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Ticket #6932: 6932.8.diff

File 6932.8.diff, 28.6 KB (added by DJPaul, 9 years ago)
  • src/bp-activity/bp-activity-notifications.php

    diff --git a/src/bp-activity/bp-activity-notifications.php b/src/bp-activity/bp-activity-notifications.php
    index bafeb03..13e9615 100644
    a b function bp_activity_at_message_notification( $activity_id, $receiver_user_id ) 
    5454                        $group_name = bp_get_current_group_name();
    5555                }
     57                $unsubscribe_args = array(
     58                        'user_id'           => $receiver_user_id,
     59                        'notification_type' => $email_type,
     60                );
    5762                $args = array(
    5863                        'tokens' => array(
    5964                                'activity'         => $activity,
    function bp_activity_at_message_notification( $activity_id, $receiver_user_id ) 
    6267                                'mentioned.url'    => $message_link,
    6368                                ''      => $poster_name,
    6469                                '' => $receiver_user_id,
     70                                'unsubscribe'      => esc_url( bp_email_get_unsubscribe_link( $unsubscribe_args ) ),
    6571                        ),
    6672                );
    function bp_activity_new_comment_notification( $comment_id = 0, $commenter_id = 
    114120                // Send an email if the user hasn't opted-out.
    115121                if ( 'no' != bp_get_user_meta( $original_activity->user_id, 'notification_activity_new_reply', true ) ) {
     123                        $unsubscribe_args = array(
     124                                'user_id'           => $original_activity->user_id,
     125                                'notification_type' => 'activity-comment',
     126                        );
    116128                        $args = array(
    117129                                'tokens' => array(
    118130                                        ''                => $comment_id,
    function bp_activity_new_comment_notification( $comment_id = 0, $commenter_id = 
    121133                                        'original_activity.user_id' => $original_activity->user_id,
    122134                                        ''               => $poster_name,
    123135                                        'thread.url'                => esc_url( $thread_link ),
     136                                        'unsubscribe'               => esc_url( bp_email_get_unsubscribe_link( $unsubscribe_args ) ),
    124137                                ),
    125138                        );
    function bp_activity_new_comment_notification( $comment_id = 0, $commenter_id = 
    156169                // Send an email if the user hasn't opted-out.
    157170                if ( 'no' != bp_get_user_meta( $parent_comment->user_id, 'notification_activity_new_reply', true ) ) {
     172                        $unsubscribe_args = array(
     173                                'user_id'           => $parent_comment->user_id,
     174                                'notification_type' => 'activity-comment-author',
     175                        );
    158177                        $args = array(
    159178                                'tokens' => array(
    160179                                        ''             => $comment_id,
    function bp_activity_new_comment_notification( $comment_id = 0, $commenter_id = 
    163182                                        '' => $parent_comment->user_id,
    164183                                        ''            => $poster_name,
    165184                                        'thread.url'             => esc_url( $thread_link ),
     185                                        'unsubscribe'            => esc_url( bp_email_get_unsubscribe_link( $unsubscribe_args ) ),
    166186                                ),
    167187                        );
    function bp_activity_new_comment_notification( $comment_id = 0, $commenter_id = 
    178198                 * @param int                  $comment_id     ID for the newly received comment.
    179199                 * @param int                  $commenter_id   ID of the user who made the comment.
    180200                 * @param array                $params         Arguments used with the original activity comment.
    181                  */
     201                 */
    182202                do_action( 'bp_activity_sent_reply_to_reply_notification', $parent_comment, $comment_id, $commenter_id, $params );
    183203        }
  • src/bp-core/admin/bp-core-admin-schema.php

    diff --git a/src/bp-core/admin/bp-core-admin-schema.php b/src/bp-core/admin/bp-core-admin-schema.php
    index ba38b31..4b35f8d 100644
    a b function bp_core_install_emails() { 
    517517        );
    519519        $emails       = bp_email_get_schema();
    520         $descriptions = bp_email_get_type_schema();
     520        $descriptions = bp_email_get_type_schema( 'description' );
    522522        // Add these emails to the database.
