Ticket #2707: 2707.006.patch
File 2707.006.patch, 17.5 KB (added by , 14 years ago) |
1080 1080 } 1081 1081 } 1082 1082 1083 /** 1084 * BP_Embed 1085 * 1086 * Extends WP_Embed class for use with BuddyPress. 1087 * 1088 * @package BuddyPress Core 1089 * @since 1.3 1090 * @see WP_Embed 1091 */ 1092 class BP_Embed extends WP_Embed { 1093 1094 /** 1095 * PHP4 constructor 1096 */ 1097 function BP_Embed() { 1098 return $this->__construct(); 1099 } 1100 1101 /** 1102 * Class constructor 1103 */ 1104 function __construct() { 1105 global $wp_embed; 1106 1107 // Make sure we populate the WP_Embed handlers array. 1108 // These are providers that use a regex callback on the URL in question. 1109 // Do not confuse with oEmbed providers, which require an external ping. 1110 // Used in WP_Embed::shortcode() 1111 $this->handlers = $wp_embed->handlers; 1112 1113 if( !defined( 'BP_EMBED_DISABLE_ACTIVITY' ) ) { 1114 add_filter( 'bp_get_activity_content_body', array( &$this, 'autoembed' ), 8 ); 1115 add_filter( 'bp_get_activity_content_body', array( &$this, 'run_shortcode' ), 7 ); 1116 } 1117 1118 if( !defined( 'BP_EMBED_DISABLE_ACTIVITY_REPLIES' ) ) { 1119 add_filter( 'bp_get_activity_content', array( &$this, 'autoembed' ), 8 ); 1120 add_filter( 'bp_get_activity_content', array( &$this, 'run_shortcode' ), 7 ); 1121 } 1122 1123 if( !defined( 'BP_EMBED_DISABLE_FORUM_POSTS' ) ) { 1124 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_post_content', array( &$this, 'autoembed' ), 8 ); 1125 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_post_content', array( &$this, 'run_shortcode' ), 7 ); 1126 } 1127 } 1128 1129 /** 1130 * The {@link do_shortcode()} callback function. 1131 * 1132 * Attempts to convert a URL into embed HTML. Starts by checking the URL against the regex of the registered embed handlers. 1133 * Next, checks the URL against the regex of registered {@link WP_oEmbed} providers if oEmbed discovery is false. 1134 * If none of the regex matches and it's enabled, then the URL will be passed to {@link BP_Embed::parse_oembed()} for oEmbed parsing. 1135 * 1136 * @uses wp_parse_args() 1137 * @uses wp_embed_defaults() 1138 * @uses author_can() 1139 * @uses _wp_oembed_get_object() 1140 * @uses WP_Embed::maybe_make_link() 1141 * 1142 * @param array $attr Shortcode attributes. 1143 * @param string $url The URL attempting to be embeded. 1144 * @return string The embed HTML on success, otherwise the original URL. 1145 */ 1146 function shortcode( $attr, $url = '' ) { 1147 1148 if ( empty( $url ) ) 1149 return ''; 1150 1151 $rawattr = $attr; 1152 $attr = wp_parse_args( $attr, wp_embed_defaults() ); 1153 1154 // kses converts & into & and we need to undo this 1155 // See http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/11311 1156 $url = str_replace( '&', '&', $url ); 1157 1158 // Look for known internal handlers 1159 ksort( $this->handlers ); 1160 foreach ( $this->handlers as $priority => $handlers ) { 1161 foreach ( $handlers as $id => $handler ) { 1162 if ( preg_match( $handler['regex'], $url, $matches ) && is_callable( $handler['callback'] ) ) { 1163 if ( false !== $return = call_user_func( $handler['callback'], $matches, $attr, $url, $rawattr ) ) 1164 return apply_filters( 'embed_handler_html', $return, $url, $attr ); 1165 } 1166 } 1167 } 1168 1169 // Get object ID 1170 $id = apply_filters( 'embed_post_id', $id ); 1171 1172 // Is oEmbed discovery on? 1173 $attr['discover'] = ( apply_filters( 'bp_embed_oembed_discover', false ) && author_can( $id, 'unfiltered_html' ) ); 1174 1175 // Set up a new WP oEmbed object to check URL with registered oEmbed providers 1176 require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-oembed.php' ); 1177 $oembed_obj = _wp_oembed_get_object(); 1178 1179 // If oEmbed discovery is true, skip oEmbed provider check 1180 $is_oembed_link = false; 1181 if ( !