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Ticket #5114: 5114.02.patch

File 5114.02.patch, 3.2 KB (added by boonebgorges, 11 years ago)
  • bp-core/bp-core-classes.php

    diff --git bp-core/bp-core-classes.php bp-core/bp-core-classes.php
    index 3ff43fd..beafe77 100644
    class BP_User_Query { 
    310310                                        $sql['order']   = "ASC";
    311311                                }
     313                                // Alphabetical queries ignore last_activity, while BP uses last_activity
     314                                // to infer spam/deleted/non-activated users. To ensure that these users
     315                                // are filtered out, we add an appropriate sub-query.
     316                                $sql['where'][] = "u.{$this->uid_name} IN ( SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->users} WHERE " . bp_core_get_status_sql( '' ) . " )";
    313318                                break;
    315320                        // Any other 'type' falls through
  • tests/testcases/core/class-bp-user-query.php

    diff --git tests/testcases/core/class-bp-user-query.php tests/testcases/core/class-bp-user-query.php
    index 26d1c47..83dd47b 100644
    class BP_Tests_BP_User_Query_TestCases extends BP_UnitTestCase { 
    223223                $this->assertEquals( array( $u2 ), $found_user_ids );
    224224        }
     226        /**
     227         * @group type
     228         * @group spam
     229         */
     230        public function test_bp_user_query_type_alphabetical_spam_xprofileon() {
     231                if ( is_multisite() ) {
     232                        return;
     233                }
     235                // Make sure xprofile is on
     236                $xprofile_toggle = isset( buddypress()->active_components['xprofile'] );
     237                buddypress()->active_components['xprofile'] = 1;
     238                add_filter( 'bp_disable_profile_sync', '__return_false' );
     240                $u1 = $this->create_user();
     241                $u2 = $this->create_user();
     243                global $wpdb;
     244                bp_core_process_spammer_status( $u1, 'spam' );
     246                $q = new BP_User_Query( array( 'type' => 'alphabetical', ) );
     248                // Restore xprofile setting
     249                if ( $xprofile_toggle ) {
     250                        buddypress()->active_components['xprofile'] = 1;
     251                } else {
     252                        unset( buddypress()->active_components['xprofile'] );
     253                }
     254                remove_filter( 'bp_disable_profile_sync', '__return_false' );
     256                $found_user_ids = null;
     258                if ( ! empty( $q->results ) ) {
     259                        $found_user_ids = array_values( wp_parse_id_list( wp_list_pluck( $q->results, 'ID' ) ) );
     260                }
     262                // Do a assertNotContains because there are weird issues with user #1 as created by WP
     263                $this->assertNotContains( $u1, $found_user_ids );
     264        }
     266        /**
     267         * @group type
     268         * @group spam
     269         */
     270        public function test_bp_user_query_type_alphabetical_spam_xprofileoff() {
     271                $u1 = $this->create_user();
     272                $u2 = $this->create_user();
     274                // Make sure xprofile and profile sync are off
     275                $xprofile_toggle = isset( buddypress()->active_components['xprofile'] );
     276                buddypress()->active_components['xprofile'] = 0;
     277                add_filter( 'bp_disable_profile_sync', '__return_false' );
     279                bp_core_process_spammer_status( $u1, 'spam' );
     281                $q = new BP_User_Query( array( 'type' => 'alphabetical', ) );
     283                // Restore xprofile setting
     284                if ( $xprofile_toggle ) {
     285                        buddypress()->active_components['xprofile'] = 1;
     286                } else {
     287                        unset( buddypress()->active_components['xprofile'] );
     288                }
     289                remove_filter( 'bp_disable_profile_sync', '__return_false' );
     291                $found_user_ids = null;
     293                if ( ! empty( $q->results ) ) {
     294                        $found_user_ids = array_values( wp_parse_id_list( wp_list_pluck( $q->results, 'ID' ) ) );
     295                }
     297                // Do a assertNotContains because there are weird issues with user #1 as created by WP
     298                $this->assertNotContains( $u1, $found_user_ids );
     299        }