    523523        foreach ( $emails as $id => $email ) {
  • src/bp-core/bp-core-actions.php

    diff --git a/src/bp-core/bp-core-actions.php b/src/bp-core/bp-core-actions.php
    index b4478a1..9968913 100644
    a b if ( is_admin() ) { 
    111111// Activation redirect.
    112112add_action( 'bp_activation', 'bp_add_activation_redirect' );
     114// Email unsubscribe.
     115add_action( 'bp_get_request_unsubscribe', 'bp_email_unsubscribe_handler' );
  • src/bp-core/bp-core-filters.php

    diff --git a/src/bp-core/bp-core-filters.php b/src/bp-core/bp-core-filters.php
    index dd9645b..3fff5c0 100644
    a b function bp_email_set_default_tokens( $tokens, $property_name, $transform, $emai 
    10281028        $tokens['']     = '';
    10291029        $tokens['']      = '';
    10301030        $tokens['recipient.username']  = '';
    1031         $tokens['unsubscribe']         = site_url( 'wp-login.php' );
    10341033        // Who is the email going to?
    function bp_email_set_default_tokens( $tokens, $property_name, $transform, $emai 
    10451044                }
    10471046                if ( $user_obj ) {
    1048                         // Unsubscribe link.
    1049                         $tokens['unsubscribe'] = esc_url( sprintf(
    1050                                 '%s%s/notifications/',
    1051                                 bp_core_get_user_domain( $user_obj->ID ),
    1052                                 function_exists( 'bp_get_settings_slug' ) ? bp_get_settings_slug() : 'settings'
    1053                         ) );
    10541047                        $tokens['recipient.username'] = $user_obj->user_login;
    1055                 }
     1048                        if ( bp_is_active( 'settings' ) && empty( $tokens['unsubscribe'] ) ) {
     1049                            $tokens['unsubscribe'] = esc_url( sprintf(
     1050                                '%s%s/notifications/',
     1051                                bp_core_get_user_domain( $user_obj->ID ),
     1052                                bp_get_settings_slug()
     1053                            ) );
     1054                        }
     1055                }
    10561056        }
     1058        // Set default unsubscribe link if not passed.
     1059    if ( empty( $tokens['unsubscribe'] ) ) {
     1060         $tokens['unsubscribe'] = site_url( 'wp-login.php' );
     1061    }
    10581063        // Email preheader.
    10591064        $post = $email->get_post_object();
    10601065        if ( $post ) {
  • src/bp-core/bp-core-functions.php

    diff --git a/src/bp-core/bp-core-functions.php b/src/bp-core/bp-core-functions.php
    index 7cf28aa..24e510a 100644
    a b function bp_email_get_schema() { 
    33693369 * Get a list of emails for populating email type taxonomy terms.
    33703370 *
    33713371 * @since 2.5.1
     3372 * @since 2.6.0 $field argument added.
     3373 *
     3374 * @param string $field Optional; defaults to "description" for backwards compatibility. Other values: "all".
     3375 * @return array {
     3376 *     The array of email types and their schema.
     3377 *
     3378 *     @type string $description The description of the action which causes this to trigger.
     3379 *     @type array  $unsubscribe {
     3380 *         Replacing this with false indicates that a user cannot unsubscribe from this type.
     3381 *
     3382 *         @type string $meta_key The meta_key used to toggle the email setting for this notification.
     3383 *         @type string $message  The message shown when the user has successfully unsubscribed.