$attr['discover'] ) { 1182 foreach ( (array)$oembed_obj->providers as $provider_matchmask => $provider ) { 1183 $regex = ( $is_regex = $provider[1] ) ? $provider_matchmask : '#' . str_replace( '___wildcard___', '(.+)', preg_quote( str_replace( '*', '___wildcard___', $provider_matchmask ), '#' ) ) . '#i'; 1184 1185 if ( preg_match( $regex, $url ) ) 1186 $is_oembed_link = true; 1187 } 1188 1189 // If url doesn't match a WP oEmbed provider, stop parsing 1190 if ( !$is_oembed_link ) 1191 return $this->maybe_make_link( $url ); 1192 } 1193 1194 return $this->parse_oembed( $id, $url, $attr, $rawattr ); 1195 } 1196 1197 /** 1198 * Base function so BP components / plugins can parse links to be embedded. 1199 * View an example to add support in {@link bp_activity_embed()}. 1200 * 1201 * @uses apply_filters() Filters cache. 1202 * @uses do_action() To save cache. 1203 * @uses wp_oembed_get() Connects to oEmbed provider and returns HTML on success. 1204 * @uses WP_Embed::maybe_make_link() Process URL for hyperlinking on oEmbed failure. 1205 * @param int $id ID to do the caching for. 1206 * @param string $url The URL attempting to be embedded. 1207 * @param array $attr Shortcode attributes from {@link WP_Embed::shortcode()}. 1208 * @param array $rawattr Untouched shortcode attributes from {@link WP_Embed::shortcode()}. 1209 * @return string The embed HTML on success, otherwise the original URL. 1210 */ 1211 function parse_oembed( $id, $url, $attr, $rawattr ) { 1212 1213 if ( $id ) { 1214 1215 // Setup the cachekey 1216 $cachekey = '_oembed_' . md5( $url . serialize( $attr ) ); 1217 1218 // Let components / plugins grab their cache 1219 $cache = apply_filters( 'bp_embed_get_cache', $cache, $id, $cachekey, $url, $attr, $rawattr ); 1220 1221 // Grab cache and return it if available 1222 if ( !empty( $cache ) ) { 1223 return apply_filters( 'embed_oembed_html', $cache, $url, $attr, $rawattr ); 1224 } 1225 // If no cache, ping the oEmbed provider and cache the result 1226 else { 1227 $html = wp_oembed_get( $url, $attr ); 1228 $cache = ( $html ) ? $html : $url; 1229 1230 // Let components / plugins save their cache 1231 do_action( 'bp_embed_update_cache', $cache, $cachekey, $id ); 1232 1233 // If there was a result, return it 1234 if ( $html ) 1235 return apply_filters( 'embed_oembed_html', $html, $url, $attr, $rawattr ); 1236 } 1237 } 1238 1239 // Still unknown 1240 return $this->maybe_make_link( $url ); 1241 } 1242 } 1243 1083 1244 ?> -
18 18 */ 19 19 function bp_get_option( $option_name, $default = false ) { 20 20 $value = get_blog_option( bp_get_option_blog_id( $option_name ), $option_name, $default ); 21 21 22 22 return apply_filters( 'bp_get_option', $value ); 23 23 } 24 24 … … 83 83 $blog_specific_options = apply_filters( 'bp_blog_specific_options', array( 84 84 'bp-pages' 85 85 ) ); 86 86 87 87 if ( in_array( $option_name, $blog_specific_options ) ) { 88 88 if ( defined( 'BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG' ) && BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG ) { 89 89 $blog_id = get_current_blog_id(); … … 120 120 */ 121 121 function bp_core_get_page_meta() { 122 122 $page_ids = bp_get_option( 'bp-pages' ); 123 123 124 124 // Upgrading from an earlier version of BP pre-1.3 125 125 if ( !isset( $page_ids['members'] ) && $ms_page_ids = get_site_option( 'bp-pages' ) ) { 126 126 $is_enable_multiblog = is_multisite() && defined( 'BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG' ) && BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG ? true : false; 127 127 128 128 $page_blog_id = $is_enable_multiblog ? get_current_blog_id() : BP_ROOT_BLOG; 129 129 130 130 if ( isset( $ms_page_ids[$page_blog_id] ) ) { … … 133 133 bp_update_option( 'bp-pages', $page_ids ); 134 134 } 135 135 } 136 136 137 137 return apply_filters( 'bp_core_get_page_meta', $page_ids ); 138 138 } 139 139 … … 503 503 add_action( 'admin_init', 'bp_core_activation_notice' ); 504 504 505 505 /** 506 * Starts {@link BP_Embed} when BP is initialized. 