1 | <?php |
2 | function groups_directory_groups_setup() { |
3 | global $bp, $current_blog; |
4 | |
5 | if ( $bp['current_component'] == $bp['groups']['slug'] && $bp['current_action'] == '' ) { |
6 | add_action( 'bp_template_content', 'groups_directory_groups_content' ); |
7 | add_action( 'bp_template_sidebar', 'groups_directory_groups_sidebar' ); |
8 | |
9 | wp_enqueue_script( 'bp-groups-directory-groups', site_url( MUPLUGINDIR . '/bp-groups/js/directory-groups.js' ), array( 'jquery', 'jquery-livequery-pack' ) ); |
10 | wp_enqueue_style( 'bp-groups-directory-groups', site_url( MUPLUGINDIR . '/bp-groups/css/directory-groups.css' ) ); |
11 | |
12 | if ( file_exists( TEMPLATEPATH . '/plugin-template.php' ) ) |
13 | bp_core_load_template('plugin-template'); |
14 | else |
15 | wp_die( __( 'To enable the group directory you must drop the "plugin-template.php" file into your theme directory.', 'buddypress' ) ); |
16 | } |
17 | } |
18 | add_action( 'wp', 'groups_directory_groups_setup', 5 ); |
19 | |
20 | function groups_directory_groups_content() { |
21 | global $bp; |
22 | |
23 | $pag_page = isset( $_GET['page'] ) ? intval( $_GET['page'] ) : 1; |
24 | $pag_num = isset( $_GET['num'] ) ? intval( $_GET['num'] ) : 10; |
25 | |
26 | if ( isset( $_GET['s'] ) ) |
27 | $groups = BP_Groups_Group::search_groups( $_GET['s'], $pag_num, $pag_page ); |
28 | else |
29 | $groups = groups_get_active( $pag_num, $pag_page ); |
30 | |
31 | |
32 | $pag_links = paginate_links( array( |
33 | 'base' => add_query_arg( 'page', '%#%' ), |
34 | 'format' => '', |
35 | 'total' => ceil( $groups['total'] / $pag_num ), |
36 | 'current' => $pag_page, |
37 | 'prev_text' => '«', |
38 | 'next_text' => '»', |
39 | 'mid_size' => 1 |
40 | )); |
41 | |
42 | $from_num = intval( ( $pag_page - 1 ) * $pag_num ) + 1; |
43 | $to_num = ( $from_num + ( $pag_num - 1 ) > $groups['total'] ) ? $groups['total'] : $from_num + ( $pag_num - 1 ); |
44 | |
45 | ?> |
46 | <div id="content" class="narrowcolumn"> |
47 | |
48 | <form action="<?php echo site_url() . '/' ?>" method="post" id="groups-directory-form"> |
49 | <div class="widget"> |
50 | <h2 class="widgettitle"><?php _e( 'Group Directory', 'buddypress' ) ?></h2> |
51 | <ul id="letter-list"> |
52 | <li><a href="#a" id="letter-a">A</a></li> |
53 | <li><a href="#b" id="letter-b">B</a></li> |
54 | <li><a href="#c" id="letter-c">C</a></li> |
55 | <li><a href="#d" id="letter-d">D</a></li> |
56 | <li><a href="#e" id="letter-e">E</a></li> |
57 | <li><a href="#f" id="letter-f">F</a></li> |
58 | <li><a href="#g" id="letter-g">G</a></li> |
59 | <li><a href="#h" id="letter-h">H</a></li> |
60 | <li><a href="#i" id="letter-i">I</a></li> |
61 | <li><a href="#j" id="letter-j">J</a></li> |
62 | <li><a href="#k" id="letter-k">K</a></li> |
63 | <li><a href="#l" id="letter-l">L</a></li> |
64 | <li><a href="#m" id="letter-m">M</a></li> |
65 | <li><a href="#n" id="letter-n">N</a></li> |
66 | <li><a href="#o" id="letter-o">O</a></li> |
67 | <li><a href="#p" id="letter-p">P</a></li> |
68 | <li><a href="#q" id="letter-q">Q</a></li> |