     3384 *     }
     3385 */
     3386function bp_email_get_type_schema( $field = 'description' ) {
     3387        $activity_comment = array(
     3388                'description'   => __( 'A member has replied to an activity update that the recipient posted.', 'buddypress' ),
     3389                'unsubscribe'   => array(
     3390                        'meta_key'      => 'notification_activity_new_reply',
     3391                        'message'       => __( 'You will no longer receive emails when someone replies to an update or comment you posted.', 'buddypress' ),
     3392                        ),
     3393        );
     3395        $activity_comment_author = array(
     3396                'description'   => __( 'A member has replied to a comment on an activity update that the recipient posted.', 'buddypress' ),
     3397                'unsubscribe'   => array(
     3398                        'meta_key'      => 'notification_activity_new_reply',
     3399                        'message'       => __( 'You will no longer receive emails when someone replies to an update or comment you posted.', 'buddypress' ),
     3400                        ),
     3401        );
     3403        $activity_at_message = array(
     3404                'description'   => __( 'Recipient was mentioned in an activity update.', 'buddypress' ),
     3405                'unsubscribe'   => array(
     3406                        'meta_key'      => 'notification_activity_new_mention',
     3407                        'message'       => __( 'You will no longer receive emails when someone mentions you in an update.', 'buddypress' ),
     3408                ),
     3409        );
     3411        $groups_at_message = array(
     3412                'description'   => __( 'Recipient was mentioned in a group activity update.', 'buddypress' ),
     3413                'unsubscribe'   => array(
     3414                        'meta_key'      => 'notification_activity_new_mention',
     3415                        'message'       => __( 'You will no longer receive emails when someone mentions you in an update.', 'buddypress' ),
     3416                ),
     3417        );
     3419        $core_user_registration = array(
     3420                'description'   => __( 'Recipient has registered for an account.', 'buddypress' ),
     3421                'unsubscribe'   => false,
     3422        );
     3424        $core_user_registration_with_blog = array(
     3425                'description'   => __( 'Recipient has registered for an account and site.', 'buddypress' ),
     3426                'unsubscribe'   => false,
     3427        );
     3429        $friends_request = array(
     3430                'description'   => __( 'A member has sent a friend request to the recipient.', 'buddypress' ),
     3431                'unsubscribe'   => array(
     3432                        'meta_key'      => 'notification_friends_friendship_request',
     3433                        'message'       => __( 'You will no longer receive emails when someone sends you a friend request.', 'buddypress' ),
     3434                ),
     3435        );
     3437        $friends_request_accepted = array(
     3438                'description'   => __( 'Recipient has had a friend request accepted by a member.', 'buddypress' ),
     3439                'unsubscribe'   => array(
     3440                        'meta_key'      => 'notification_friends_friendship_accepted',
     3441                        'message'       => __( 'You will no longer receive emails when someone accepts your friendship request.', 'buddypress' ),
     3442                ),
     3443        );
     3445        $groups_details_updated = array(
     3446                'description'   => __( "A group's details were updated.", 'buddypress' ),
     3447                'unsubscribe'   => array(
     3448                        'meta_key'      => 'notification_groups_group_updated',
     3449                        'message'       => __( 'You will no longer receive emails when one of your groups is updated.', 'buddypress' ),
     3450                ),
     3451        );
     3453        $groups_details_updated = array(
     3454                'description'   => __( "A group's details were updated.", 'buddypress' ),
     3455                'unsubscribe'   => array(
     3456                        'meta_key'      => 'notification_groups_group_updated',
     3457                        'message'       => __( 'You will no longer receive emails when one of your groups is updated.', 'buddypress' ),
     3458                ),
     3459        );
     3461        $groups_invitation = array(
     3462                'description'   => __( 'A member has sent a group invitation to the recipient.', 'buddypress' ),
     3463                'unsubscribe'   => array(
     3464                        'meta_key'      => 'notification_groups_invite',
     3465                        'message'       => __( 'You will no longer receive emails when you are invited to join a group.', 'buddypress' ),
     3466                ),
     3467        );
     3469        $groups_member_promoted = array(
     3470                'description'   => __( "Recipient's status within a group has changed.", 'buddypress' ),
     3471                'unsubscribe'   => array(
     3472                        'meta_key'      => 'notification_groups_admin_promotion',
     3473                        'message'       => __( 'You will no longer receive emails when you have been promoted in a group.', 'buddypress' ),
     3474                ),
     3475        );
     3477        $groups_member_promoted = array(
     3478                'description'   => __( "Recipient's status within a group has changed.", 'buddypress' ),
     3479                'unsubscribe'   => array(
     3480                        'meta_key'      => 'notification_groups_admin_promotion',
     3481                        'message'       => __( 'You will no longer receive emails when you have been promoted in a group.', 'buddypress' ),
     3482                ),
     3483        );
     3485        $groups_membership_request = array(
     3486                'description'   => __( 'A member has requested permission to join a group.', 'buddypress' ),
     3487                'unsubscribe'   => array(
     3488                        'meta_key'      => 'notification_groups_membership_request',
     3489                        'message'       => __( 'You will no longer receive emails when someone requests to be a member of your group.', 'buddypress' ),
     3490                ),
     3491        );
