1729 1725 #buddypress div.dir-search form, 1730 1726 #buddypress div.message-search form, 1731 #buddypress 1732 li.groups-members-search form { 1727 #buddypress li.groups-members-search form { 1733 1728 border: 1px solid rgba(153, 153, 153, 0.4); 1734 1729 overflow: hidden; 1735 1730 } … … 1736 1731 1737 1732 #buddypress div.dir-search form label, 1738 1733 #buddypress div.message-search form label, 1739 #buddypress 1740 li.groups-members-search form label { 1734 #buddypress li.groups-members-search form label { 1741 1735 float: left; 1742 1736 width: 80%; 1743 1737 } … … 1744 1738 1745 1739 #buddypress div.dir-search form input[type='text'], 1746 1740 #buddypress div.message-search form input[type='text'], 1747 #buddypress 1748 li.groups-members-search form input[type='text'] { 1741 #buddypress li.groups-members-search form input[type='text'] { 1749 1742 float: left; 1750 1743 margin: 0; 1751 1744 width: 80%; … … 1755 1748 #buddypress div.dir-search form input[type='submit'], 1756 1749 #buddypress div.message-search form input[type='text'], 1757 1750 #buddypress div.message-search form input[type='submit'], 1758 #buddypress 1759 li.groups-members-search form input[type='text'], 1760 #buddypress 1761 li.groups-members-search form input[type='submit'] { 1751 #buddypress li.groups-members-search form input[type='text'], 1752 #buddypress li.groups-members-search form input[type='submit'] { 1762 1753 font-size: 14px; 1763 1754 font-size: 1.4rem; 1764 1755 border: 0; … … 1767 1758 1768 1759 #buddypress div.dir-search form input[type='text'], 1769 1760 #buddypress div.message-search form input[type='text'], 1770 #buddypress 1771 li.groups-members-search form input[type='text'] { 1761 #buddypress li.groups-members-search form input[type='text'] { 1772 1762 border-right: 1px solid rgba(153, 153, 153, 0.4); 1773 1763 padding: 0.2em 0 0.2em 0.2em; 1774 1764 } … … 1775 1765 1776 1766 #buddypress div.dir-search form input[type='submit'], 1777 1767 #buddypress div.message-search form input[type='submit'], 1778 #buddypress 1779 li.groups-members-search form input[type='submit'] { 1768 #buddypress li.groups-members-search form input[type='submit'] { 1780 1769 float: right; 1781 1770 font-weight: normal; 1782 1771 padding: 0.2em 1em; -
211 211 float: none; 212 212 overflow: hidden; 213 213 } 214 #buddypress #object-nav ul li:focus, 215 #buddypress #object-nav ul li:hover { 214 #buddypress #object-nav ul li:focus, #buddypress #object-nav ul li:hover { 216 215 background: #bebebe; 217 216 } 218 217 #buddypress #object-nav ul li span { … … 241 240 #buddypress #item-body #subnav li.current { 242 241 background: #f1f1f1; 243 242 } 244 #buddypress #item-body #subnav li#activity-filter-select:focus, 245 #buddypress #item-body #subnav li#activity-filter-select:hover { 243 #buddypress #item-body #subnav li#activity-filter-select:focus, #buddypress #item-body #subnav li#activity-filter-select:hover { 246 244 background: none; 247 245 } 248 246 #buddypress #item-body #subnav li#activity-filter-select select { … … 603 601 text-align: center; 604 602 } 605 603 606 #buddypress .activity .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:focus, 607 #buddypress .activity .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:hover { 604 #buddypress .activity .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:focus, #buddypress .activity .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:hover { 608 605 background: #ededed; 609 606 } 610 607 … … 1127 1124 } 1128 1125 1129 1126 #buddypress table#message-threads tr td.thread-info a::after { 1130 content: " – 1127 content: " – " attr(title); 1131 1128 font-size: 12px; 1132 1129 font-size: 0.75rem; 1133 1130 } -
211 211 float: none; 212 212 overflow: hidden; 213 213 } 214 #buddypress #object-nav ul li:focus, 215 #buddypress #object-nav ul li:hover { 214 #buddypress #object-nav ul li:focus, #buddypress #object-nav ul li:hover { 216 215 background: #bebebe; 217 216 } 218 217 #buddypress #object-nav ul li span { … … 241 240 #buddypress #item-body #subnav li.current { 242 241 background: #f1f1f1; 243 242 } 244 #buddypress #item-body #subnav li#activity-filter-select:focus, 245 #buddypress #item-body #subnav li#activity-filter-select:hover { 243 #buddypress #item-body #subnav li#activity-filter-select:focus, #buddypress #item-body #subnav li#activity-filter-select:hover { 246 244 background: none; 247 245 } 248 246 #buddypress #item-body #subnav li#activity-filter-select select { … … 603 601 text-align: center; 604 602 } 605 603 606 #buddypress .activity .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:focus, 607 #buddypress .activity .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:hover { 604 #buddypress .activity .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:focus, #buddypress .activity .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:hover { 608 605 background: #ededed; 609 606 } 610 607 … … 1127 1124 } 1128 1125 1129 1126 #buddypress table#message-threads tr td.thread-info a::after { 1130 content: " – 1127 content: " – " attr(title); 1131 1128 font-size: 12px; 1132 1129 font-size: 0.75rem; 1133 1130 } -