507 * 508 * @package BuddyPress Core 509 * @since 1.3 510 */ 511 function bp_embed_init() { 512 $bp_embed = new BP_Embed(); 513 } 514 add_action( 'bp_init', 'bp_embed_init' ); 515 516 /** 506 517 * Returns the domain for the root blog. 507 518 * eg: http://domain.com/ OR https://domain.com 508 519 * … … 1007 1018 $meta_keys = "'" . implode( "','", (array)$site_options ) ."'"; 1008 1019 1009 1020 $site_meta = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT option_name AS name, option_value AS value FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE option_name IN ({$meta_keys})" ); 1010 1021 1011 1022 // Backward compatibility - moves sitemeta to the blog 1012 1023 if ( empty( $site_meta ) || ( count( $site_meta ) < count( $site_options ) ) ) { 1013 1024 if ( is_multisite() ) { … … 1015 1026 } else { 1016 1027 $ms_site_meta = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT option_name AS name, option_value AS value FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE option_name IN ({$meta_keys})" ); 1017 1028 } 1018 1029 1019 1030 $settings_to_move = array( 1020 1031 'bp-deactivated-components', 1021 1032 'bp-blogs-first-install', … … 1030 1041 'bb-config-location', 1031 1042 'hide-loggedout-adminbar', 1032 1043 ); 1033 1034 foreach( (array)$ms_site_meta as $meta ) { 1044 1045 foreach( (array)$ms_site_meta as $meta ) { 1035 1046 if ( isset( $meta->name ) && in_array( $meta->name, $settings_to_move ) ) { 1036 1047 bp_update_option( $meta->name, $meta->value ); 1037 1048 1038 1049 if ( empty( $site_meta[$meta->name] ) ) { 1039 1050 $site_meta[$meta->name] = $meta->value; 1040 1051 } … … 1270 1281 1271 1282 do_action( 'bp_do_404', $redirect ); 1272 1283 1273 $wp_query->set_404(); 1274 status_header( 404 ); 1284 $wp_query->set_404(); 1285 status_header( 404 ); 1275 1286 nocache_headers(); 1276 1287 1277 1288 if ( 'remove_canonical_direct' == $redirect ) -
962 962 return apply_filters( 'bp_activity_thumbnail_content_images', $content, $matches ); 963 963 } 964 964 965 /** Embeds *******************************************************************/ 966 967 /** 968 * Grabs the activity ID and attempts to retrieve the oEmbed cache (if it exists) 969 * during the activity loop. If no cache and link is embeddable, cache it. 970 * 971 * @see BP_Embed 972 * @see bp_embed_activity_cache() 973 * @see bp_embed_activity_save_cache() 974 * @package BuddyPress Activity 975 * @since 1.3 976 */ 977 function bp_activity_embed() { 978 add_filter( 'embed_post_id', 'bp_get_activity_id' ); 979 add_filter( 'bp_embed_get_cache', 'bp_embed_activity_cache', 10, 3 ); 980 add_action( 'bp_embed_update_cache', 'bp_embed_activity_save_cache', 10, 3 ); 981 } 982 add_action( 'activity_loop_start', 'bp_activity_embed' ); 983 984 /** 985 * Wrapper function for {@link bp_activity_get_meta()}. 986 * Used during {@link BP_Embed::parse_oembed()} via {@link bp_activity_embed()}. 987 * 988 * @package BuddyPress Activity 989 * @since 1.3 990 */ 991 function bp_embed_activity_cache( $cache, $id, $cachekey ) { 992 return bp_activity_get_meta( $id, $cachekey ); 993 } 994 995 /** 996 * Wrapper function for {@link bp_activity_update_meta()}. 997 * Used during {@link BP_Embed::parse_oembed()} via {@link bp_activity_embed()}. 998 * 999 * @package BuddyPress Activity 1000 * @since 1.3 1001 */ 1002 function bp_embed_activity_save_cache( $cache, $cachekey, $id ) { 1003 bp_activity_update_meta( $id, $cachekey, $cache ); 1004 } 1005 965 1006 ?> -