     3493        $messages_unread = array(
     3494                'description'   => __( 'Recipient has received a private message.', 'buddypress' ),
     3495                'unsubscribe'   => array(
     3496                        'meta_key'      => 'notification_messages_new_message',
     3497                        'message'       => __( 'You will no longer receive emails when someone sends you a message.', 'buddypress' ),
     3498                ),
     3499        );
     3501        $settings_verify_email_change = array(
     3502                'description'   => __( 'Recipient has changed their email address.', 'buddypress' ),
     3503                'unsubscribe'   => false,
     3504        );
     3506        $groups_membership_request_accepted = array(
     3507                'description'   => __( 'Recipient had requested to join a group, which was accepted.', 'buddypress' ),
     3508                'unsubscribe'   => array(
     3509                        'meta_key'      => 'notification_membership_request_completed',
     3510                        'message'       => __( 'You will no longer receive emails when your request to join a group has been accepted or denied.', 'buddypress' ),
     3511                ),
     3512        );
     3514        $groups_membership_request_rejected = array(
     3515                'description'   => __( 'Recipient had requested to join a group, which was rejected.', 'buddypress' ),
     3516                'unsubscribe'   => array(
     3517                        'meta_key'      => 'notification_membership_request_completed',
     3518                        'message'       => __( 'You will no longer receive emails when your request to join a group has been accepted or denied.', 'buddypress' ),
     3519                ),
     3520        );
     3522        $types = array(
     3523                'activity-comment'                   => $activity_comment,
     3524                'activity-comment-author'            => $activity_comment_author,
     3525                'activity-at-message'                => $activity_at_message,
     3526                'groups-at-message'                  => $groups_at_message,
     3527                'core-user-registration'             => $core_user_registration,
     3528                'core-user-registration-with-blog'   => $core_user_registration_with_blog,
     3529                'friends-request'                    => $friends_request,
     3530                'friends-request-accepted'           => $friends_request_accepted,
     3531                'groups-details-updated'             => $groups_details_updated,
     3532                'groups-invitation'                  => $groups_invitation,
     3533                'groups-member-promoted'             => $groups_member_promoted,
     3534                'groups-membership-request'          => $groups_membership_request,
     3535                'messages-unread'                    => $messages_unread,
     3536                'settings-verify-email-change'       => $settings_verify_email_change,
     3537                'groups-membership-request-accepted' => $groups_membership_request_accepted,
     3538                'groups-membership-request-rejected' => $groups_membership_request_rejected,
     3539        );
     3541        if ( $field !== 'all' ) {
     3542                return wp_list_pluck( $types, $field );
     3543        } else {
     3544                return $types;
     3545        }
     3549 * Handles unsubscribing user from notification emails.
    33723550 *
    3373  * @return array
     3551 * @since 2.6.0
    33743552 */
    3375 function bp_email_get_type_schema() {
    3376         return array(
    3377                 'activity-comment'                   => __( 'A member has replied to an activity update that the recipient posted.', 'buddypress' ),
    3378                 'activity-comment-author'            => __( 'A member has replied to a comment on an activity update that the recipient posted.', 'buddypress' ),
    3379                 'activity-at-message'                => __( 'Recipient was mentioned in an activity update.', 'buddypress' ),
    3380                 'groups-at-message'                  => __( 'Recipient was mentioned in a group activity update.', 'buddypress' ),
    3381                 'core-user-registration'             => __( 'Recipient has registered for an account.', 'buddypress' ),
    3382                 'core-user-registration-with-blog'   => __( 'Recipient has registered for an account and site.', 'buddypress' ),
    3383                 'friends-request'                    => __( 'A member has sent a friend request to the recipient.', 'buddypress' ),
    3384                 'friends-request-accepted'           => __( 'Recipient has had a friend request accepted by a member.', 'buddypress' ),
    3385                 'groups-details-updated'             => __( "A group's details were updated.", 'buddypress' ),
    3386                 'groups-invitation'                  => __( 'A member has sent a group invitation to the recipient.', 'buddypress' ),
    3387                 'groups-member-promoted'             => __( "Recipient's status within a group has changed.", 'buddypress' ),
    3388                 'groups-membership-request'          => __( 'A member has requested permission to join a group.', 'buddypress' ),
    3389                 'messages-unread'                    => __( 'Recipient has received a private message.', 'buddypress' ),
    3390                 'settings-verify-email-change'       => __( 'Recipient has changed their email address.', 'buddypress' ),
    3391                 'groups-membership-request-accepted' => __( 'Recipient had requested to join a group, which was accepted.', 'buddypress' ),
    3392                 'groups-membership-request-rejected' => __( 'Recipient had requested to join a group, which was rejected.', 'buddypress' ),
     3553function bp_email_unsubscribe_handler() {
     3554        $emails = bp_email_get_type_schema();
     3556        $raw_user_id = ! empty( $_GET['uid'] ) ? absint( $_GET['uid'] ) : 0;
     3557        $to_check    = ! empty( $_GET['nn'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['nn'] ) : '';
     3558        $unsub_type  = ! empty( $_GET['nt'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['nt'] ) : '';
     3560        $check_args = array(
     3561                'uid' => $raw_user_id,
     3562                'nt'  => $unsub_type,
    33933563        );
     3565        $check = bp_hash_array( $check_args );
     3567        // Check required values.
