Ticket #3364: 3364-1.patch
File 3364-1.patch, 5.5 KB (added by , 14 years ago) |
11 11 */ 12 12 13 13 ?> 14 15 14 <?php do_action( 'bp_before_activity_entry' ); ?> 16 15 17 16 <li class="<?php bp_activity_css_class(); ?>" id="activity-<?php bp_activity_id(); ?>"> 18 17 <div class="activity-avatar"> 19 18 <a href="<?php bp_activity_user_link(); ?>"> 20 19 21 <?php bp_activity_avatar( 'type= full&width=100&height=100' ); ?>20 <?php bp_activity_avatar( 'type=thumb' ); ?> 22 21 23 22 </a> 24 23 </div> -
17 17 <li id="acomment-<?php bp_activity_comment_id(); ?>"> 18 18 <div class="acomment-avatar"> 19 19 <a href="<?php bp_activity_comment_user_link(); ?>"> 20 <?php bp_activity_avatar( 'type= full&width=25&height=25&user_id=' . bp_get_activity_comment_user_id() ); ?>20 <?php bp_activity_avatar( 'type=tiny&user_id=' . bp_get_activity_comment_user_id() ); ?> 21 21 </a> 22 22 </div> 23 23 -
417 417 margin-right: 30px; 418 418 margin-left: 0; 419 419 } 420 .activity-list li.activity_comment .activity-avatar img.avatar,421 .activity-list li.activity_comment .activity-avatar img.FB_profile_pic {422 margin-right: 10px;423 margin-left: 0;424 }425 body.activity-permalink .activity-list li .activity-avatar img.avatar,426 body.activity-permalink .activity-list li .activity-avatar img.FB_profile_pic {427 margin-left: auto;428 margin-right: 0;429 }430 420 body.activity-permalink .activity-list li .activity-header > p { 431 421 margin-left: auto; 432 422 margin-right: -35px; -
1131 1131 margin-left: 30px; 1132 1132 width: 20px; 1133 1133 } 1134 .activity-list li.activity_comment .activity-avatar img.avatar,1135 .activity-list li.activity_comment .activity-avatar img.FB_profile_pic {1136 height: 40px;1137 margin-left: 20px;1138 width: 40px;1139 }1140 1134 body.activity-permalink .activity-list > li:first-child { 1141 1135 padding-top: 0; 1142 1136 } 1143 body.activity-permalink .activity-list li .activity-avatar img.avatar,1144 body.activity-permalink .activity-list li .activity-avatar img.FB_profile_pic {1145 height: 100px;1146 margin-left: 0;1147 width: 100px;1148 }1149 1137 .activity-list li .activity-content { 1150 1138 position: relative; 1151 1139 } … … 1180 1168 overflow: hidden; 1181 1169 padding: 0; 1182 1170 } 1183 .activity-list .activity-avatar img {1184 width: 50px;1185 height: 50px;1186 }1187 body.activity-permalink .activity-list .activity-avatar img {1188 width: 100px;1189 height: 100px;1190 }1191 1171 .activity-list .activity-content { 1192 1172 margin-left: 70px; 1193 1173 margin-bottom: 15px; -
14 14 */ 15 15 function bp_core_set_avatar_constants() { 16 16 global $bp; 17 18 if ( !defined( 'BP_AVATAR_TINY_WIDTH' ) ) 19 define( 'BP_AVATAR_TINY_WIDTH', 25 ); 20 21 if ( !defined( 'BP_AVATAR_TINY_HEIGHT' ) ) 22 define( 'BP_AVATAR_TINY_HEIGHT', 25 ); 17 23 18 24 if ( !defined( 'BP_AVATAR_THUMB_WIDTH' ) ) 19 25 define( 'BP_AVATAR_THUMB_WIDTH', 50 ); … … 49 55 global $bp; 50 56 51 57 // Dimensions 58 $bp->avatar->tiny->width = BP_AVATAR_TINY_WIDTH; 59 $bp->avatar->tiny->height = BP_AVATAR_TINY_HEIGHT; 52 60 $bp->avatar->thumb->width = BP_AVATAR_THUMB_WIDTH; 53 61 $bp->avatar->thumb->height = BP_AVATAR_THUMB_HEIGHT; 54 62 $bp->avatar->full->width = BP_AVATAR_FULL_WIDTH; -
562 562 * @return string 563 563 */ 564 564 function bp_get_activity_avatar( $args = '' ) { 565 global $ bp, $activities_template;565 global $activities_template, $bp; 566 566 567 567 $defaults = array( 568 'type' => 'thumb', 569 'width' => 20, 570 'height' => 20, 568 'alt' => __( 'Profile picture of %s', 'buddypress' ), 571 569 'class' => 'avatar', 572 'alt' => __( 'Profile picture of %s', 'buddypress' ),573 570 'email' => false, 571 'type' => 'thumb', 574 572 'user_id' => false 575 573 ); 576 574 577 575 $r = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); 578 576 extract( $r, EXTR_SKIP ); 579 577 578 if ( !isset( $height ) && !isset( $width ) ) { // Backpat 579 if ( 'full' == $type ) { 580 $height = $bp->avatar->full->height; 581 $width = $bp->avatar->full->width; 582 583 } elseif ( 'thumb' == $type ) { 584 $height = $bp->avatar->thumb->height; 585 $width = $bp->avatar->thumb->width; 586 587 } elseif ( 'tiny' == $type ) { 588 $height = $bp->avatar->tiny->height; 589 $width = $bp->avatar->tiny->width; 590 } 591 } 592 580 593 // Within the loop, we the current activity should be set first to the 581 594 // current_comment, if available 582 595 $current_activity_item = isset( $activities_template->activity->current_comment ) ? $activities_template->activity->current_comment : $activities_template->activity;