Ticket #3711: 3711.01.patch
File 3711.01.patch, 918 bytes (added by , 13 years ago) |
185 185 <?php echo bp_core_fetch_avatar( array( 'item_id' => bp_get_member_user_id(), 'type' => 'thumb', 'width' => 30, 'height' => 30, 'alt' => __( 'Profile picture of %s', 'buddypress' ) ) ) ?> 186 186 <h5> 187 187 <a href="<?php bp_member_permalink(); ?>"> <?php bp_member_name(); ?></a> 188 <?php if ( count( bp_group_admin_ids( false, 'array' ) ) > 1 ) : ?> 188 189 <span class="small"> 189 190 <a class="button confirm admin-demote-to-member" href="<?php bp_group_member_demote_link( bp_get_member_user_id() ) ?>"><?php _e( 'Demote to Member', 'buddypress' ) ?></a> 190 191 </span> 192 <?php endif; ?> 191 193 </h5> 192 194 </li> 193 195 <?php endwhile; ?>