     3568        if ( ! $raw_user_id || ! $unsub_type || ! $to_check || ! array_key_exists( $unsub_type, $emails ) ) {
     3569                $redirect_to = site_url( 'wp-login.php' );
     3570                $result_msg  = __( 'Something has gone wrong.', 'buddypress' );
     3571                $unsub_msg   = __( 'Please log in and go to your settings to unsubscribe from notification emails.', 'buddypress' );
     3573        // Check valid hash.
     3574        } elseif ( ! hash_equals( $check, $to_check ) ) {
     3575                $redirect_to = site_url( 'wp-login.php' );
     3576                $result_msg  = __( 'Something has gone wrong.', 'buddypress' );
     3577                $unsub_msg   = __( 'Please log in and go to your settings to unsubscribe from notification emails.', 'buddypress' );
     3579        // Don't let authenticated users unsubscribe other users' email notifications.
     3580        } elseif ( is_user_logged_in() && get_current_user_id() !== $raw_user_id ) {
     3581                $redirect_to = sprintf(
     3582                        '%s%s/notifications/',
     3583                        bp_core_get_user_domain( get_current_user_id() ),
     3584                        function_exists( 'bp_get_settings_slug' ) ? bp_get_settings_slug() : 'settings'
     3585                ) );
     3587                $result_msg = __( 'Something has gone wrong.', 'buddypress' );
     3588                $unsub_msg  = __( 'Please go to your settings to unsubscribe from notification emails.', 'buddypress' );
     3590        } else {
     3591                $redirect_to =  sprintf(
     3592                        '%s%s/notifications/',
     3593                        bp_core_get_user_domain( $raw_user_id ),
     3594                        function_exists( 'bp_get_settings_slug' ) ? bp_get_settings_slug() : 'settings'
     3595                ) );
     3597                // Unsubscribe.
     3598                // djpaultodo - raw_user_id not safe. verify hash match will validate the user id.
     3599                $meta_key        = $emails[ $unsub_type ]['unsubscribe']['meta_key'];
     3600                $is_unsubscribed = bp_update_user_meta( $raw_user_id, $meta_key, 'no' );
     3602                $result_msg = $emails[ $unsub_type ]['unsubscribe']['message'];
     3603                $unsub_msg  = __( 'You can change this or any other email notification preferences in your email settings.', 'buddypress' );
     3604        }
     3606        $message = sprintf(
     3607                '%1$s <a href="%2$s">%3$s</a>',
     3608                $result_msg,
     3609                esc_url( $redirect_to ),
     3610                $unsub_msg
     3611        );
     3613        bp_core_add_message( $message );
     3614        bp_core_redirect( bp_core_get_user_domain( $raw_user_id ) );
     3615        exit;
     3619 * Creates unsubscribe link for notification emails.
     3620 *
     3621 * @since
     3622 *
     3623 * @param string        $redirect_to The URL to which the unsubscribe query string is appended.
     3624 * @param array         $args        {
     3625 *
     3626 *    Used to build unsubscribe query string.