69 | <li><a href="#r" id="letter-r">R</a></li> |
70 | <li><a href="#s" id="letter-s">S</a></li> |
71 | <li><a href="#t" id="letter-t">T</a></li> |
72 | <li><a href="#u" id="letter-u">U</a></li> |
73 | <li><a href="#v" id="letter-v">V</a></li> |
74 | <li><a href="#w" id="letter-w">W</a></li> |
75 | <li><a href="#x" id="letter-x">X</a></li> |
76 | <li><a href="#y" id="letter-y">Y</a></li> |
77 | <li><a href="#z" id="letter-z">Z</a></li> |
78 | </ul> |
79 | |
80 | <div class="clear"></div> |
81 | </div> |
82 | |
83 | <div class="widget"> |
84 | <h2 class="widgettitle"><?php _e( 'Group Listing', 'buddypress' ) ?></h2> |
85 | |
86 | <div id="group-dir-list"> |
87 | <?php if ( $groups['groups'] ) : ?> |
88 | <div id="group-dir-count" class="pag-count"> |
89 | <?php echo sprintf( __( 'Viewing group %d to %d (%d total active groups)', 'buddypress' ), $from_num, $to_num, $groups['total'] ); ?> |
90 | <img id="ajax-loader-groups" src="<?php echo $bp['core']['image_base'] ?>/ajax-loader.gif" height="7" alt="<?php _e( "Loading", "buddypress" ) ?>" style="display: none;" /> |
91 | </div> |
92 | |
93 | <div class="pagination-links" id="group-dir-pag"> |
94 | <?php echo $pag_links ?> |
95 | </div> |
96 | |
97 | <ul id="groups-list" class="item-list"> |
98 | <?php foreach ( $groups['groups'] as $group ) : ?> |
99 | <?php $group = new BP_Groups_Group( $group->group_id, false, false ); ?> |
100 | <li> |
101 | <div class="item-avatar"> |
102 | <a href="<?php echo bp_group_permalink( $group ) ?>" title="<?php echo $group->name ?>"><img src="<?php echo $group->avatar_thumb ?>" class="avatar" alt="<?php echo $group->name ?> Avatar" /></a> |
103 | </div> |
104 | |
105 | <div class="item"> |
106 | <div class="item-title"><a href="<?php echo bp_group_permalink( $group ) ?>" title="<?php echo $group->name ?>"><?php echo $group->name ?></a></div> |
107 | <div class="item-meta"><span class="activity"><?php echo bp_core_get_last_activity( groups_get_groupmeta( $group->id, 'last_activity' ), __('active %s ago', 'buddypress') ) ?></span></div> |
108 | <div class="item-meta desc"><?php echo bp_create_excerpt( $group->description ) ?></div> |
109 | </div> |
110 | |
111 | <div class="action"> |
112 | <?php bp_group_join_button( $group ) ?> |
113 | <div class="meta"> |
114 | <?php $member_count = groups_get_groupmeta( $group->id, 'total_member_count' ) ?> |
115 | <?php echo ucwords($group->status) ?> <?php _e( 'Group', 'buddypress' ) ?> / |
116 | <?php if ( $member_count == 1 ) : ?> |
117 | <?php printf( __( '%d member', 'buddypress' ), $member_count ) ?> |
118 | <?php else : ?> |
119 | <?php printf( __( '%d members', 'buddypress' ), $member_count ) ?> |
120 | <?php endif; ?> |
121 | </div> |
122 | </div> |
123 | |
124 | <div class="clear"></div> |
125 | </li> |
126 | <?php endforeach; ?> |
127 | </ul> |
128 | |
129 | <?php |
130 | if ( isset( $_GET['s'] ) ) { |
131 | echo '<input type="hidden" id="search_terms" value="' . $_GET['s'] . '" name="search_terms" />'; |
132 | } |
133 | ?> |
134 | |
135 | <?php else: ?> |
136 | <div id="message" class="info"> |
