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Ticket #1275: 1275.patch

File 1275.patch, 1.5 KB (added by MrMaz, 15 years ago)
  • home.php

    # This patch file was generated by NetBeans IDE
    # Following Index: paths are relative to: \\UBU\www\sandbox\public_html\wp-content\plugins\buddypress\bp-themes\bp-sn-parent\groups\single
    # This patch can be applied using context Tools: Patch action on respective folder.
    # It uses platform neutral UTF-8 encoding and \n newlines.
    # Above lines and this line are ignored by the patching process.
    116116                                                                                <li>
    117117                                                                                        <a class="topic-avatar" href="<?php bp_the_topic_permalink() ?>" title="<?php bp_the_topic_title() ?> - <?php _e( 'Permalink', 'buddypress' ) ?>"><?php bp_the_topic_last_poster_avatar( 'width=30&height=30') ?></a>
    118118                                                                                        <a class="topic-title" href="<?php bp_the_topic_permalink() ?>" title="<?php bp_the_topic_title() ?> - <?php _e( 'Permalink', 'buddypress' ) ?>"><?php bp_the_topic_title() ?></a>
    119                                                                                         <span class="small topic-meta">(<?php bp_the_topic_total_post_count() ?> &rarr; <?php bp_the_topic_time_since_last_post() ?> ago)</span>
    120  No newline at end of file
     119                                                                                        <span class="small topic-meta">(<?php bp_the_topic_total_post_count() ?> &rarr; <?php bp_the_topic_time_since_last_post() ?> <?php _e( 'ago', 'buddypress' ) ?> )</span>
     120 No newline at end of file
    121121                                                                                        <span class="small latest topic-excerpt"><?php bp_the_topic_latest_post_excerpt() ?></span>