     3627 *
     3628 *    @type string $notification_type Which notification type is being sent.
     3629 *    @type string $user_id           The ID of the user to whom the notification is sent.
     3630 *    @type string $redirect_to       Optional. The url to which the user will be redirected. Default is the activity directory.
     3631 *
     3632 * }
     3633 * @return string The unsubscribe link.
     3634 */
     3635function bp_email_get_unsubscribe_link( $args = null ) {
     3636        // djpaultodo - review/tweak function.
     3637        $bp_emails_type_schema = bp_email_get_type_schema();
     3639        if ( ! is_array( $args ) || ! isset( $args['notification_type'] ) || ! array_key_exists( $args['notification_type'], $bp_emails_type_schema ) ) {
     3640                return site_url( 'wp-login.php' );
     3641        }
     3643        $notification_type = $unsubscribe_args['nt'] = esc_attr( $args['notification_type'] );
     3644        $user_id = $unsubscribe_args['uid'] = (int) $args['user_id'];
     3646        // If the activity type is not unsubscribable (ununsubscribable), return false.
     3647        if ( empty( $bp_emails_type_schema[ $notification_type ]['unsubscribe'] ) ) {
     3648                return false;
     3649        }
     3651        $redirect_to = ( isset( $args['redirect_to'] ) ) ? isset( $args['redirect_to'] ) : bp_get_activity_directory_permalink();
     3653        $check = bp_hash_array( $unsubscribe_args );
     3655        $unsubscribe_args['nn'] = $check;
     3656        $unsubscribe_args['action'] = 'unsubscribe';
     3658        $unsubscribe_link = esc_url_raw( add_query_arg( $unsubscribe_args, $redirect_to ) );
     3660        /**
     3661         * Filters the unsubscribe link.
     3662         *
     3663         * @since
     3664         *
     3665         * @param string        $redirect_to    URL to which the unsubscribe query string is appended.
     3666         * @param array         $args           Used to build unsubscribe query string.
     3667         */
     3668        return apply_filters( 'bp_email_get_unsubscribe_link', $unsubscribe_link, $redirect_to, $args );
     3672 * Get a persistent salt for email unsubscribe links, not dependent on salts in wp-config.php.
     3673 *
     3674 * @since 2.6.0
     3675 *
     3676 * @return string
     3677 */
     3678function bp_email_get_salt() {
     3679        $salt = bp_get_option( 'bp-emails-unsubscribe-salt', null );
     3681        if ( is_null( $salt ) ) {
     3682                bp_add_option( 'bp-emails-unsubscribe-salt', base64_encode( wp_generate_password( 12, true, true ) ) );
     3683        }
     3685        return $salt;
     3689 * Get a function that makes a checkable hash for the given args.
     3690 *
     3691 * @param  array        $args   Any array.
     3692 *
     3693 * @return string
     3694 *
     3695 */
     3696function bp_hash_array( $args ) {
     3697        // djpaultodo - review/tweak function. does this need to be a function? also dont' use md5, use sha1.
     3698        $salt = bp_get_salt();
     3700        // order doesn't matter
     3701        ksort( $args );
     3703        $string = ( is_array( $args ) ) ? implode( ':', $args ) : (string) $args;
     3705        // should this return a substring like the nonce does? It's quite long.