1 1 <?php 2 2 3 3 /* Apply WordPress defined filters */ 4 add_filter( 'bp_forums_bbconfig_location', 'wp_filter_kses', 1 );5 add_filter( 'bp_forums_bbconfig_location', 'esc_attr', 1 );4 add_filter( 'bp_forums_bbconfig_location', 'wp_filter_kses', 1 ); 5 add_filter( 'bp_forums_bbconfig_location', 'esc_attr', 1 ); 6 6 7 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_title', 'wp_filter_kses', 1 ); 8 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_latest_post_excerpt', 'bp_forums_filter_kses', 1 ); 9 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_post_content', 'bp_forums_filter_kses', 1 ); 10 11 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_title', 'force_balance_tags' ); 12 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_latest_post_excerpt', 'force_balance_tags' ); 13 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_post_content', 'force_balance_tags' ); 14 15 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_title', 'wptexturize' ); 16 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_poster_name', 'wptexturize' ); 17 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_last_poster_name', 'wptexturize' ); 18 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_post_content', 'wptexturize' ); 19 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_post_poster_name', 'wptexturize' ); 20 21 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_title', 'convert_smilies' ); 22 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_latest_post_excerpt', 'convert_smilies' ); 23 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_post_content', 'convert_smilies' ); 24 25 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_title', 'convert_chars' ); 26 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_latest_post_excerpt', 'convert_chars' ); 27 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_post_content', 'convert_chars' ); 28 29 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_post_content', 'wpautop' ); 30 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_latest_post_excerpt', 'wpautop' ); 31 32 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_post_content', 'stripslashes_deep' ); 33 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_title', 'stripslashes_deep' ); 34 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_latest_post_excerpt', 'stripslashes_deep' ); 35 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_poster_name', 'stripslashes_deep' ); 36 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_last_poster_name', 'stripslashes_deep' ); 37 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_object_name', 'stripslashes_deep' ); 38 39 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_post_content', 'make_clickable', 9 ); 40 41 add_filter( 'bp_get_forum_topic_count_for_user', 'bp_core_number_format' ); 42 add_filter( 'bp_get_forum_topic_count', 'bp_core_number_format' ); 43 44 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_title', 'bp_forums_make_nofollow_filter' ); 45 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_latest_post_excerpt', 'bp_forums_make_nofollow_filter' ); 46 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_post_content', 'bp_forums_make_nofollow_filter' ); 7 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_title', 'wp_filter_kses', 1 ); 8 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_latest_post_excerpt', 'bp_forums_filter_kses', 1 ); 9 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_post_content', 'bp_forums_filter_kses', 1 ); 10 11 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_title', 'force_balance_tags' ); 12 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_latest_post_excerpt', 'force_balance_tags' ); 13 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_post_content', 'force_balance_tags' ); 14 15 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_title', 'wptexturize' ); 16 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_poster_name', 'wptexturize' ); 17 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_last_poster_name', 