171 171 display: inline; 172 172 opacity: 0.7; 173 173 } 174 .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:hover:before, 175 .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:focus:before { 174 .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:hover:before, .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:focus:before { 176 175 content: "Menu \021E7"; 177 176 } 178 .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:hover ul, 179 .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:focus ul { 177 .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:hover ul, .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:focus ul { 180 178 height: 320px; 181 179 opacity: 1; 182 180 overflow-y: auto; … … 207 205 } 208 206 209 207 @media screen and (max-width: 38.75em) { 210 #buddypress #object-nav ul li:not(.selected):focus, 211 #buddypress #object-nav ul li:not(.selected):hover { 208 #buddypress #object-nav ul li:not(.selected):focus, #buddypress #object-nav ul li:not(.selected):hover { 212 209 background: #f4f2df; 213 210 } 214 211 } … … 354 351 min-height: 0; 355 352 } 356 353 357 #buddypress div.pagination:before, 358 #buddypress div.pagination:after { 354 #buddypress div.pagination:before, #buddypress div.pagination:after { 359 355 height: 0; 360 356 width: 0; 361 357 } … … 408 404 font-family: "Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, sans-serif; 409 405 } 410 406 411 #buddypress .activity-meta .button:focus, 412 #buddypress .activity-meta .button:hover { 407 #buddypress .activity-meta .button:focus, #buddypress .activity-meta .button:hover { 413 408 background: inherit; 414 409 color: #000; 415 410 } 416 411 417 #buddypress .action .generic-button a:focus, 418 #buddypress .action .generic-button a:hover { 412 #buddypress .action .generic-button a:focus, #buddypress .action .generic-button a:hover { 419 413 background: inherit; 420 414 color: #000; 421 415 } … … 726 720 padding: 10px; 727 721 } 728 722 729 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:focus, 730 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:hover { 723 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:focus, #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:hover { 731 724 background: #f4f4f4; 732 725 border: 1px solid rgba(159, 209, 226, 0.3); 733 726 } 734 727 735 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:focus a, 736 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:hover a { 728 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:focus a, #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:hover a { 737 729 font-style: italic; 738 730 } 739 731 … … 797 789 text-align: center; 798 790 } 799 791 800 #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:focus, 801 #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:hover { 792 #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:focus, #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:hover { 802 793 background: #ededed; 803 794 } 804 795 … … 1463 1454 } 1464 1455 1465 1456 .bp-user #buddypress #message-threads tr td.thread-info a::after { 1466 content: " ‖ 1457 content: " ‖ " attr(title); 1467 1458 font-size: 12px; 1468 1459 font-size: 0.75rem; 1469 1460 } -
171 171 display: inline; 172 172 opacity: 0.7; 173 173 } 174 .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:hover:before, 175 .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:focus:before { 174 .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:hover:before, .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:focus:before { 176 175 content: "Menu \021E7"; 177 176 } 178 .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:hover ul, 179 .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:focus ul { 177 .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:hover ul, .