     3706        $check = hash_hmac( 'md5', $string, $salt );
     3708        return $check;
  • src/bp-friends/bp-friends-notifications.php

    diff --git a/src/bp-friends/bp-friends-notifications.php b/src/bp-friends/bp-friends-notifications.php
    index c7a851e..d1ae381 100644
    a b function friends_notification_new_request( $friendship_id, $initiator_id, $frien 
    3232                return;
    3333        }
     35        $unsubscribe_args = array(
     36                'user_id'           => $friend_id,
     37                'notification_type' => 'friends-request',
     38        );
    3540        $args = array(
    3641                'tokens' => array(
    3742                        'friend-requests.url' => esc_url( bp_core_get_user_domain( $friend_id ) . bp_get_friends_slug() . '/requests/' ),
    function friends_notification_new_request( $friendship_id, $initiator_id, $frien 
    4045                        ''        => $initiator_id,
    4146                        'initiator.url'       => esc_url( bp_core_get_user_domain( $initiator_id ) ),
    4247                        ''      => bp_core_get_user_displayname( $initiator_id ),
     48                        'unsubscribe'         => esc_url( bp_email_get_unsubscribe_link( $unsubscribe_args ) ),
    4349                ),
    4450        );
    4551        bp_send_email( 'friends-request', $friend_id, $args );
    function friends_notification_accepted_request( $friendship_id, $initiator_id, $ 
    6369                return;
    6470        }
     72        $unsubscribe_args = array(
     73                'user_id'           => $initiator_id,
     74                'notification_type' => 'friends-request-accepted',
     75        );
    6677        $args = array(
    6778                'tokens' => array(
    6879                        ''      => $friend_id,
    function friends_notification_accepted_request( $friendship_id, $initiator_id, $ 
    7081                        ''    => bp_core_get_user_displayname( $friend_id ),
    7182                        ''  => $friendship_id,
    7283                        ''   => $initiator_id,
     84                        'unsubscribe'      => esc_url( bp_email_get_unsubscribe_link( $unsubscribe_args ) ),
    7385                ),
    7486        );
    7587        bp_send_email( 'friends-request-accepted', $initiator_id, $args );
  • src/bp-groups/bp-groups-notifications.php

    diff --git a/src/bp-groups/bp-groups-notifications.php b/src/bp-groups/bp-groups-notifications.php
    index 3ee37a2..6b6492c 100644
    a b function groups_notification_group_updated( $group_id = 0, $old_group = null ) { 
    6868                        continue;
    6969                }
     71                $unsubscribe_args = array(
     72                        'user_id'           => $user_id,
     73                        'notification_type' => 'groups-details-updated',
     74                );
    7176                $args = array(
    7277                        'tokens' => array(
    7378                                'changed_text' => $changed_text,
    function groups_notification_group_updated( $group_id = 0, $old_group = null ) { 
    7580                                ''     => $group_id,
    7681                                'group.url'    => esc_url( bp_get_group_permalink( $group ) ),
    7782                                ''   => $group->name,
     83                                'unsubscribe'  => esc_url( bp_email_get_unsubscribe_link( $unsubscribe_args ) ),
    7884                        ),
    7985                );
    8086                bp_send_email( 'groups-details-updated', (int) $user_id, $args );
    function groups_notification_new_membership_request( $requesting_user_id = 0, $a 
    115121                        'item_id'           => $group_id,
    116122                        'secondary_item_id' => $requesting_user_id,
    117123                        'component_name'    => buddypress()->groups->id,
    118                         'component_action'  => 'new_membership_request'
     124                        'component_action'  => 'new_membership_request',
    119125                ) );
    120126        }
    function groups_notification_new_membership_request( $requesting_user_id = 0, $a 
    124130                return;
    125131        }
     133        $unsubscribe_args = array(
     134                'user_id'           => $admin_id,
     135                'notification_type' => 'groups-membership-request',
     136        );
    127138        $group = groups_get_group( array( 'group_id' => $group_id ) );
    128139        $args  = array(
    129140                'tokens' => array(
    function groups_notification_new_membership_request( $requesting_user_id = 0, $a 
    136147                        'profile.url'          => esc_url( bp_core_get_user_domain( $requesting_user_id ) ),
    137148                        ''   => $requesting_user_id,
    138149                        '' => bp_core_get_user_displayname( $requesting_user_id ),
     150                        'unsubscribe'          => esc_url( bp_email_get_unsubscribe_link( $unsubscribe_args ) ),
    139151                ),
    140152        );
    141153        bp_send_email( 'groups-membership-request', (int) $admin_id, $args );