'wptexturize' ); 18 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_post_content', 'wptexturize' ); 19 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_post_poster_name', 'wptexturize' ); 20 21 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_title', 'convert_smilies' ); 22 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_latest_post_excerpt', 'convert_smilies' ); 23 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_post_content', 'convert_smilies' ); 24 25 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_title', 'convert_chars' ); 26 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_latest_post_excerpt', 'convert_chars' ); 27 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_post_content', 'convert_chars' ); 28 29 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_post_content', 'wpautop' ); 30 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_latest_post_excerpt', 'wpautop' ); 31 32 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_post_content', 'stripslashes_deep' ); 33 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_title', 'stripslashes_deep' ); 34 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_latest_post_excerpt', 'stripslashes_deep' ); 35 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_poster_name', 'stripslashes_deep' ); 36 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_last_poster_name', 'stripslashes_deep' ); 37 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_object_name', 'stripslashes_deep' ); 38 39 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_post_content', 'make_clickable', 9 ); 40 41 add_filter( 'bp_get_forum_topic_count_for_user', 'bp_core_number_format' ); 42 add_filter( 'bp_get_forum_topic_count', 'bp_core_number_format' ); 43 44 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_title', 'bp_forums_make_nofollow_filter' ); 45 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_latest_post_excerpt', 'bp_forums_make_nofollow_filter' ); 46 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_post_content', 'bp_forums_make_nofollow_filter' ); 47 48 // Allow shortcodes in activity posts 49 add_filter( 'bp_get_the_topic_post_content', 'do_shortcode' ); 47 50 48 51 function bp_forums_filter_kses( $content ) { 49 52 global $allowedtags; -
502 502 add_action( 'bp_forums_new_topic', 'bp_core_clear_cache' ); 503 503 add_action( 'bp_forums_new_post', 'bp_core_clear_cache' ); 504 504 505 /** Embeds *******************************************************************/ 506 507 /** 508 * Grabs the topic post ID and attempts to retrieve the oEmbed cache (if it exists) 509 * during the forum topic loop. If no cache and link is embeddable, cache it. 510 * 511 * @see BP_Embed 512 * @see bp_embed_forum_cache() 513 * @see bp_embed_forum_save_cache() 514 * @package BuddyPress_Forums 515 * @since 1.3 516 */ 517 function bp_forums_embed() { 518 add_filter( 'embed_post_id', 'bp_get_the_topic_post_id' ); 519 add_filter( 'bp_embed_get_cache', 'bp_embed_forum_cache', 10, 3 ); 520 add_action( 'bp_embed_update_cache', 'bp_embed_forum_save_cache', 10, 3 ); 521 } 522 add_action( 'topic_loop_start', 'bp_forums_embed' ); 523 524 /** 525 * Wrapper function for {@link bb_get_postmeta()}. 526 * Used during {@link BP_Embed::parse_oembed()} via {@link bp_forums_embed()}. 527 * 528 * @package BuddyPress_Forums 529 * @since 1.3 530 */ 531 function bp_embed_forum_cache( $cache, $id, $cachekey ) { 532 return bb_get_postmeta( $id, $cachekey ); 533 } 534 535 /** 536 * Wrapper function for {@link bb_update_postmeta()}. 537 * Used during {@link BP_Embed::parse_oembed()} via {@link bp_forums_embed()}. 538 * 539 * @package BuddyPress_Forums 540 * @since 1.3 541 */ 542 function bp_embed_forum_save_cache( $cache, $cachekey, $id ) { 543 bb_update_postmeta( $id, $cachekey, $cache ); 544 } 545 505 546 ?>