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:focus ul { 180 178 height: 320px; 181 179 opacity: 1; 182 180 overflow-y: auto; … … 207 205 } 208 206 209 207 @media screen and (max-width: 38.75em) { 210 #buddypress #object-nav ul li:not(.selected):focus, 211 #buddypress #object-nav ul li:not(.selected):hover { 208 #buddypress #object-nav ul li:not(.selected):focus, #buddypress #object-nav ul li:not(.selected):hover { 212 209 background: #f4f2df; 213 210 } 214 211 } … … 354 351 min-height: 0; 355 352 } 356 353 357 #buddypress div.pagination:before, 358 #buddypress div.pagination:after { 354 #buddypress div.pagination:before, #buddypress div.pagination:after { 359 355 height: 0; 360 356 width: 0; 361 357 } … … 408 404 font-family: "Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, sans-serif; 409 405 } 410 406 411 #buddypress .activity-meta .button:focus, 412 #buddypress .activity-meta .button:hover { 407 #buddypress .activity-meta .button:focus, #buddypress .activity-meta .button:hover { 413 408 background: inherit; 414 409 color: #000; 415 410 } 416 411 417 #buddypress .action .generic-button a:focus, 418 #buddypress .action .generic-button a:hover { 412 #buddypress .action .generic-button a:focus, #buddypress .action .generic-button a:hover { 419 413 background: inherit; 420 414 color: #000; 421 415 } … … 726 720 padding: 10px; 727 721 } 728 722 729 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:focus, 730 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:hover { 723 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:focus, #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:hover { 731 724 background: #f4f4f4; 732 725 border: 1px solid rgba(159, 209, 226, 0.3); 733 726 } 734 727 735 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:focus a, 736 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:hover a { 728 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:focus a, #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:hover a { 737 729 font-style: italic; 738 730 } 739 731 … … 797 789 text-align: center; 798 790 } 799 791 800 #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:focus, 801 #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:hover { 792 #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:focus, #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:hover { 802 793 background: #ededed; 803 794 } 804 795 … … 1463 1454 } 1464 1455 1465 1456 .bp-user #buddypress #message-threads tr td.thread-info a::after { 1466 content: " ‖ 1457 content: " ‖ " attr(title); 1467 1458 font-size: 12px; 1468 1459 font-size: 0.75rem; 1469 1460 } -
124 124 display: inline; 125 125 opacity: 0.7; 126 126 } 127 .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:hover:before, 128 .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:focus:before { 127 .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:hover:before, .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:focus:before { 129 128 content: "Menu \021E7"; 130 129 } 131 .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:hover ul, 132 .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:focus ul { 130 .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:hover ul, .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:focus ul { 133 131 height: 320px; 134 132 opacity: 1; 135 133 overflow-y: auto; … … 150 148 } 151 149 152 150 @media screen and (max-width: 38.75em) { 153 #buddypress #object-nav ul li:focus, 154 #buddypress #object-nav ul li:hover { 151 #buddypress #object-nav ul li:focus, #buddypress #object-nav ul li:hover { 155 152 background: #f4f2df; 156 153 } 157 154 } … … 360 357 font-family: "Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, sans-serif; 361 358 } 362 359 363 #buddypress .activity-meta .button:focus, 364 #buddypress .activity-meta .button:hover { 360 #buddypress .activity-meta .button:focus, #buddypress .activity-meta .button:hover { 365 361 background: #e37a5a; 366 362 color: #f7f5e7; 367 363 } 368 364 369 #buddypress .action .generic-button a:focus, 370 #buddypress .action .generic-button a:hover { 365 #buddypress .action .generic-button a:focus, #buddypress .action .generic-button a:hover { 371 366 background: #e37a5a; 372 367 color: #f7f5e7; 373 368 } … … 678 673 padding: 10px; 679 674 } 680 675 681 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:focus, 682 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:hover { 676 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:focus, #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:hover { 683 677 background: #f4f4f4; 684 678 border: 1px solid rgba(159, 209, 226, 0.3); 685 679 } 686 680 687 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:focus a, 688 