    function groups_notification_membership_request_completed( $requesting_user_id = 
    184196        );
    186198        if ( ! empty( $accepted ) ) {
     200                $unsubscribe_args = array(
     201                        'user_id'           => $requesting_user_id,
     202                        'notification_type' => 'groups-membership-request-accepted',
     203                );
     205                $args['tokens']['unsubscribe'] = esc_url( bp_email_get_unsubscribe_link( $unsubscribe_args ) );
    187207                bp_send_email( 'groups-membership-request-accepted', (int) $requesting_user_id, $args );
    188209        } else {
     211                $unsubscribe_args = array(
     212                        'user_id'           => $requesting_user_id,
     213                        'notification_type' => 'groups-membership-request-rejected',
     214                );
     216                $args['tokens']['unsubscribe'] = esc_url( bp_email_get_unsubscribe_link( $unsubscribe_args ) );
    189218                bp_send_email( 'groups-membership-request-rejected', (int) $requesting_user_id, $args );
    190219        }
    function groups_notification_promoted_member( $user_id = 0, $group_id = 0 ) { 
    226255                return;
    227256        }
     258        $unsubscribe_args = array(
     259                'user_id'           => $user_id,
     260                'notification_type' => 'groups-member-promoted',
     261        );
    229263        $group = groups_get_group( array( 'group_id' => $group_id ) );
    230264        $args  = array(
    231265                'tokens' => array(
    function groups_notification_promoted_member( $user_id = 0, $group_id = 0 ) { 
    235269                        ''  => $group->name,
    236270                        'promoted_to' => $promoted_to,
    237271                        ''     => $user_id,
     272                        'unsubscribe' => esc_url( bp_email_get_unsubscribe_link( $unsubscribe_args ) ),
    238273                ),
    239274        );
    240275        bp_send_email( 'groups-member-promoted', (int) $user_id, $args );
    function groups_notification_group_invites( &$group, &$member, $inviter_user_id 
    277312        }
    279314        $invited_link = bp_core_get_user_domain( $invited_user_id ) . bp_get_groups_slug();
     316        $unsubscribe_args = array(
     317                'user_id'           => $invited_user_id,
     318                'notification_type' => 'groups-invitation',
     319        );
    280321        $args         = array(
    281322                'tokens' => array(
    282323                        'group'        => $group,
    function groups_notification_group_invites( &$group, &$member, $inviter_user_id 
    286327                        'inviter.url'  => bp_core_get_user_domain( $inviter_user_id ),
    287328                        ''   => $inviter_user_id,
    288329                        'invites.url'  => esc_url( $invited_link . '/invites/' ),
     330                        'unsubscribe'  => esc_url( bp_email_get_unsubscribe_link( $unsubscribe_args ) ),
    289331                ),
    290332        );
    291333        bp_send_email( 'groups-invitation', (int) $invited_user_id, $args );
  • src/bp-messages/bp-messages-notifications.php

    diff --git a/src/bp-messages/bp-messages-notifications.php b/src/bp-messages/bp-messages-notifications.php
    index 0a0bca1..cb16804 100644
    a b function messages_notification_new_message( $raw_args = array() ) { 
    5858                        continue;
    5959                }
     61                $unsubscribe_args = array(
     62                        'user_id'           => $recipient->user_id,
     63                        'notification_type' => 'messages-unread',
     64                );
    6166                $args = array(
    6267                        'tokens' => array(
    6368                                'usermessage' => wp_strip_all_tags( stripslashes( $message ) ),
    6469                                'message.url' => esc_url( bp_core_get_user_domain( $recipient->user_id ) . bp_get_messages_slug() . '/view/' . $thread_id . '/' ),
    6570                                '' => $sender_name,
    6671                                'usersubject' => sanitize_text_field( stripslashes( $subject ) ),
     72                                'unsubscribe' => esc_url( bp_email_get_unsubscribe_link( $unsubscribe_args ) ),
    6773                        ),
    6874                );
    6975                bp_send_email( 'messages-unread', $ud, $args );
  • tests/phpunit/testcases/admin/functions.php

    diff --git a/tests/phpunit/testcases/admin/functions.php b/tests/phpunit/testcases/admin/functions.php
    index cc6ea19..cfa7015 100644
    a b class BP_Tests_Admin_Functions extends BP_UnitTestCase { 
    252252                        'hide_empty' => false,
    253253                ) );
    255                 $correct_descriptions = bp_email_get_type_schema();
     255                $correct_descriptions = bp_email_get_type_schema( 'description' );
    256256                foreach ( $d_terms as $d_term ) {
    257257                        $correct_description = $correct_descriptions[ $d_term->slug ];
    258258                        $this->assertSame( $correct_description, $d_term->description );