Ticket #5938: bp-activity-cssjs-5938.diff
File bp-activity-cssjs-5938.diff, 890 bytes (added by , 10 years ago) |
41 41 wp_style_add_data( 'bp-mentions-css', 'suffix', $min ); 42 42 } 43 43 44 // Print a list of the current user's friends to the page for quicker @mentions lookups. 44 /** 45 * Fires at the end of the Activity Mentions script and prints list of current users' friends to the page for quicker @mentions lookups. 46 * 47 * @since BuddyPress (2.1.0) 48 */ 45 49 do_action( 'bp_activity_mentions_prime_results' ); 46 50 } 47 51 add_action( 'bp_enqueue_scripts', 'bp_activity_mentions_script' ); 48 add_action( 'bp_admin_enqueue_scripts', 'bp_activity_mentions_script' ); 49 No newline at end of file 52 add_action( 'bp_admin_enqueue_scripts', 'bp_activity_mentions_script' );