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:hover a { 681 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:focus a, #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:hover a { 689 682 font-style: italic; 690 683 } 691 684 … … 749 742 text-align: center; 750 743 } 751 744 752 #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:focus, 753 #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:hover { 745 #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:focus, #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:hover { 754 746 background: #ededed; 755 747 } 756 748 … … 1540 1532 } 1541 1533 1542 1534 .bp-user #buddypress #message-threads tr td.thread-info a::after { 1543 content: " – 1535 content: " – " attr(title); 1544 1536 font-size: 12px; 1545 1537 font-size: 0.75rem; 1546 1538 } -
124 124 display: inline; 125 125 opacity: 0.7; 126 126 } 127 .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:hover:before, 128 .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:focus:before { 127 .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:hover:before, .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:focus:before { 129 128 content: "Menu \021E7"; 130 129 } 131 .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:hover ul, 132 .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:focus ul { 130 .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:hover ul, .bp-user #buddypress #object-nav:focus ul { 133 131 height: 320px; 134 132 opacity: 1; 135 133 overflow-y: auto; … … 150 148 } 151 149 152 150 @media screen and (max-width: 38.75em) { 153 #buddypress #object-nav ul li:focus, 154 #buddypress #object-nav ul li:hover { 151 #buddypress #object-nav ul li:focus, #buddypress #object-nav ul li:hover { 155 152 background: #f4f2df; 156 153 } 157 154 } … … 360 357 font-family: "Source Sans Pro", Helvetica, sans-serif; 361 358 } 362 359 363 #buddypress .activity-meta .button:focus, 364 #buddypress .activity-meta .button:hover { 360 #buddypress .activity-meta .button:focus, #buddypress .activity-meta .button:hover { 365 361 background: #e37a5a; 366 362 color: #f7f5e7; 367 363 } 368 364 369 #buddypress .action .generic-button a:focus, 370 #buddypress .action .generic-button a:hover { 365 #buddypress .action .generic-button a:focus, #buddypress .action .generic-button a:hover { 371 366 background: #e37a5a; 372 367 color: #f7f5e7; 373 368 } … … 678 673 padding: 10px; 679 674 } 680 675 681 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:focus, 682 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:hover { 676 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:focus, #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:hover { 683 677 background: #f4f4f4; 684 678 border: 1px solid rgba(159, 209, 226, 0.3); 685 679 } 686 680 687 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:focus a, 688 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:hover a { 681 #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:focus a, #buddypress #activity-stream .load-more:hover a { 689 682 font-style: italic; 690 683 } 691 684 … … 749 742 text-align: center; 750 743 } 751 744 752 #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:focus, 753 #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:hover { 745 #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:focus, #buddypress #activity-stream .activity-comments .ac-form .ac-reply-cancel:hover { 754 746 background: #ededed; 755 747 } 756 748 … … 1540 1532 } 1541 1533 1542 1534 .bp-user #buddypress #message-threads tr td.thread-info a::after { 1543 content: " – 1535 content: " – " attr(title); 1544 1536 font-size: 12px; 1545 1537 font-size: 0.75rem; 1546 1538 } -
82 82 83 83 if ( XProfileAdmin.supports_options_field_types.indexOf( forWhat ) >= 0 ) { 84 84 document.getElementById( forWhat ).style.display = ''; 85 document.getElementById( 'is-searchable' ).checked = true; 86 } else { 87 document.getElementById( 'is-searchable' ).checked = false; 85 88 } 86 89 } 87 90 -
395 395 $field->set_member_types( $member_types ); 396 396 } 397 397 398 // Validate searchable field 399 if( 1 !== $field_id ) { 400 $is_searchable = '0'; 401 402 if ( isset($_POST['is-searchable']) && in_array( $_POST['is-searchable'], array( '0', '1' ) ) ) { 403 $is_searchable = $_POST['is-searchable']; 404 } 405 406 bp_xprofile_update_field_meta( $field_id, 'is_searchable', $is_searchable ); 407 } 408 398 409 // Validate default visibility. 399 410 if ( ! empty( $_POST['default-visibility'] ) && in_array( $_POST['default-visibility'], wp_list_pluck( bp_xprofile_get_visibility_levels(), 'id' ) ) ) { 400 411 bp_xprofile_update_field_meta( $field_id, 'default_visibility', $_POST['default-visibility'] ); -