137 | <p><?php _e( 'No groups found.', 'buddypress' ) ?></p> |
138 | </div> |
139 | <?php endif; ?> |
140 | </div> |
141 | |
142 | </div> |
143 | |
144 | <?php do_action( 'groups_directory_groups_content' ) ?> |
145 | |
146 | <?php wp_nonce_field('directory_groups', '_wpnonce-group-filter' ) ?> |
147 | </form> |
148 | |
149 | </div> |
150 | <?php |
151 | } |
152 | |
153 | function groups_directory_groups_sidebar() { |
154 | global $bp; |
155 | ?> |
156 | <div class="widget"> |
157 | <h2 class="widgettitle"><?php _e( 'Find Groups', 'buddypress' ) ?></h2> |
158 | <form action="<?php echo site_url() . '/' . $bp['groups']['slug'] . '/search/' ?>" method="post" id="search-groups-form"> |
159 | <label><input type="text" name="groups_search" id="groups_search" value="<?php if ( isset( $_GET['s'] ) ) { echo $_GET['s']; } else { _e('Search anything...', 'buddypress' ); } ?>" onfocus="if (this.value == '<?php _e('Search anything...', 'buddypress' ) ?>') {this.value = '';}" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = '<?php _e('Search anything...', 'buddypress' ) ?>';}" /></label> |
160 | <input type="submit" id="groups_search_submit" name="groups_search_submit" value="Search" /> |
161 | </form> |
162 | </div> |
163 | |
164 | <div class="widget"> |
165 | <h2 class="widgettitle"><?php _e( 'Featured Groups', 'buddypress' ) ?></h2> |
166 | |
167 | <?php $groups = BP_Groups_Group::get_random( 3, 1 ) ?> |
168 | |
169 | <?php if ( $groups['groups'] ) { ?> |
170 | <ul id="featured-group-list" class="item-list"> |
171 | <?php foreach( $groups['groups'] as $group ) : ?> |
172 | <?php $group = new BP_Groups_Group( $group->group_id, false, false ); ?> |
173 | <li> |
174 | <div class="item-avatar"> |
175 | <a href="<?php echo bp_group_permalink( $group ) ?>" title="<?php echo $group->name ?>"><img src="<?php echo $group->avatar_thumb ?>" class="avatar" alt="<?php echo $group->name ?> Avatar" /></a> |
176 | </div> |
177 | |
178 | <div class="item"> |
179 | <div class="item-title"><a href="<?php echo bp_group_permalink( $group ) ?>" title="<?php echo $group->name ?>"><?php echo $group->name ?></a></div> |
180 | <div class="item-meta"><span class="activity"><?php echo bp_core_get_last_activity( groups_get_groupmeta( $group->id, 'last_activity' ), __('active %s ago', 'buddypress') ) ?></span></div> |
181 | |
182 | <div class="item-title group-data"> |
183 | <p class="field-name"><?php _e( 'Members', 'buddypress' ) ?>: <span><?php echo groups_get_groupmeta( $group->id, 'total_member_count' ) ?></span></p> |
184 | <p class="field-name"><?php _e( 'Description', 'buddypress' ) ?>:</p> |
185 | <?php echo bp_create_excerpt( $group->description ) ?> |
186 | </div> |
187 | </div> |
188 | </li> |
189 | <?php endforeach; ?> |
190 | </ul> |
191 | <?php } else { ?> |
192 | <div id="message" class="info"> |
193 | <p><?php _e( 'There are no groups to feature.', 'buddypress' ) ?></p> |
194 | </div> |
195 | <?php } ?> |
196 | </div> |
197 | |
198 | <?php do_action( 'groups_directory_groups_sidebar' ) ?> |
199 | |
200 | <?php |
201 | } |