339 339 * @return string 340 340 */ 341 341 function xprofile_filter_link_profile_data( $field_value, $field_type = 'textbox' ) { 342 global $field; 342 343 343 344 if ( 'datebox' === $field_type ) { 344 345 return $field_value; … … 348 349 return $field_value; 349 350 } 350 351 352 if(!(int)$field->is_searchable && $field->id != 1){ 353 return $field_value; 354 } 355 351 356 $values = explode( ',', $field_value ); 352 357 353 358 if ( !empty( $values ) ) { -
120 120 public $is_default_option; 121 121 122 122 /** 123 * @since BuddyPress Patch (1.0.0) 124 * 125 * @author Lenlay 126 * 127 * @var bool Is field searchable or not? 128 */ 129 public $is_searchable; 130 131 /** 123 132 * Field data visibility. 124 133 * 125 134 * @since 1.9.0 … … 292 301 case 'allow_custom_visibility' : 293 302 return $this->get_allow_custom_visibility(); 294 303 break; 304 305 case 'is_searchable' : 306 return $this->get_searchable(); 307 break; 295 308 } 296 309 } 297 310 … … 308 321 // Backward compatibility for when these were public methods. 309 322 case 'allow_custom_visibility' : 310 323 case 'default_visibility' : 324 case 'is_searchable' : 311 325 return true; 312 326 break; 313 327 } … … 784 798 } 785 799 786 800 /** 801 * Get the field's searchable setting. 802 * 803 * Lazy-loaded to reduce overhead. 804 * 805 * Defaults to '1' if no visibility setting is found in the database. 806 * 807 * @since BuddyPress Patch (1.0.0) 808 * 809 * @return string 810 */ 811 public function get_searchable() { 812 if ( ! isset( $this->is_searchable ) ) { 813 $this->is_searchable = bp_xprofile_get_meta( $this->id, 'field', 'is_searchable' ); 814 if ( ! $this->is_searchable && $this->is_searchable !== '0' ) { 815 $this->is_searchable = '1'; 816 } 817 } 818 819 return $this->is_searchable; 820 } 821 822 /** 787 823 * Get whether the field's default visibility can be overridden by users. 788 824 * 789 825 * Lazy-loaded to reduce overhead. … … 1297 1333 } 1298 1334 1299 1335 /** 1336 * Output the field for setting if field is searchable or not 1337 * 1338 * @since BuddyPress Patch (1.0.0) 1339 * 1340 * @author Lenlay 1341 * 1342 */ 1343 private function searchable_field() { 1344 ?> 1345 <p> 1346 <input type="checkbox" name="is-searchable" id="is-searchable" value="1" <?php checked($this->get_searchable(), '1'); ?>> 1347 <label for="is-searchable"><?php esc_html_e( 'Searchable link', 'buddypress' ); ?></label> 1348 <p class="description"><?php esc_html_e( 'If selected then the value on member profile tab is a link, clicking on which searches for profiles of other members with the same response.', 'buddypress' ); ?></p> 1349 </p> 1350 1351 <?php 1352 } 1353 1354 /** 1300 1355 * Private method used to output field Member Type metabox. 1301 1356 * 1302 1357 * @since 2.4.0 … … 1453 1508 // Deprecated filter, don't use. Go look at {@link BP_XProfile_Field_Type::admin_new_field_html()}. 1454 1509 do_action( 'xprofile_field_additional_options', $this ); 1455 1510 1456 $this->render_admin_form_children(); ?>1511 $this->render_admin_form_children(); 1457 1512 1513 // Output the searchable field 1514 $this->searchable_field(); ?> 1515 1458 1516 </div> 1459 1517 </div> 1460 1518 -
462 462 bp_xprofile_update_meta_cache( $object_ids ); 463 463 } 464 464 465 // Fetch searchable fields. 466 $fields = self::fetch_searchable_fields( $fields ); 467 465 468 // Maybe fetch visibility levels. 466 469 if ( ! empty( $r['fetch_visibility_level'] ) ) { 467 470 $fields = self::fetch_visibility_level( $r['user_id'], $fields ); … … 658 661 } 659 662 660 663 /** 664 * Fetch the field searchable value for the fields returned by the query. 665 * 666 * @since BuddyPress Patch (1.0.0) 667 * 668 * @param array $fields The database results returned by the get() query. 669 * 670 * @return array $fields The database results, with field_visibility added 671 */ 672 public static function fetch_searchable_fields( $fields = array() ) { 673 674 foreach( (array) $fields as $key => $field ) { 675 676 // Does the admin allow this field to be customized? 677 $is_searchable = bp_xprofile_get_meta( $field->id, 'field', 'is_searchable'); 678 679 if(!$is_searchable && $is_searchable !== '0') { 680 $is_searchable = '1'; 681 } 682 683 $fields[ $key ]->is_searchable = $is_searchable; 684 } 685 return $fields; 686 } 687 688 /** 661 689 * Fetch the admin-set preferences for all fields. 662 690 * 663 691 * @since 1.6.0